dining room table sets walmart

- today we are in new york city. we are here all week long forthe launch of our toy line, xoxo friends, which is availableat target and walmarts now. and today, we don't have any commitments, nothing for youtube,nothing for our toy line. today is just going to be a day of fun. so pretty soon we're gonna leave our hotel and we're gonna go checkout the biggest toy store that i've ever been to, fao schwarz,
and i think we're gonna go iceskating at rockefeller plaza, right in the heart of the city. (bright synth pop music) we're actually stayingat a really cool hotel here in the city, it's called the moxy. it has skee-ball, shuffleboard,giant checkerboards, jenga boards, and even a basketball court, so it might be hard to pullthe girls away from here. but i think they'll be downfor visiting a giant toy store.
(lively keyboard music) all right, we are outside of fao schwarz. now, i've pulled thegirls away from the hotel. we're gonna have even more fun in here. are you guys excited? - [girls] yeah! - we're gonna show you ourfavorite toys inside there. i am so pumped! i haven't been heresince i was a little kid.
whoa, that is a giant teddy bear. - cheese! - (laughs) they have so manycute stuffed animals in here! - mommy, come here, iwanna show you something. - what are you gonna show me? it's a spaceship! ok. (laughs) addy, addy, addy! this area's all magic tricks.
you love magic, don't you, girl? wanna check some out? fun. do you watch tic tac toy? oh, thank you, hi! - most of it. - most of it? it's so nice to meet you, how-- it is kind of chaotic in here.
there are so many people. there's people talking over the intercom, there's people walking around in costumes. there's things flying through the air that almost hit you in the head. it's a little crazy, but you know what? it's super fun. are you grocery shoppingat faq schwarz, maya? - yeah.
- what are you shopping for? i see cucumbers and carrots.- orange. - oranges, ok, what about corn? - corn. - [lucy] corn, ok. - and some oatmeal raisin cookies! - this is a very interactive toy store. there's lots to do here. maya is currently shoppingat the fao schwarz mart.
you've got some pretty good purchases. i see cookies here. i'm down for cookies, maya, good purchase. yeah, i think we'regonna head upstairs now. upstairs is where they havethat big, giant keyboard that you may have seenin movies and tv shows, where you can stomp on it and play music. and i really wanna try that out. (bright electronic music)
they even have build-a-bear in here. this is the craziest place ever! look, there is a woodyhere that colin would love if he was here right now.- over there's a buzz. - there's a buzz, too? where's the buzz? - mommy!- oh, you're right! colin would go crazy if he was here and saw a woody and buzz bear.
- [employee] stick it, and then we're just gonna pop it in the hair. - [lucy] how cool! the girls are trying glitzy locks, and it's a really cool thing. you just pop this thing in,and you pop it in your hair, and you have a hair accessory instantly. (dreamy synth pop music) now she's getting her hair chalked
with this cool alex spa kit. who knew that we could have a spa day when we were at fao schwarz? ooh, they have a sketchit nail pens salon, does that look cool, maya? - that looks really neat. we haven't done that i alwaysthought it would be fun to do, maya, have a spa day vlog.- yeah. - where we try out allthese fun spa accessories.
we could do hair, and nails, and cool, fun masks on our face. you wanna do that for our vlog? - we'll have to figure thatout and do that pretty soon. what do you think? - i love it! - that looks so cool. i'm gonna have to get somehair chalk now, i think. i was telling maya, we should have
a vlog where we have a spa day. - yeah.- we can try out all these fun new toys, wouldn't that be wild? ooh, hair accessories, ooh, a bracelet. tie-dye maker? ooh, donut-shaped bath bombs. - i like that. - that's a fun one. (laughs) and we've just walkedinto the barbie section.
if you are a barbie lover, this would be a cool place to check out. there are so many barbies everywhere! they are mary poppins!- mary poppins, and this is from "mary poppins." - [lucy] you're right! - i love this, look at this one! - [lucy] ooh, these onesare really fancy barbies. (bright pop-rock music)
- there's a scientist, whoa. - we're in the baby doll adoption center, and there are a lot of adorable babies up for adoption today! oh, she's darling! look at her beautifulgreen eyes and red hair! the girls are checking outsome amazing magic pens now, which are pretty cool because not only do they change colors, you can erase them
off of tables, off offurniture, off of paper. it's a parent's dream come true! wow! now we're in the "paw patrol" section, another section that colin would absolutely love if he was here. he's with grandma right now. i know he's having an amazingtime, but we're missing him, so i'm looking at "pawpatrol" just for him.
now we're in a magical hatchimals land! - look, mystery ones. - [lucy] they're mystery? - and look at this! - [lucy] whoa, look at that! (bright rock music) - hatchimals pixies. - [lucy] ooh, have you seen those before? - no.
- let's see what they are. ooh, there's blue andpink and purple ones. these are my personal favorites, 'cause of the little cuteegg carton they come in. it's kinda fun. we just stumbled acrossa giant candy section. i had no idea they had candy in here, too. did you?- can i have candy? (lucy speaks faintly in low voice)
- look, chocolate rocks! - [girls] what? - what is, what do you think of that? chocolate rocks. i'm kind of curious.- look how huge this is! look how huge this is! - that is ginormous! rice krispie treats are actuallyone of my favorite treats, so i could probably eat the whole thing,
no joke, i probably could. we have a really big eventtomorrow where the girls and our whole family aregonna have to be sitting for four or five hours. and i'm thinking thatif they each pick out a candy bag today, thatmight help in those moments when they're getting alittle tired or bored to kinda have a something. the girls are workingon their candy bags now.
