aarons dining room sets

aarons dining room sets

jason: these are wooden planks. jason: this is one wooden plank. jason: i can't—i can't make sticks with one wooden plank.aphmau: one... jason: thank you. jason: can i—can i have another?aphmau: two... jason: okay, thank—that's all i need. jason: that's all i need. jason: i just need to make a stoneaphmau: three... jason: shovel. or, uh, a stoneaphmau: four five six seven.

jason: a stone pickaxe. jason: i—i love you, jason: but that's enough. aphmau: aphmau: hey, guys. aphmau here. aphmau: and welcome to a little series called mycraft. aphmau: not minecraft. don't get it confused with that. aphmau: it's it's it's "my". m-y-c-r-a-f-t. aphmau: it's—it's actually a little bit different.

aphmau: anyway, i am joined by... aphmau: jason, for the first time in forever. aphmau: literally, actually. the first time ever.jason: hey, guys. aphmau: isn't that right?jason: yes, this—this is the first time we're playing together. jason: we've—we've played minecraft a whole ton, but jason: but never together. jason: we—we both have very different play styles. jason: so this is going to be very interesting to see jason: how we do.

aphmau: yeah, actually. why—why are you backing away from me? jason: because i know how you play. aphmau: jason: and it scares me sometimes. aphmau: it'll be great. trust me. trust me. aphmau: we have—i make it it interesting. aphmau: it's interesting.jason: if this were a one-life series jason: we would've—we would be done. by the end of this episode. aphmau: no! we won't. trust me. jason: yeah, we gotta go find a house now.

jason: we gotta go find a place to put our house jason: because we're not putting it here. jason: um, i wanna find a cool place. jason: that's something that i like to do. aphmau: okay.jason: so... jason: i don't know what you're gonna do, jason: but if you—if you wanna follow me, jason: which you—you probably should do if you wanna live. aphmau: oh. yeah. right. i was just looking for a...

aphmau: for like a... aphmau: something. jason: something?aphmau: ooh. aphmau: yeah. like a—like a flower or something aphmau: to, like, mark out my territory. aphmau: i like to do that.jason: there—there are no flowers here. aphmau: no, there are not. there's pigs.jason: this is very... aphmau: different aphmau: (high-pitched) oh my god there are so many flowers!

jason: and pigs. jason: so many flowers and pigs. aphmau: aww. aphmau: he's so cute. look at him. aphmau: what're you doing? jason: i'm—i'm petting him. aphmau: that's not petting! jason: he doesn't seem to c—oh. jason: that happened.

aphmau: yeah, he d— he just lied down fromjason: oh, uh, well aphmau: all the petting that you gave him. jason: survival of the fittest. aphmau: there are so many flowers. it's so beautiful.jason: look at this place over here. aphmau: huh? jason: look at this place. jason: whoaaaa.aphmau: that is cool. jason: we're totally building here.aphmau: that is awesome. jason: we're totally building here. aphmau: no, i want to build right here.

jason: why? jason: why wou— jason: why would y— jason: but... jason: that's... jason: but we could build up there! jason: so we should—we should, um, build something at the top here, jason: because then we can like, you know, have a good view. jason: and see this entire meadow with all

jason: the pigs. aphmau: i know. and then it's like...jason: all the pigs. aphmau: everything that touches the light is yours, right? jason: jason: nope. nope. jason: i'm gettin' out of here. jason: ooh. a cow. jason: okay, so the first thing we do to do jason: is build a crafting table.

aphmau: that's right. that's right.jason: because we need— jason: we need to start, uh, making stuff before jason: night falls and these—all these animals run away. jason: alright, so i'll make uh... jason: some pickaxes. and then, you can make some of the axes. aphmau: okay. can i make a sword? jason: sure? jason: are you going to kill all of our new friends? aphmau: no. no no no no.

aphmau: i just like—i just like being safe. jason: gregory is judging you very harshly right now. aphmau: no, i'm not making this sword.jason: if you—if you can look at him jason: yeah, gregory? she—she's an evil person. jason: she—she's got a sword now. jason: you should run and save your family. aphmau: i'm making a shovel aphmau: and um, aphmau: i'll make you a shovel.

jason: okay. um, i'll go look for, um, jason: like, minerals and stuff. you stay up here and... jason: why are there so many flowers here? aphmau: i—i—i did that. aphmau: i—i put them all down. jason: wh—where are we gonna put the house jason: if all the flowers are here? aphmau: i'll take—i'll take care of all this stuff.jason: oh my goodness. jason: i...

jason: oh my goodness. aphmau: what happened? jason: nothing. i... aphmau: what happened?jason: i may—i may have almost died. jason: jess! jason: jess. aphmau: what?jason: can—can you come— jason: right above me, there—there's a hole. jason: the hole that i—i fell down and i almost died.

