apartment dining room ideas

apartment dining room ideas

hi everybody, it's letitia. as you guysknow i am on a super big home decor kick. i mean i have always been ever since imoved into my own place, as you saw in my previous thrifting video. i picked up a lotof second-hand home decor pieces for very cheap. i don't know how peopledo this where they move into an apartment and they somehow are able tocompletely furnish and completely fill up all their spaces and fill up alltheir shelves, because we've lived here for two to three years now. so itcontinues to be a work in progress but as you know it gets really expensive todo home decor. but these are some small apartment decor hacks that you can do tomaximize on the space that you have.

so the first hack that you want to do isto build up. you want to maximize all the wall space that you have even if it's arental unit. you can have some very space friendly wall hangings that you can putwith command strip you can add shelves. and even this like little nook in ourbedroom, it's just this tiny little corner so we took some really smallshelves and they're white so then they blend right into this space. and we usedecor and plants to fill out that space. i have a backdrop system as well andi'll have my office decor. i've been doing an office rental and that'll be aseparate video but i just wanted to note that this is hung right above the doorwhere it was a space that would have

never been used. which brings me to mynext point. if you have small knickknacks and you have small decor pieces, i thinkthat those pieces are actually necessary for the home because that's what makesyour home your home. it's really nice to come home and be able to look atsomething that just kind of, it just kind of greets you like hey this is yourplace, welcome home. aside from the memorabilia pieces, almost everything onthis shelf is thrifted. so everything you find can actually be very affordable, youjust have to be a bit more creative about where you look for it. with thisshelf, is that one standout piece. this is a very random area, it's kind of likein-between our entryway. it's an open

concept kind of apartment so the spaceused to be really like, this is where we hid all of our books behind the mirror.we had like random photo frames that we still haven't, i still haven't hung up. itwas a huge eyesore and it was right in front like right when you walk in thedoor you'll see it. i know that there are lots of shelves that you can buyand technically a shelf can be just like the white ones that we have in ourbedroom. they can be used to blend into the apartment and bring out your decorpieces, but they can also be a standout piece on its own. in each room i try todo my best to invest in one standout piece. when we first moved into our placewe didn't have a bed, so it wasn't until

we moved into this apartment, so oursecond home did we actually buy a bed frame. so everything we do, we try to saveup for. we look for that one thing that we really want and then you just wait.and i have this little nook in my apartment where it looks out to thestreet and it looks out to the park and this is just the perfect armchair. whenyou find a chair that is so deep that you could like settle in on it perfectlyand put up your feet because i always put up my feet. like i have my feet upright now. that is the piece that's worth investing in in my case. love that it'svelvet and i love that it's surrounded by all my plants. there is always spacefor plants and for some reason it just

never looks too cluttered. and it adds somuch life to your room no matter if you live in a studio apartment whatever. ifyou could find space to even hang your plants, there's always space for plants. sowe try to enforce very strict rules in this house is not to buy unitaskers,especially in the kitchen. well like one thing i have is zucchini a zoodlerand those, that's a unitasker. it only does one thing. we really try to slimdown on bulky pieces and choose multi-tasking items. because it's justthe two of us we kind of decided to not get a dining table. we kind of put stoolsaround the coffee table. our coffee table also lifts up into a table it's openedup the room a lot more and it felt like

a worthy sacrifice. sacrifice? i feel likesome rules are meant to be broken, but you do want to stick to a relativelyneutral color scheme in terms of furniture. i'll only have a couple ofaccent color pieces like the side table and then the copper floor lamp. littlepinkish tones from the pink side-table bring it back to thebedroom with the headboard. if you guys are wondering no stefan is not afraidof pink, he actually really likes it. i just wanted to preface that because ikind of feel self-conscious that people think that i just do all the decisions.and you also want to choose furniture with more delicate design. like thiscouch for example, is not a couch to the

floor. it has legs and even though i'veput storage underneath it still keeps things light. if you notice a lot of myfurniture still has legs so it's not just a block of furniture. for the entirehome i follow this rule where it's unless it's for display you put it away.if you see my washroom countertops like i have a randomly big side of acountertop in my washroom i know a lot of people will have their makeup in likeclear cases and on their countertop but i actually keep all of my makeup in thedrawers. so you use your decor pieces to make your statement instead instead ofyour clutter. so if you want to maintain that neutral color scheme but your houseis looking kind of drab, it needs a bit

of life to it, you can add textureinstead of color like this super soft throw. it's just a nice off-white but theway that the light plays with it you know like it creates a lot moredimension you want to add warm textures and like in a land of stainless steelappliances putting in pieces like this kind of makes you even feel warmeralready. you know like naked on a bearskin rug kind of homey and cozy. so ihope you guys enjoyed this video if you like home decor videos let us know andif you have any requests let me know. i'll continue to be thrifting home decorand also working around the house because there's still a lot of stuffthat we do need to work on. and thank you

so much article for collaborating withme on this video. it means a lot to be able to come home and actually feel at homeand being able to express yourself through your home. so big thank you toarticle and i will see you guys next time bye!

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