boys bedroom colors

next we're moving on to one of the most importantthings you're going to do for your mural, picking out painting colors. to start thingsoff, it's coloring time. act like a kindergardener or like the same age as the person whose bedroomyou're painting for a second. what we're going to do is we're going to go back to our basicdrawings, just rough drawing, and just literally color in with some colors we had in mind tohow things are actually going to look in our mural. so go through color the various, youknow, the lion the meerkats, the savanna grass, the sky, paint all, color all of those thingsin so then we can go into your painting store with an idea of what type of paint we're actuallygoing to want for our project. once you get to the painting store make sure that you mentionthat the paint that you're looking at today
is for a mural. most general wall paints canbe used for murals you don't need super fancy wancy oil paints or the like, you can justget away with using general paints. but make sure to be upfront with what it's for theymay send, have them send you in different directions and different products, they'llalso be able to help you if you need brushes or related products for your mural. and whatwe're going to end up doing is for the coats of paint their going to, you know, have alot of on there, like for the grass, for the sky. we're definitely going to get, you know,like our big gallon of paint for that. we want to make sure we don't run out and don'thave to go back to the store. but for some of the more select colors, like say for thatmeerkat coat then for those we're also going
to get smaller pint sized paint, you don'talways have to get huge jug of paint. what's more, sometimes you'll use so little paintsay like an eye or like a little bit of fur just a little bit where they have free paintsamples at the store which you can use. a nice way to add to your mural with no additionalexpense.