best colors for bedrooms feng shui

best colors for bedrooms feng shui

one of the ways to raise the chi in your homeis to use color, and there are many ways that you can use it. of course, you can paint awall, and that's one of the most strong adjustments that you can make because you're coveringthe biggest area of space. there are things you can do when you paint a room to get thepaint to resonate to the intention or the vibration that you want. for one thing, youcould take a stone or a crystal and bless it, or charge it with your intention, andput that crystal in the paint the night before you're going to use it. the paint will thentake on the energy of that intention; of what you want to have happen. then you paint thaton the walls, and you're literally placing your intention on the walls. right now, i'mstanding in the relationship corner of jason

and michelle's apartment. i wanted to showthem a couple ways where they could raise the chi by using color, and also make it specificto the relationship corner. this will strengthen their relationship, if that ever needs tohappen. red is about passion and love, so it's a great color to use in the relationshipcorner. so i'm just going to add a few normal objects that they would use anyway to thistable. in the relationship corner, it's great to use two of something because it means acouple. i've got two red mugs, simple. now, i'm going to add the red napkins, and if youcan see, already this area has more energy to it, it has more life to it, simply becausewe placed things that have color in them. now i'm going to put a red candle. candleobviously is about passion and love and fiery

love, so that's a great thing to put in therelationship corner. now if you'll notice, there's just one chair here, but it's a relationshipcorner, and we want to strengthen their relationship as a couple, so i'm just going to add anotherchair. so now that makes it about two people, instead of one. simply by adding these regularhousehold objects that have a strong color to them, you have now raised the chi in thisarea.

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