el tovar dining room

we have heard two blows and it is clear that someone does not want us to go up and look at what is on the stairs .... good morning guys, today we are backaway from home, in this case in malaga (spain) and we are not going to explore alone, but we are goingwith another team of explorers from the area they are: urbex guide. if everyone getssubscribe and we reach 5,000 likes in this video, we will return to this abandoned hoteland we will test the spirit box and there are rumors that presences can be captured in this hotel. also subscribe if problem because it's totally free and youtube lets you know every time we upload a video, we share something in the tabcommunity, surveys, raffles and others.
remember to follow us on instagram and on therest of social networks that i leave in the description box. leave in thecomments if you want us to do more collaborations with other youtuber and don'ti entertain more, we start. here we met you yes, it's true, we met here yes, next to the edge of the pool when you entered we thought they were secret police let's first check how it isthe place first of all we see here the building
first observe if there is someone who can throw something at us yes, once we came, they already threw things at us they are urbex guide it is a dangerous site follow the boys on your channel, urbex guide, i leave the channel link in the description box. they will accompany us in this huge hotel andabandoned we believe there are people upstairs, so we must be careful we are really 100% sure that there are people inside here we have the main pool where they have thrown everything from above and here thechildren's pool
we are going to get in, get out of here,it's not going to happen to us yes, it's not the first time they throw something up it remains to be said that we met here and here that day guia urbex could not record because there were people and it was to get into the wolf's mouth we will enter we go there first and then we go down to the basement this must have been the restaurant look at the ceramic details from here you would see through the window the pools
a balcony here the dining room probably this we all know what it is and they have put a plug on it ... this is another dining room these are the typical buffet tables,here they would put the spoons, the napkins and others and here would be the tables.aui the loaves and other things here would be the tables to be served this is the forklift in fact puts, prohibited the transport of people
yes, it's just for merchandise the keypad hello it seemed to us to hear something did you guys hear anything? is there someone? what is this? looks like a pantry those are the elevator cables
that's cold and frozen cameras the vinegars and salt shakers someone lives here i do not like this someone stays on this mattress, look at their things, the water and others look, the camera temperature meter well, the last time we came pedro found quite strong medications what mediations? be careful, wait ...
the worst thing we can do is get stuck here something has been heard yes, yes, you hear come on let's go first of all to see the pub it's getting dark and it's getting darker let's go with the boys to the basement where the pub is we will probably leave here at night the bad thing is that here people come to this building to sleep at night ....
this must be a disco disco or pub for event celebration look guys, wood is well preserved it's not broken or anything this is what is put on the roofs to cover them below is a bad suspension powder it's just a shelf this is the bar we enter?
yes what madness this looks like a chill out totally many things are preserved set the area of ​​the dj i'm seeing that there are a lot of chairs inside and others can it happen? let's see what we found
look at the dj room amazing how many chairs hallucinatory watch out for the crystals look at the furniture where all the cutlery, napkins and other go, incredible look at the christmas presents and decoration set dates, 09/24/1999 sure it was abandoned on those dates all the pictures of the hotel ended up here
noises are heard, as if there was someone it is getting darker it's normal for people to be in places like that here are all the chairs the mirrors are intact i do not know that looks like a mockup you're good? we got scared because one of the boys has fallen. caution always in abandoned places
pedro, did you do something when you fell? not only was the fall but have you cut yourself? no no be careful that falling here can be dangerous this was the reception area around here the customer was attended is anyone out there a lady
let's try to upload it's time to go up we will be careful because we are certain that there is someone the holes of the elevators the elevator stayed here a heater they are like new curious they will use it
we will go up to the first floor we are going up we don't come to bother we come to take some pictures there are some televisions the room seems small, overwhelming there are armchairs there don't get close to the frames, there are nails out from here you probably see where it is
don't get close to that, that's disgusting there is as burned garbage there is something hanging there, how scary there is something hanging there it's hung well it is not hung by hanging here is a desk table a bra someone has slept here
there are some spots that is to die for you touch that and you die in 3 seconds suddenly 2 blows are heard above us let's go up have you heard the 2 strokes? that they have done to posta paa that we do not raise yes, of course look, look what is there so far we have come
look what is there we can not go on some barricades look gentlemen, we have heard 2 strokes of course they don't want us to go up and look at what's on the stairs it is better not to go just in case let's go down the other plants will be the same as this almost everything that was above is now down there
it is better not to risk because we have already been notified let's see if they don't throw something at us when we leave we have left unscathed there seems to be a light on the second floor what is there? something that shines 2 warning or threat strokes were heard to warn us not to go up guys, it has been an honor for us to record on the bokine exploring and jasogurbex channel
which are one of the most important urban exploration teams in spain it has been a pleasure for us and i would appreciate it if you went through our channel that we are now growing and it would be a pleasure if you follow us and support us since for now the support they have given us has beenvery good. thanks to you, chciso for joining us on this exploration. hopefully not the last of course not so far the video today,leave me in the comments what do you think were those noises that we heard andwhat would you have done in this case
i remind you that if we reach 5000 likes in this video and everyone subscribes we will return to this abandoned hotel andlet's try the spirit box in it. now we will highlight a comment among allpeople who answered the question: would you spend a night in the basement ofabandoned psychiatric where they went girls attacked by entitiesparanormal? in the past video. in this case the featured comment will be fromsusan jimã©nez who tells us: "what a place more gloomy, god wants tonothing happened to you, very careful when going to these places. a figure ofhuman appearance in the basement, in the background. regarding the question, if iwould stay in this place, yes, but with the
spirit box to try to figure outwhat happened here because those souls don't know they have gone from there. but not staying longtime because if not it is also dangerous for you. take care, pleasegod bless you wherever you want let them go, greetings and a huge hug andi send you strong. " thank you very much susan for your comment and a stronghug too for you. if like her you want your commentbe prominent, answer the question: do you think that we had to remove the barricade and climbto the top of the hotel? now i will greet two subscribers who are: mary mary andlaura martãnez. if she wants me to greet you in the next video don't forgetleave it in the comments.
remember that we continue with the challenge with thejasogurbex channel: the last channel that reaches 100,000 subscribers will have topay the other one a trip to an incredible place abandoned that later themwe will show on the channel. follow us on instagram and the rest of our networkssocial that i leave in the description box to don't miss absolutely nothing.thank you guys that every day we are more and more in this great family and themwaited in the next video, greetings.