jason: it's—it's right above where my—my nameplate is. jason: nope nope nope. right above me. aphmau: i'm coming. i—i—i'm gonna find it. aphmau: oh! i see it! aphmau: oh, look! hey!jason: don't—don't—don't— jason: don't fall. 'cause i fell. jason: and it was bad. jason: and i have, like, half a heart left. jason: but...but...i need...i need some sticks.

aphmau: sticks?jason: could—could you throw me some sticks? aphmau: yes, i can get you some sticks. aphmau: i've been working—i've...jason: thank you, babe. thank you, babe. that—that... aphmau: aww! you—now you have all my sticks. jason: yeah. good. jason: good. 'cause i need them.aphmau: jason: i'll—i'll bring back something really nice. aphmau: so, i don't wanna remove any of the trees up here aphmau: because it just looks so nice.

aphmau: they just make the place look great. aphmau: um, but i did remove one, aphmau: and i put, like, a little sapling down there. aphmau: but, there's a bunch of trees, like, down where you are. aphmau: over here.jason: yeah. aphmau: and so i'm gonna jump down.jason: oh. aphmau: get 'em!jason: do you need help, or...? aphmau: uhh...jason: i'm helping. jason: i'm helping. i'm helping. i'm helping.

aphmau: yeah, please come help. aphmau: and do you have a crafting bench? jason: (quietly) uh, it's over there. jason: i'll—i'll make a new one. i'll make a new one. i'll make a new one. i'll make a new one. jason: look, i just—i just have to punch this tree.aphmau: here, wait. i have— aphmau: i have two wooden, uh, planks right there. jason: oh. that—i only have three now.aphmau: that's mine now. jason: and—and you took my log. jason: and you put it back!aphmau:

aphmau: no, it was supposed—it's a nice log. it's supposed... aphmau: eh. jason: i'm done. i'm leaving.aphmau: aphmau: wait! where're you going?jason: i am leaving. i am leaving. aphmau: eh!? you can't do that!jason: i'm—i'm, uh, going to go up and get the— jason: i'm going to get the crafting table from up—aphmau: you have to start from the bottom up! aphmau: jason: yea yea. now what? now what? now what? now what? jason: it's mine.

jason: how did you—aphmau: jason: how did you— jason: how did you do that? aphmau: eh! aphmau: come on, i—i—i...jason: i—i give up. i— aphmau: no no no.jason: i am so done right now. aphmau: no. it was just a prank. aphmau: (quietly) b—bro. aphmau: i'm planting trees as i go too, so that way there are more trees here.

jason: oh. that's—that's a very good idea. jason: i—i don't do that. jason: i don't have the patience.aphmau: huh? jason: i don't do that because i don't have the patience. aphmau: but the trees. we have to plant the trees aphmau: so they—they grow again. jason: well, we gotta build a house before night falls. aphmau: but there's recycling that has to be done. jason: we—we could do that later.

jason: but right now, we could die. aphmau: but the earth could die if we don't do it. jason: you know what? you—you—you plant all the trees. jason: all the trees. jason: and i—i will build a house. and whoa. jason: that's a floating piece of rock. aphmau: wow. that is a flo— jason: minecraft, why? aphmau: i love trees, jason!

jason: yeah? since when? i've known you for twelve years! jason: not once have you ever mentioned that you love trees! aphmau: i like paper! aphmau: and i love trees! aphmau: i like drawing, which you have to do on paper. aphmau: which you have to do with—with—you have to get paper with trees! jason: (quietly) i'm done. i'm done. i'm done. i'm done. i'm done. aphmau: i have 18 logs. jason: i have 41,

jason: and then...18 birch. jason: so, i think that may be enough to build what we wanna build. jason: i mean, for right now.aphmau: no, i—i... aphmau: i think that's great, actually. aphmau: i think that works perfect. aphmau: how do you have 41 oak blocks? aphmau: and i only have 15.jason: because i worked jason: instead of staring at mountains and jason: and—and, you know, fawning over trees.

aphmau: like sticks. jason: no, i'm done. i'm done.aphmau: aphmau: oh yeah, because there's like a missing— aphmau: there's like a log in there aphmau: that you can't really see. jason: yeah, exactly. so—so now... jason: we have to build a house. jason: are—are you good at building houses? aphmau: um, i'm okay. usually, i start off with a square one,

aphmau: but, um, that's, you know, aphmau: so common in minecraft. jason: i'll take that as you are not good at building houses. jason: so—so i'll—i'll tryaphmau: i'm good at living in them. jason: i'll try to build a house. jason: i—i'm not promising anything great jason: because i'm usually not good at building in vanilla. jason: um...or not vanilla, but just building in crea—er, non-creative. jason: so, we're gonna figure out how well i can build a house.