(sparkly rock music) i think it's crazy howpopular gummies have become. you can find gummy anything. gummy teeth, gummy piglets,of course gummy bears. and check out this, agiant gummy watermelon. i wonder if it tastes like watermelon, because i like watermelon. - [maya] oh my gosh. - [lucy] gummy waffle.
- we just had a wafflethis morning during-- - you had waffles for breakfast. - would you have rather had a gummy waffle than a real waffle? - i don't know. i don't know what it tastes like. - hmm, true, good point. maya, let's see if we can find any other weird gummy things in here.
there's a lot of strange gummy things. gummy life preserver. - [maya] unicorn. - unicorn, ooh. the gummy unicorn's probablythe coolest thing we found. ooh, and here's a gummy-- - [maya] what's that?- giant gummy strawberry, too. lots of gummies in here. ok, we left the store.
and i'm walking around rockefeller plaza, and i think i justnoticed something that-- - i noticed it!- is a little unfortunate. - i noticed it! - what did you notice, maya? - that there's no ice anymore. - there isn't. so we don't live in new york and know a lot about thehappenings around the city,
and apparently the ice skating rink doesn't exist during the summer. so i don't think we'regonna be ice skating today, unfortunately. it looks like it's a lovelyplace to eat lunch, though. but no ice skating rink. should we go there next time? - we're back everyfebruary for toy fair, so-- - yeah, so.
- i think ice skating might have to happen next february when we're here for toy fair. - yeah.- yeah. - well, there's a bummer, but that's ok. - yeah! (percussive synth music) - well, plan b, we decided, wasto walk around central park. in all of our trips we'vebeen to new york city,
i've never actually been here, so this is a first for all of us. we just spotted a playground, so of course we had to check it out. any time we travel, we alwaystry to find a playground for the kids to run aroundand get some energy out. and girls, i just spotteda really cool slide. come check this out! they're gonna love this.
- oh, yeah, oh, yeah! - you see it, maya? - yes, oh, yeah! - [lucy] you see it? - yeah, yeah, yeah. (lucy laughs) - there's addy, how was it, addy? - it was fun. - (laughs) and here comes maya! (laughs)
it's pretty crazy thatthere's all this green space right in the middle ofthis giant city, isn't it? - mm-hm. - there's big buildings all around us, and all this green space. and we've just spotted another playground, so we're heading in! woo!- here, can you hold this? - whoa, hold on!
- hold on, wait for me! - when i was a kid, the tire swing was my favorite thing on the playground. i used to do tornadoes just like that. what was that, maya? - (giggles) it is so scary! - that was scary? do you want me to giveyou a tornado, addy? - yes, uh-huh.
- all right. (girls shriek playfully) - i think they like it! (laughs) you like it? - [girls] yeah, yeah! - whoa! (percussive rock music) - good job, girlie. we lucked out withbeautiful weather today.
we're in the middle ofsummer in new york city, but it's actually only about 70 degrees, maybe a little bit less, perfect weather. it's overcast, there is agiant gray cloud behind me, though, so i'm hoping that gray cloud doesn't make its way overhere and start raining on us. (lively rock music) so pretty! - [maya] does anyone have a penny?
- mm, i don't have any coins with me. i don't think i do. (maya laughs) there's a lot of pennies in the fountain, though, aren't there? if i counted, there would be 10,562. - 10,562? all right, i happen to have two pennies! - ooh, ooh!- [lucy] one for each of you.
- i need to-- - [lucy] wait, you know,you gotta make a wish! close your eyes, make your wish. don't tell us what it is, though. all right, we'll have to seeif your wishes come true now. did you make good ones? - are you gonna tell me what it is? - [maya] yes.- [addy] no. - you will?
- [lucy] yeah? - [maya] yeah. - but then it won't come true! - i don't care! - (laughs) ok, what'd you wish for, then? - i'm only gonna say it if addy says hers. - [lucy] oh, i don't thinkaddy wants to share hers. are you gonna share your wish? - i guess, since it is gonna come true.
- you both wanna share your wish. all right, what is it, addy? - that i could have an amazingsoccer career when i grow up. - [lucy] ooh! what about you, maya? - that i can have a pet unicorn! (lucy laughs heartily) - you both have some amazing wishes. (laughs) a pet unicorn andan amazing soccer career.
i guess you probablyneed to start soccer-- - [maya] a rainbow unicorn! - lessons before we havea soccer career, huh? - [maya] a rainbow glittery unicorn. - [lucy] look at thecanoes out here, addy! - [girls] whoa! - oh, i wanna rent a canoe. this is so beautiful and peaceful. this whole central parkis just so peaceful,
right in the middle of a crazy, busy city, it's so calming and quaint. does it even feel likewe're in new york right now? - no.- mm-mm. - it doesn't, it feels likea whole other world out here. it's beautiful. hi, turtles! (sparkly pop music) addy, i think you need to goget inside the big bubble.
- i'm gonna do it. (laughs) - you're gonna do it? - (giggling) i'm gonna do it. - all right, i think you should. (laughs) whoa! (laughs) - and then under. - whoa! (laughs) that was awesome! high five, girl.
how'd it feel to be in a bubble? - good. - that was pretty cool. i don't care how old you are, there's something aboutbubbles, bubbles are always fun, especially really giant bubblesthat you can stand inside. (lively pop music) well, i think we're gonnago have some dinner now. so thank you for following usaround in new york city today.
we hope you had fun with us. we'll see you guys next time, xoxo!