8 person dining room table

8 person dining room table

- hey everyone, i hope you'rehaving an amazing evening. it's mark wiens, i'm in bangkok, thailand, and tonight for dinner weare going to a restaurant called samrub samrub thai. is that correct? - yeah. - oh i did say it correct. - one more time. (laughing)

samrub samrub thai. - believe it or not thosetwo words are not the same. it means samrub, means it's a term that refers to, it's a very old term for food, and then samrub means for, and then thai and it is oneof my favorite restaurants at the moment in bangkok by chef prin who is the former head chef of,

the former head chef of nahm. chef prin is extremely talented and he uses a lot of ancient recipes. so he makes a lot of thai dishes that are very rare that arealmost impossible to find. all of chef prin's dishesjust burst with flavor. we are on our way, weshould be there pretty soon. (upbeat music) the restaurant is locatedthe soy sauce factory.

it's an old soy sauce factory warehouse which as been converted into an art space and then the restaurant is located at the back of the art space, they've put, it's really like bar counterchef's table seating. everybody, you can see the chef cook, you can see the whole teamas they assemble your dishes, your dinner, your food, and so it's a full culinary thai,

ancient thai food experience. (traffic noise) (restaurant staff talking loudly) oh so this will be a differentmenu from the one we had? - yeah, totally different. - [mark] totally different. - yes. - [mark] cool. this is a new menu.- everything different.

- [mark] okay. such a cool space, it's so laid back, and i love the table topcounter chef's table, but yeah, you walk through the art space, you get to the table, and they are alreadypreparing the first course. they're shucking oysters. all the herbs are out. but what's cool about this entire space

is that they have the menujust up on the whiteboard. so it's so laid back, it's so chilled out. this is the main menu. i've been here one other time, but this is gonna be acompletely different menu from what i had last time. it's written in thai and english. cumin leaves, yes. so one of the highlights of eating here

is the ancient recipes arefrom very old old books that chef prin uses and sowe're just taking a look at one of the cookbooks,one of the recipes. it's so exciting for meas such a like thai food lover and supporter tobe able to taste dishes that have just haven'treally been prepared, probably by some peoplebut just not available, for so many years, for so long. there's no measurements, no,it's just the ingredients.

- [chef prin] yes ingredients. - [mark] oh wow. - [chef prin] and my taste. - chef prin was explaining to me one of the dishes thathe's making tonight, but in this ancient cookbook there's no, and this is similar for manyold cookbooks in thailand, is that the ingredients are listed but there's no quantities,there's no measurements.

so it's up to the chef, it's up the cook, it's up to your tongueto remember the taste, the balance, the ratios of ingredients, and so chef prin wasexplaining to me that yeah, part of the recipe isyour tongue and yeah, i mean taste testing isnecessary when you cook thai food but also the knowledge, the experience. (chair dragging loudly) the first dish that they are making,

the first course is (in foreign language), which is an ancient thai recipe and actually in thai it'sname is (in foreign language) but then in english itsays the marian plum, so they're slicing the marianplums, slicing chilies. it's gonna be-- oh and green mango, green mango as well. yeah, i'm not totallysure what it's gonna be, if it's a relish, if it's asalad, if it's its own thing.

one of the things like i just,that i just can't get over is the quality of ingredients,the like mix of ingredients, and how like, i mean just thechef putting his knowledge of the ingredients andhis judgment of taste and balance and flavor, and that's what we're gonna see throughout this entire meal tonight. (in foreign language) - with me again.

- okay, so the first courseis here the marian plums. it's, there's a mixture ofpeanut and palm sugar inside it. - and then he topped it with young ginger, (in foreign language) which is a citrus, and then kafir lime leaf and a little, a few fine shavings of chili, and this is a one-biter. - how is it? - oh wow.

oh wow, the contrastof flavor and texture, and like that's anexplosion in your mouth, like the citrusiness, oh! oh that is stunning. and then the same like topping but on a green mango is then this one. yeah, same mixture, different fruit, totally different texture. the marian plum is almostlike mango in texture

but more sour and thenthat is an actual mango but a green mango, you know like crisp and just sour and wow. the next course is a oyster. - he's like fried it.- he's like fried it. he fried it, like there'sa batter, he fried it. and then with a sauce,paired with a sauce, and then topped it with, i'mnot sure what it's topped with. some kind of like--

- [p'tan] a bean sprout. - [mark] a bunch of thingsand then also maybe, oh, bean sprouts? - bean sprout. - and there's garlic, there's coriander, there's finely shaved, i think i'll take out half of it. i would one bite this normallybut it's gonna be so good i know that i'll wanna savor it.

