drop leaf dining room table

so i get questions all the time on how i built my fold-down workbench because i built it before i started making youtube videos so when a neighbor said he was planning on building one i asked him if i could build it for him instead so that i can make a video of it and give you the opportunity to see how it did it so i'm gonna go ahead and though the second
one in my shop today just for videos sake and i hope you'll enjoy it because i really loved the ability of being able to tuck it back into the wall and use a little bit more floor space my neighbor wasn't particular about the size and left it up to me so when i found a scrap that was looks like 3 feet by 4 feet i thought it was a great size for a
workbench so i left it as is why is it that the material i need is always at the very back i came in three inches on three sides so that i would have space to utilize clamps on the workbench then i take a few measurements and started cutting and assembling the inside frame before attaching it to the wall i first
figured out how high i wanted it and then i drew a level line i took an inside measurement from frame to frame then cut a 2x4 and a piano hinge to that same size then i found the studs and attached the t by four to the wall whatever works right then i simply mounted the piano hinge
next was to start making the legs so i grabbed a few two by fours and cut them to size then rounded over the top so that they could easily rotate i used my drill press to drill a half inch hole in the top then i put in two pocket holes on each leg i'll use these later to attach a stop block next i needed to drill a
half-inch corresponding hole in the frame and i saw a trick on ozzy spawn channel to use a hole drilled at the drill press as a guide so i clamp the leg in place and gave it a shot i say that's pretty straight then i simply started attaching the hardware now if you were to stop here you would have to manually bring out the legs
every time you wanted to open it so to avoid that i went ahead and attached a start block using those pocket holes that i drilled earlier i've routed through my hardware and didn't find a latch so i just went ahead and stuck with scraps so all in all have about four and a half hours in this so it's very easily
project that can be done on a single saturday but i love the flexibility of it not only for the additional floor space when i want it but like this one it's going to my neighbor and all i have to do is remove these screws that are in the stud then i can up and and pick it up and put it wherever i want so i love that i think flexibility is
really important in the shop and of course the watching the system you could always upgrade but scrubs work just fine too if you would like more details i do have a written tutorial posted on my blog which is volker duce calm but there's also a link in the description of the video for you so let me know what you think about this in the comment
section below and i will see you soon