feng shui dining room

you also want to make sure that you see somethinggood through the window, so you don't really want to see pole there or some kind of sharpcorner, or sharp roof or the neighboring building. you don't want to see the dead tree there.so i wanted to show you the picture of what my clients saw from there south eastern roomwindow. so this is kind of nice, was nice and strong tree but it is sort of neglected,it's not in a good shape. and there was certain stagnation in there life and in there prosperity.so i ask, i told them that it's really, really important to take care of that tree. and thisis what they did, they took a really nice care of that tree. they did some healing toit. they also as you can see created a nice sitting area to enhance their wealth and thereis some bird bath and some plants. so they
beautified it and things improved tremendouslyin their life. so the results of this consultation was that the husband of the family did geta raise and promotion.