best color for bedroom walls feng shui

best color for bedroom walls feng shui

hi, i'm heather. welcome to harmony in motion feng shui. many people are familiar with commandpositions with regard to bed placement however, there are many command positions around the house that can effect our energy. today we're going to look at a fewdifferent rooms where you can make some simple changes to give yourself more support life. the ideal power position in a room known as the command position is to besitting or laying down diagonally opposite the door with asolid wall behind you for support and a view of the whole room. it if thereis a window on that wall

then move on to the next solid wallopposite the door here you still have a great solid wallbehind you with a view of the whole room and the door. now, just a quick note about where thiscomes from. it comes to ancient china where feng shui originated where the mastersstudied the formation of the land and its affect on people and found thatwhen people lived in a house with a big strong mountain behind them a small mountain on either side, big openspace in front, and water down below, this is where they were the most supported from the elements

and in turn they had healthy crops and healthy families and were overall abundant in life. so this is how we bring this insideour environment so we can achieve that send of support and well-being in our lives. now you want to try and stay away fromsitting or laying with your back to the door or being directly in line with the door,but if you have to, due to space, there are some ways to helpoffset the energy flow if you have that kind of situation. if you have your back to the door youcan put a mirror somewhere in front of you so you can see behind you or if you are in direct line with the door

adding something in between you and thedoor as a bit of a buffer is a good idea. i encourage people topick a room in their home and try standing with your back againsteach wall. take notice of the door and window positions and how you feel energeticallyin the space. if there's more than one entrance into aroom use the one that a guest would enter in through. as you do this exercise you'll begin tosee where you feel more supported. so let's take a look at some examples. this first example is the living room a small one bedroomcondo in santa monica.

real people, real houses. as you canimmediately see the energy is stopped right when youwalk in the front door. now when it comes to living rooms a sofa or main seatingarea is a place that you would want to havesupport and be in a good command position. if you look at the floor plan you cansee the sofa is along wall a. yet across the room is a nice solidwall of support and a view with the entire room and thedoor. so as i say in many of my feng shui consultations.... just flip it. now we have a nice solid wall of supportbehind the sofa, and it feels so much more

secure lounging around and watching tv, not tomention in this floorplan it feels a little cozier than being apass-through space when someone comes in the front door. and on the other wall the tv fit perfectlyby the door and the best part that we now haveopened up low energy into the home from blocked to welcome come right in. in feng shui we refer to the home as a body and thefront door is the mouth to that body were all the energy comes in

nourishment, so having the energy to be able to flow freely into your home helps to bring good opportunities to youin all areas. this next example is a home office in los angeles. real rooms, real-lifeparameters. here we have a nice home office spacethat happens to be split with the tv area living space. many rooms within our homes serve adual purpose so sometimes that means you have to go halfway with the commandposition but even can make a tremendousdifference. in this floorplan

the desk sits along well a. recall thatto be in a command position you always want to be sittingfacing out with a view of the door and not with your back to the door. when we have this kind of situation our bodies go into fight or flight mode,tensing up not knowing what is coming up behind us. also it's not a good thing to put a desk directly in front of a window. although many people tend to think it's nice to look at the trees our thoughts and ideas go right out thewindow with it, so try to stay away from

that especially for kids. and just walking intothe space gives off a vibe of stay back, don't come in, go away, but then we just flip it as much as you can. now we have a much more open and functional space we put the desk on the other wall and now have a space where even though it's not the number 1 command position the person can now see the door andtheir body comes out a flight or flight mode

relaxing their energy. we now have abeautiful space that flows well that says welcome come in and be inspired, sit down and write a few pages. of course being in line with the doornow in this case, since there is a bathroom door just the right to the desk so we can't put anything there, we haveto get creative to come up with the little buffer in between the person atthe desk and the door. a feng shui crystalsitting on the edge of the desktop or an area rug on the floor, or hanginga crystal or a wind chime

from the ceiling in between are all ways to work that will protect your energy. this next example is a little kitcheninside a studio apartment in chicago. feng shui works with all sizes of spaces and decor, from one room studios to massive mansions and everything in between. here we havean open studio with the kitchen tucked in the cornerwhile, it's especially auspicious and a key point to have your stove be in a commandposition anywhere that you spend a lot of timewith your back to the door is something to the energetically mindful of. it's just your average little

corner kitchen space stove off to the left dishwasher to theright but all the prep space spent mostly with the persons back to thedoor. so when your back is to the door placing a mirror so you can see behind you will automatically will automatically relax that fight or flight response. plus you can also see how much this opened up the whole space and how muchbrighter it is. these photos were taken moments apart so there were no otherchanges that brightness is all on from the mirror.and it is just a simple 24 inch round mirror michaels craft store. these are easy quicksolutions to get your feng shui energy

more balanced and supported. so now that you have some ideas aboutcommand positions around the house it's time to look at see what's aroundyour house that you can flip and give yourself some extra feng shuisupport. if you have any questions or would like additional information please visit my website at thank you for watching and have awonderful day.

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