(restaurant patrons talking loudly) oh i taste the coconut vinegar. that's the coconut vinegar inthat sauce i think, oh wow. that's just a burst, you know, like it almost goes up your nose and it's so strong andso amazingly sourly good. - even if i don't eat oyster naturally, i don't eat oyster.- oh yeah. - but i finished it already.- gone.

- i don't like oyster. - wow, and like, theoyster is half cooked. and that sauce is just ridiculous. almost unbelievably good. wow. - so it's like fresh beef,he grilled the beef lightly, then sliced it up, dicedit up, and then mixed it, with the descriptionthere's a lot of tree basil, (in foreign language) in thai,

which is tree basil and then topped it with what looks like toasted garlic, and then there's also tree basil leaves that you can wrap it inso it's like a beef mix. it looks unbelievably good, and he mixed in a bunchof citrus and yeah, a variety that is spectacular looking. yep. nee knows it.

(speaker drowned out by background noise) - [mark] sand ginger. - sand ginger. - in the salad that ihaven't even heard of, it's called (in foreign language) which is sand ginger,(in foreign language). a little bit like galangal, but i've never even heard ofit and it's in the beef salad. - [mark] i don't even knowwhat to say about that.

that's unbelievable, thebeef melts in your mouth. oh, i'm just like, i'm in awe. that sand ginger is herby in there, and then you got the aroma of the herbs, the garlic it's nutty. i honestly don't even know what to say, that's like beyond, beyond delicious, and then you've gottawrap it next in the leaf.

oh that's the tree basil, okay, oh wow. the next part of the meal is gonna be the (in foreign language). everything with rice thai style, whereas before they werejust the single bites, so they're preparing everything, there's gonna be a coupleof different dishes, maybe five different dishesthat they're preparing all right now in a row to go with rice.

what i love about every time that i've had chef prin's cooking ishow herb driven it is. so many herbs like driving so much flavor, so many like tongue feelsand then just the like, the perfect balance of spice, of sourness especially, and then just the subtlesweetnesses the he adds in. (pan sizzling) okay so you can eatthat whole thing right?

he's making a shrimp currywith young mangosteen, and he's just given me oneof the young mangosteens just to eat. oh wow. look, he's so good. this curry is unlike any othercurry that i've ever had, and he's seared off those tiger prawns, and then like that just looksunbelievable, unbelievable. i am so just amazed how chefprin and the entire team,

their knowledge of foodand ingredients and taste. the knowledge of his tongue. he just, like, made that curry. just, wow, i can't believe it. it's so good. chef prin is making (in foreign language) which is with beef,which is all with basil, and he wagyu fried the beef. it smells so unbelievably good,

and he added in a splash of, is it whiskey or, oh, regency brandy. secret ingredient. and the main dishes are served. well the soup is (in foreign language) which is pomfret, a soursouthern soup with pomfret, and this, in there's tumeric,there's lemongrass in here. wow this looks good. the fish.

the fish just like flakes apart on your tongue without even chewing. you definitely do notneed teeth to have fish, and then the soup is like perfectly sour, the like mustardiness of the tumeric. i'm moving on to the blueswimmer crab with coconut cream which is (in foreign language), and you can see how thickthat coconut cream is. there's also fermented rice in here.

the crab. you can dip the plate of vegetables and other things in here, and this one is like a fried lemongrass. that (in foreign language). it's like, the curdled coconut cream. it's almost like yogurt coconut cream, but pure coconut cream, and then just like, in a likeslight sour fermented taste.

i think i might shed a tear at this meal. mix it up more and try some of that crab. the herbs in there, thecrab, the coconut cream, and then after i stirred it up i can taste more of that fermentedrice in there as well. okay next dish i'm gonna try this. this is the (in foreign language), which is a duck salad with longkong fruit, and it's again just so herb driven.

you see the fried shallots, the chilies. this looks unbelievable, and then the roasted grilledduck on there as well. i'll add this to my rice this time, and then get a little bit of everything on one bite with the rice. with the longkong, with the grilled duck. dish after dish, i can't even like, i can't even comprehend it.

that duck is so smokey but contrasted by the sweet longkongfruit that's just like, that's just like gushing with sweetness on top of that smokey saltiness, and then herb driven. i can't even like explainit it's just amazing. the shrimp curry is called(in foreign language), which is the shrimp currywhich we saw him making, fried off those, seared thosetiger prawns which are huge.

