farmhouse dining room light fixtures

farmhouse dining room light fixtures

hi, i'm sarah with lights for all occasions,and today i'm really excited to show you somenew products we have on our website that willsave you a lot of time instead of spending your weekends rummaging through those second hand can find these great products through our website.they are some hanging pendant fixtures that youcan have in your home. you can change the look aroundwith the kind of light bulbs you use, where youput them,

and i'm going to show you how to assemblean easy way of hanging them in your home to enhancethat antique look you were going for. this is a petite cage light and i love thelook of this light because it looks like i rummagedthrough my local antique store to try and find this,but i didn't have to go through all the troubleof hard-wiring it myself; it's been done forme already. if you look inside you have your place foryour light

bulb, and then you got the cord wrapped aroundthis really neat chain, and then at the top youhave your hanging medallion. if you want to put thisinside you ceiling and replace a light fixture thatyou have in your home, it's got the groundingwire. it has the anchor points; you can secure it toyour ceiling. if you choose not to do that andyou want to have the luxury of moving it around todifferent spots, then it does come with a cord you canplug in

to the wall. and if you choose not to usethe cord then you just simply coil it up inside themedallion for when you hang it on your ceiling. i'm going to show you some other really greathanging fixtures that you can find on our website. this is an olive tub hanging light fixture,and it comes in that really great antique color withthe hanging chains. it has a hole in the centerso that you can hang your cord and the light bulbthrough.

this is a smaller version that comes in off-white,the same hanging chains, and that great antique look. we also have this pedal cage fixture thathas the same option for you to hang whatever lightbulb you choose to use. these hanging fixtures do not come hard wired,and so you need to have cord that you can install inside of your fixture, and then you can usewhatever light bulb you'd like and you're free to hangyour

light wherever you would like in your home.this one is a braided cord, it has a little bit oftexture to it; it has that nice antique look. and you'regoing to simply unscrew the top part. set that downand you'll put this part inside of your hangingfixture. and now i'll take the bottom part, or theflat part goes inside first and you'll hang that. twistit on and hang your light wherever you'd like.

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