aphmau: alright. um, let's see... aphmau: i will support you. aphmau: yay! you're doing a good job! jason: that—that was—that's—that felt like a very hollow compliment jason: after i put down, like, eight logs.aphmau: aphmau: look, i...jason: alright, so—so that's gonna be the doorway. aphmau: ooh. oh, that's nice. that's like—can i put a door down? jason: yeah, yeah.aphmau: i'm gonna put a door down. aphmau: door!

aphmau: two doors. jason: but...there's like holes in the side of the door. aphmau: well, that's not my fault. i— aphmau: i—i just made the door, man. i didn't make the... jason: i—i like how the wooden shovel just looks like a gigantic spoon.aphmau: jason: aw, my spoon broke. aphmau: your spoon broke? aphmau: oh no...jason: aww. jason: if only i had someone who could

jason: make another spoon for me while i punch this dirt. aphmau: oh, i'll make a spoon. i'm just—jason: if only i had another person. aphmau: i'll make a spoon! jason: is this your new house? jason: 'cause we're kinda building right here. jason: you mind? do you mind?aphmau: he's like jason: do you mind getting out of the interior of the house? aphmau: you should tell him to moo-ve over. aphmau:

jason: where did you go? jason: 'cause i really want to just stare you down jason: and just frown—yep, there you are. jason: no...aphmau: aphmau: oh, here. here's a spoon. aphmau: here's—here's—here's a spoon. aphmau: where'd—where'd you go? jason: i'm over here. aphmau: oh.

jason: i was— jason: did you seriously just not see me for a second?aphmau: spoo— aphmau: alright. made a furnace. aphmau: and now, i kinda wanna go out, and, uh... aphmau: we have pigs... aphmau: do we have any...? aphmau: hmm... aphmau: i think i'm gonna go out and look for some sheep. aphmau: but i'm gonna need some shears first.

jason: alright. i have iron ore, so... jason: do you have a furnace? yes.aphmau: yes. aphmau: i have a furnace. aphmau: and i'm actu—i actually need to make some coal. aphmau: i should have gone over there and got some coal. jason: no, i have coal.aphmau: i can— aphmau: you have coal?jason: i have... jason: yeah. there ya go. jason: iron and some coal. behind you.

aphmau: oh. thank you. jason: i'll jason: finish making this, i guess. aphmau: uh?jason: can—can we just have a chest jason: for all the flowers that i just randomly get?aphmau: yeah. aphmau: yeah. this is—this is the... jason: so many random flowers. aphmau: this is the flower chest right here. aphmau: and also, i made, um...jason: oh! oh, and—and—

aphmau: and i found this while i was down there. jason: i did tell you jason: because i told you i was going to get you something cool jason: and i did.aphmau: mmhmm. aphmau: it's a crystal! jason: i mean, i guess it is.aphmau: ow. jason: did—did it hurt you? aphmau: yeah, it hurt me. aphmau: try—try to hit it with your hand.

jason: no. i'm not—no. why wou— jason: i used the pickaxe to get it originally. aphmau: oh, yeah. it hurt me when i touched it with my hand.jason: here. jason: there ya go.aphmau: aww. it's so pretty. jason: ser—seriously? aphmau: yeah. aphmau: what? jason: i'm just going to keep building. aphmau: alright. i made you something really cool.

aphmau: i made you a...jason: jason: i already see it. i already see it. jason: it's in your hand. aphmau: no, you didn't. aphmau: you don't see it. it's a flower. aphmau: jason: but... jason: can i trade this? aphmau: i made you an iron sword!jason: this flower? jason: ahh, thank you. now—aphmau: now you—

jason: now—now i can—i can begin my conquest of all the pigs. aphmau: oh! aphmau: sheep! jason: you find 'em? aphmau: there's a herd of them over here. aphmau: it's pretty far away from our place, though, so... aphmau: um...jason: don't—don't kill them because we'll need them for later. aphmau: there's a—there's a ton of them, though. jason: yeah, but they'll—you don't get anything from killing them.

jason: i mean, if you use the shears, that's like, jason: you get everything, right? aphmau: yeah. ooh! i made the sheep pink! aphmau: i have a pink sheep. jason: ooh. aphmau: and pink wool now. oh. aphmau: i only got one. aphmau: i know you have more. jason: what's that?aphmau: don't give me that look.