then with the curry paste,then with all those herbs, then with the yummy mangosteen. this is one of the most beautifulspectacular looking dishes i think maybe i've ever seen. onto my plate. adds some of the mangosteen on there. rehydrate it. i think i'm gonna have to just go in with my fingers on this guy.

it's so big too, it's so big and meaty. take off the (mumbles), and come back for the juices later. okay i cannot wait any longer. - do you want a beer? - wow, yeah sure. the shrimp is cooked perfectly. so muscular, tough,perfect, and that curry. i like that,

i gotta try it again just like that curry, straight curry sauce. the shrimp paste inthere, the citrus again, that is like hard to comprehend again. just everything in thecurry is actually slight mild yet powerful and it's like citrusy. okay we gotta try the mangosteen, and then what we have to dois squeeze on some of the, more of the citrus, it's like a chinese,

it's kind of like a tangerine. the entire mangosteen,when it's young like that, it has a little bit more of a sour taste. it's also crisp, more crunchy,yet soft at the same time, and then it's a littlemore like a stringent, a little more bitter. i can barely handle this food you, i just want to lick everything here. there's another dish thatwould make a grown man cry.

this one is the (in foreign language), the beef with, yeah. there's all the basil, the minced beef. wow, that looks amazing too. wow, that is stunning, and that's like an ancientstyle of (in foreign language). the like umami, the fish sauce,the melt in your mouth beef. the basil is so fragrant. the pepper in there itslightly tingles your tongue.

oh that's outstanding. oh wow, unbelievable. i think i tried all the main dishes now. every one of them, like, wow. one more garnish to try. fermented fish entrailswith jackfruit seeds. oh that's a jolt of flavor. oh wow, the fermentedsaltiness, that is umami. yeah, everything is impressive.

there's no way to choosea favorite dish here, it's just all, they'rejust all so so good. oh the lemongrass tasteis in that and then how, i love how when you eat it with the fruit, with the rose apple that just like, completely juices in your mouth. i didn't even notice the lollipop. that is insane. - desert time, and fordesert chef prin took this,

made this block of icecream, and the icecream is made withblack or purple sticky rice, and so he made it in an entire block form, then he sliced off pieces,like shavings of it. it stays like hard andfrozen for a very long time. then he sliced fresh mango,just straight fresh mango, on top of that and then a fritter made from like golden beans, but i think they're similarrelated to mung beans

but different and yeah, that's (mumbles), i love the like simplicity, oh and a little bit ofcoconut cream on top as well. so i'll try and get alittle bit of the ice cream and the mango first. i think i'm just gonna destroy it. nee how's the desert. - how's the desert. - so good.

- let's try it. - very crispy, very crispy. - with the crispy fritter. oh the mango and then the ice cream it does have like, this like,kinda sticky texture to it. from the sticky riceactually, that's what it is. so fragrant. the texture of this is very complex. yeah, it is.

it's like almost gummy, but not sticky, but not in a too sticky kind of way. - i think they choose mango very well. - that pairs like perfectly with it. it does.- yes. - coz then the mango is juicy and sweet. oh you're supposed to add salt to it, too. okay i'm gonna add the crispyfritter at the same time to get everything in one bite,

and then you add a little bit of salt. okay i'm gonna sprinkleon a little salt now. the salt brings out the flavor, and i love it's not too sweet. in fact the mango is much, the natural mango is muchsweeter than the ice cream, and that's something ilove about his cooking, this food is at, none of it is like sweet. it has a little bit of sugar

but all natural traditionalsugar to balance the flavors but not used in excess. (engine rumbling) (footsteps) but i'm gonna tell you straight up, that is one of myfavorite thai restaurants. chef prin is one of myfavorite thai chefs. his food is, it's like every single bite, every single dish blows yourtaste buds off your tongue.

i cannot like say enoughgood things about chef prin, about his cooking, aboutthat meal that we just ate. dishes that i've never tried before and yet having a foundation of thai food helps me to appreciate it even more because i appreciate his skill, his knowledge of thaifood, of thai ingredients. so that's gonna be it for this video. i wanna say a huge thank you for watching.

i will have the informationin the description box below, but chef prin and samrub samrub thai, it is only open on certain days and then he opens it up for reservations but it goes really really fast, but i will have all the information in the description box. yeah, if you have a chanceto eat with chef prin, if you have a chance toeat at samrub samrub thai,

it is really a life changing thai meal. i want to say a huge thankyou for watching this video. please remember to give it a thumbs up. if you enjoyed it leave a comment below. i'd love to hear from you, and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon sothat you get notified of the next video that i publish.

thanks again for watching andsee you on the next video.

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