eclectic dining room

eclectic dining room

hi, i’m karin. i own the design firm karin bennett designshere in burlington, ontario. and i’m jackie, and i’m a lead stylist here at karin bennettdesigns. we’re here in our clients’ dining room, now this is a great space. the proportions are quite large actually, at15x14. when we were first brought in to this project, we really wanted a round table. i love a round table when we have almosta square room. the tricky part of this was that we had two large entryways coming into the dining room. so what we decided to dowas keep the light fixture where it was, since it’s plaster mouldings we really didn’t want to disrupt the ceiling, so wekept the center pendant…the center ceiling chandelier, and we ordered a round table right in the center of the actually really works, even thought we have two entry points. so we decided to go with a beautifully saturated color for thisroom. we wanted to add some depth, so that you could really see the beautiful original mouldings in this space. when wechose the color, we presented our client with some different

greys, some charcoal greys, and some beautiful navies. andthe color that we ended up choosing kind of resembles both of those. so in some lights it looks a little more navy, andin others it looks a little more grey, it’s perfect for what we wanted. our client really wanted to be able to entertain herlarge family. so when we ordered this table, we made sure we could sit 10 here. this is a custom table we had made fromfurniture makers in guelph, ontario. so they did a really great job. we were able to tell them the size we wanted, the exactpedestal that we wanted, and we even customized the stain. it’s really perfect. when we looked at the space, we actuallydecided this is a modern take on a timeless feel. and we feel that the chandelier we chose for this space is exactly that.when we first saw this light we absolutely fell in love with it. we did present our client with a few other options that hadsome cleaner, straight lines, but we love that the chandelier is round, mimics the table and breaks up some of the harsh,straight lines in the moulding that we see so prominent

in this space. our clients have a family cottage in muskoka,so when i presented this artist, amy montgomery, to them they really felt connected to that. amy actually also has acottage in muskoka, she’s a local artist from burlington. she’s very talented. so when it comes to natural texture inthis room, you’ll see that we actually chose a lot, and that’s something a lot of people are normally afraid to do. you’llnotice that we chose wood chairs, this beautiful custom wood dining table. it’s a lot of wood, right? well, what you need tokeep in mind is you want to add texture and warmth to bring depth to your space. we had a really great time working with theseclients. they really trusted us and our design aesthetic that we chose for them, and they’re really pleased with this space.

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