aphmau: no, the sheep just gave me one pink wool. aphmau: red sheep. aphmau: red dye. aphmau: oh, i love dying sheep. jason: you got a lot of wool, or are you just jason: dying sheep, and—and then running away? aphmau: um... aphmau: see, you would think that. aphmau: you know, that i would just

aphmau: dye the sheep, and then run away.jason: i—i—i would think that. aphmau: but i'm not! aphmau: i'm actually—i'm actually going to get a ton aphmau: of red wool, by the way. aphmau: um...because i have a lot of red. aphmau: and i guess this will be like a aphmau: red sheep herd? aphmau: aphmau:

jason: what's up? aphmau: i'm—i keep dying this sheep aphmau: purple and red, and it's awesome! aphmau: this one will be dyed blue over here. aphmau: ooh! aphmau: it's dyed blue. jason: did it work? jason: wait, what? you should've mixed jason: the blue and the—and the red to make purple.

aphmau: you're right! jason: why—you were looking for purple. aphmau: i forg—i have so much red, though. aphmau: i have 44 red. aphmau: oh, wow! jason: welcome back. jason: i put flowers down.aphmau: this is... aphmau: aw, you did.jason: see? jason: see? i can—i can decorate.

jason: i'm good at decorating. aphmau: yeah, and you're good at building. look at this! aphmau: this is amazing! jason: aw, this...it's not that great. aphmau: yes, it's—i love it. i love it. aphmau: it's not that great. it's amazing. aphmau: look. i brought youjason: what've you got? aphmau: sand. aphmau: and i also have porkchops.

aphmau: and i have all this red wool. aphmau: and, uh, i'm going to go ahead and make it for you.jason: you should— jason: you should make carpet out of the wool jason: and put it down on the bottom floor. aphmau: yes!jason: and then cook the—cook the sand. aphmau: i'm doing that right now. aphmau: and i'm going to make another— aphmau: do you have any stone? i wanna make another furnace. aphmau: i got a lot of red.

aphmau: like, a lot of red. aphmau: um... aphmau: alright, so i made a runway coming in. jason: okay. aphmau: 'cause i know it's hard to put down stuff on top of carpet, right? jason: uh, yes it is. jason: it's—it's kinda difficult.aphmau: yeah. aphmau: so, i'm only going to make like, little, like aphmau: runway carpets and stuff like that.

jason: okay, so i'm totally out of materials. jason: so, we're going to have to farm again, but jason: i want to show you what i've made so far. aphmau: okay. jason: so this is the house.aphmau: it looks— jason: um, i'm—i'm thinking we probably put, like, jason: a kitchen here for right now jason: because the house isn't going to be much bigger than this for right now. aphmau: mmhmm.jason: and so, a kitchen, and like,

jason: dining area, or jason: kitchen and then dining area. i don't know. jason: i'll let you pick that out. aphmau: okay.jason: and then jason: we have the stairs jason: which lead to another room which i haven't created. jason: and then, for right now, jason: up here, we'll have the bedroom. aphmau: that's so beautiful.

jason: so, we're—we're gonna need two beds. aphmau: oh. i'm on it.jason: can—can you make— aphmau: here we go. aphmau: and i made beds. jason: okay. i have a few more torches, jason: and then uhhh...aphmau: this is mine. jason: alright, yep. i see the moon.aphmau: this is yours. aphmau: and then...boop. jason: sleep! sleep!

jason: come on come on come on! jason: ahhh. jason: see? oh, and look—look at this. jason: look at this. look at the sunlight.aphmau: that— aphmau: ah, it's perfect!jason: that is beautiful. aphmau: it comes in and the shaders just make it look amazing. jason: it does, but jason: but our house—our house is not finished. aphmau: no. no. this is not—this is not done.

aphmau: it's not done. aphmau: aah! aphmau: what'd you do that for?jason: jason: it was an opportunity. i had to take it. jason: uh, oh, you didn't—you didn't fall off the mountain. jason: i mean... aphmau: jason: well—well i—i—i hate to do this, jason: but i mean... jason: you did make this for me.

aphmau: so, that was the very first time we've ever done survival together. aphmau: and i'm pretty sure that i'm gonna go crazy. aphmau: with, uh...jason: i think it went well. i mean, jason: this house is, like, probably the best house i've ever made. jason: so...aphmau: i am—i am so proud of you. aphmau: look how b—it is really good. aphmau: i like it. it's really good, aphmau: especially, for like, the first time. aphmau: aw. now you gotta—

aphmau: we gotta figure out a way to move everything in. aphmau: hmm...jason: we can figure that out later. aphmau: okay.jason: later. later. aphmau: alright. well, guys, remember: aphmau: if you enjoyed, be sure to let us know what you think aphmau: in the comments below. and until then, aphmau: we'll see ya next time. aphmau: take care. aphmau: bye!

jason: bye!

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