dining room wainscoting

hi guys, welcome to my channel avanti morocha today i'm going to show you how my husband and i made this accent wall.we used cedar boards and chalk paintâ® this project was made in collaboration with chalk paintâ® decorative paint by annie sloan i've used to paint on several projects. having work with it i knew was going tobe the perfect way to give the new untreated cedar boards a weathered wood look this is an easy project but time-consuming. the process of planing, cutting, sanding, painting, and placing the boards took us approximately twoweekends.
the time we spent making this project was totally worth it we are really happy with the final result. for those whom may not know i studiedarchitecture and this kind of projects are my cup of tea. stay tuned to my channel more master bedroom projects are coming soon. i hope you've liked thisproject if you have any question leave it in the comment section if you made this project don't forget to share a picture on my facebook page or tag me on instagram i'd love to see it don't forget to visit my blog, follow me on my social media, like this video and share it with your loved ones. see you soon, chau chau.