8 seater dining room table

8 seater dining room table

so guys, bussing tables! in front of me ihave all the plates that you will find on the table when the guests arefinished with their meal. four people, two tafelspitzone backhandel one goulash, side dishes for the taflespits, sauces and potato salad. when the guests are done and you have to buss the tables those are theplates that will be there i will show you how i do it i prefer to take all theplanes at once i don't need to make two trips to the kitchen and come backand wasting valuable time. so let's start, what i do first, i go with the big plates thoseplates i'll take it first of course if you want to if youwork in a upscale restaurant you're

gonna have to file a etiquette and theetiquette says you take the plates from the ladies firstyou going to have to follow this but right now we're talking about casual diningwe're talking about 90 percent of the restaurants how you can do it you takeit of course you go from the right side of the guest you taking with a right handthen you put the plate on the left hand because that's your hand that carry the platesguys and you go for the big one again now you have created for yourself aplatform and you can put a lot of things on this as long as you have a strong hand.for the ladies it's not recommended you cannot carry all those place at once sotake two trips or ask somebody to help

you don't try ithome not at work but for the gentlemen it's recommendable you will impress yourguests. then we go for the round first we take all the main plates andthat's what you do now guys, those plates are empty but most of the timenot most of the time but sometimes i guests that are not finished with their mealthey don't eat everything that some particles here stay on the plate and that's something that it's gonna bother you but there is a solutionfor everything. so we talk that: two plates you create a platform thenyou put the main plate on your hand and on the second plate now we're gonnastack here all the empty plates and go

further then you upload this one you gofor the second, you put all the empty plates here neatly stacked, put this here, you go here the table is bussed, now this thingis about 8kg, you gotta run to the kitchen fast, because other way it'sgonna break your hand. but when you're finished and you turn you back to thetable you can help yourself with the right hand and justcarry because it's heavy and if you are trying to carry it with one hand it's gonna bea real problem. most of the time time you're not gonna be able to walk 20 meters or 30meters with all those plates but that's how you buss a table. now there'ssome rules that i will explain to you later

and they are very important, cause as i said wedon't carry empty plates and restaurant most of the times those places have some meat they have some garnish left and you will have to be carefulwith that but the most important thing to know is take the main plates firstyou create a platform for yourself and then you can stack everything else onthe plate that stays next to your hand and all the side dishes and thesilverware everything goes here in those two if youdon't have the plates like that if everybody has order chicken parmesan orfried chicken or something like that and those are the plates that you do haveon the table, it's the same way where you

just go like that and you go like thatand then all those small plates empty plates go here everything that you canstack here is stacked here because that's as close to your shoulderand you can carry more weight like that if you stuck it here on this plate it'sgoing to be 3 times more heavy and you're not gonna make itso everything goes here it's easier to carry and all the small plates and thesilverware goes in those two plates okay pretty much that's all about there is, now ofcourse you buss the tables with your right hand the plates from the rightside of the guest: are you finished? - yes! you take the plate go back you transferto play to your left

the next guest and you don't have to askno more once you ask the tables finish and they say they're finished you just goahead and collect all the plates. now we're moving forward. so guys the other pointabout bussing plates from the table what i'm watching is and it's importantbecause it makes my job easier all the tasks you know , those plates thathave food on it like right now let's say this is food herethis is food here and there's some potatoes left on this plate and thisplate this guy ate everything so this is empty and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna takethe food the plates that still have food on it first and make my platform withthis plates, okay, then i'm gonna go for

the empty plate to make this here so idon't have to bother with this moving this food from one plane toanother plate but of course when it's like that and this plate isstill with some food in it and you have to stack it here you cannot leave it on the tableanyway so you put here you take a knife or a fork or whatever from the table andyou just push it a little bit nice and easyor if it's like that you can take it and just move it and you have another emptyplate and then you can keep stacking everything else and if there is somelittle thing here you can do the same thing you can take a fork or knife just take it and put it on the

other side. of course i'm trying to avoidthis moving food from one plate to anotherthat's why i always go first for the plates that have some food on it and iuse it for my platform then i don't have to bother with moving food. it's not nice in front of the guests but we have to do it because there's no other way and plusyou're wasting time and this thing is heavyand now it's weighting on my left hand and i'm just really getting really tired andif you do it for this table and the next table and the next table or the next tableand all day long you will get tired guys. so try to be quick and efficient andthat's why i'm telling you always watch

who has something left in his plate, take itfirst and go and stack the empty plates nice and easy and run to the kitchen. that's pretty much covers all the basic stuff

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