fitler dining room

fitler dining room

hello, i'm jennifer with jenniferdecorates and today i'm going to show you how to make an elegant silk floralarrangement so stay tuned. the first thing i want to start with is containers. so youcan find them anywhere. you can find them at home decor stores and craft stores. theone i chose - i chose one with a little bit of height because i'm going tomake a rather large floral because it's going to be for a dining room table. theone thing you need to consider when choosing your containers is the widerthe mouth the more florals you're going to need. smaller the mouth, less floral. somine's pretty big because i knew i was going to need a lot of florals and ialso chose one with mercury glass,

very elegant. the first thing we need todo is we need to add our styro-foam block. this is what anchors our flowers intothe containers. normally i'll kind of measure it figure out it how big itneeds to be, kind of shove it down into the container. but i'm not going to do itwith this one because it's a little too delicate. so what i'm going, i'm going toglue it into the container. i'm going to make sure it's the right size,. so, firstit's a little too tall. so i'm going to cut it down just alittle bit. so the key to making an elegant floralarrangement isn't just the arranging of the flowers. it's the choosing of the flowers. you want to choose ones that look as

realistic as possible . and then my ruleof thumb for floral arranging is - i like to choose a large flower, a medium flower, anda small flower. and then i like to choose what i call a filler, which fills in thegaps and it's something like this. so then the next thing is - to kind of - i'mgoing to decide what's the design of the floral . now this floral is going to go ona dining table that's rectangular. so i'm going to kind of have my floralarrangement being more - follow the flow of the tables. so i'm going to start withthese flowers. i love them. they're kind of long and i'm going to trim them a littlebit. i place my first one in, and i'm gonna kind of look and think - oh that's alittle big - let me trim it a little

shorter - i'm gonna bend it down a littlebit. and i'm gonna mimic the other side. now i know how wide i've got the floral. nowit's time to determine how high i'm going to have it. i'm gonna start with mylarge flowers first. love hydrangeas not only are they just beautiful, but you geta lot of bang for your buck. especially if you're going be making large floralarrangements. alright, so i'm gonna hold it up, and kind of determine how high iwant my floral to be and snip it, but remember to give yourself enoughroom to put the stem down into a styrofoam, and the bigger the flower theharder it is to trim. now i don't want all these leaves, again,i don't want a ton of leaves, we don't

want an overabundance of leaves in ourfloral arrangements. i'm going to trim quite a few of those off. i'm ready to putmy first large flower in. all right i love that, that looks great. and that'sgonna determine my height. okay i did my other two hydrangeas . and i placed themon each side of the taller one. now if i was making this arrangement for a roundtable i probably would have add more hydrangea here and one more here. butsince i'm not, we are going to move on and go with the medium flowers that i chose andi love these. these are peonies. so let me trim those up a little i'm going toplace one here and one in the back. i've added my peonies and when you kind oflook at the top - i kind of add it up in a

triangle. you can totally tell we've gotthe framework of this floral arrangement finished. so now we need to add thissmaller flowers and the fillers. i love these little flowers . they have a littlehint of green in them and if you kind of look at the color scheme i chose for thefloral arrangement , it's mostly white with a hint of green. all right let me put these - let me trim some leaves off and then let me put these beautiful little flowers in. so after i've stuck these small flowersin i kind of take an evaluation of the floral and i'm looking at it andthinking "hmmm" i think i'd like to see another peony here and maybe on thisside. so i'm going to trim a couple more

and fill in that gap that's bothering me.much better! now, i'm ready to add the last floral and that's my fillers. isnipped this one, and i"m gonna stick it in and then kind of bend it so it's kind of flowing outfrom the floral arrangement. so i added my greenery, the darker one,around the bottom of the container. i'm taking a look at it i think i wantto add just a little bit more fillers. and then i'm gonna be done. so there wehave an elegant floral arrangement. you can do this! you just have to keep inmind that you want to balance out your floral arrangement. don't overstuff it.and when you have gaps, that's where you're gonna put in the little fillers. whether it's little teeny flowers or

just a little bit of greenery. thank youfor watching. if you have any questions leave them in the comments below. be sureto subscribe to my channel because we're gonna have a lot more fun videos comingyour way. have a great day! you

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