dining room wall art

hello everybody today i am renovating the dining room i have been longing to renovate this room for at least two months ever since i got the idea of what to do with this room this room is very short and very narrow it is half the size of the master bath we used to have in marquette so it is a very, very small dining room more like a dining closet i want it to feel more spacious
and my solution is usually white paint and i am going to do just that but i also visualize something more refliective to get the illusion of a larger space i don't know if you guys are familiar to mylar wallpaper it is a very exclusive type of reflecting wallpaper they are super expensive i actually wanted to try one in this room but it is way too expensive and it's not worth it since we're gutting this house in a couple of months
but if you still want something reflective and yet cheap??? i am going to use aluminium foil as wallpaper i have never done this before so we're in this together... let's go! i need to glue the wallpaper to the walls we have a serious "wallpaper falling down" situation here i am using a special glue named wallpaper seam repair i actually vaccuumed one of the wallpapers off the wall..it came loose.. it is time!
i am a little nervous i watched a video on youtube where they tried this and cut the foil in squares... but i don't want that many seams so i'll just roll out the roll... if it doesn't work... well...we are in this together.. do you agree ? she wants to help sven and spirit walk behind me all day long
i have a small roller for glue i also have another, dry, roller, to smooth things out with it will get a little wrinkled, i am fully aware of that and that is part of the look i have chosen to go with the glossy side out i think it will turn out quite matte anyways you wanna help? sven, this is not really the place for you right now.. it's too messy..
ok, i'll scratch you between your ears... no...no...gigi...no down by the base board you make a crease then you pull the foil...carefully.. and the you cut you can't use a carpet knife because it'll rip the whole thing... didi this turn out the way i visualized it?? yes...and maybe..
everyone can see that this room feels way bigger already i have to say, don't use the end of the roll because it is very wrinkled and it doesn't look good i couldn't go back and undo it so i just had to keep going with the wrinkles and all would i use this in my forever home ?...no then i would use a mylar wallpaper would i use it in a kids or teen room? definitely ! it's cheap and cool.. in a camp? absolutely!
i am quite happy with the result the room feels bigger and more sparkling now i need a nice dining room table i am going to buy a table i am at yorkdale shopping centre i am heading to restoration hardware it is not a regular swedish shoe box sized furniture store restoration hardware is more like a mansion we've spotted a table we like in there so i am here to buy it today
i like this look i want it to be a little rustic this is it! a classic parson table it is made out of old barn wood you can get a nice lunch at this place as well so elegant i love this place..i could easily live here we're all done!
this space feels so much bigger i am super happy the question is...what do you guys think? would you ever try to to use aluminium foil as wallpaper? comment below! have you already tried it? or will you try it now after this video? please send me pictures and comment below! i love this table but peter isn't as happy
this table is made out of one large plank from a russian barn.. peter wanted the table top to be several smaller planks and when we bought it the seller said that the extendable tables were made out of several planks but is turned out to be just one big plank we'll see what we'll do... i just love, love, love it i love big dining tables even if we're just two people living here
we need so much space because even if you eat on just one seat you need another two seats for you computer, projects, work.. you can never have a dining table that is too big what do you guys think? is bigger better? next week i am going to fix the hallway and then sascha and i are travelling to sweden i will go to skellefta and sascha will be working in stockholm we're going to meet up in stockholm and have a great time there my question is, do you guys want a vlog?
comment below many people have requested a gigi movie after they saw the sven movie but gigi does not want to be on camera..she'll hide or run away spirit...or spiwit ( she can't say r) on the other hand likes the camera and is easy to film do you guys want a "spiwit the movie" ? please let me know we have a lot of great things ahead of us christmas, house tour and of course...the new house that we're building
lots of things to look forward to please let me know if there is anything you guys want me to film write it down below and send me pics if you try this out see you next friday!