clearance dining room sets

clearance dining room sets

what are the seating guidelines for barsand restaurants? in this video i'll review the architectural standards forcorrect bar and restaurant seating and aisles, and later, i'll review a specialsketch i've prepared just for you! coming up! hey, rick uzubell again from cabaret design group, where i share my personal ideas and tips on bar design, draught beer system design and product reviews. later in this video i'll give you 'today's takeaway'. if you're new here, please consider subscribing,

and check-out the show notes and links in the 'youtube description' below. now let's jump into the show! confused about how many seats and tables your bar or restaurant can accommodate? how wide should the aisles be? these are common questions in bar and restaurant design. as you'll see later in this story, there are many possibilities. here's an example of a bar with an adjacent area for

casual dining and general entertainment. the focus of this discussion concernsthe area to the right of the bar, and the question is 'how many dining seats canthat space yield?' to illustrate the issue, i'm going to demonstrate two approaches.the first concept features two tables of six seats each and one table with ten seats, yielding a total of 22 seats. an alternate seating arrangement, shown here, features seven tables with four seats each, yielding a total of 28. on the other side of the bar, we're showing three 2-tops

along the wall, which yields diningfor six. another way of using that twenty two-foot long space would be as adrink rail for 11, but this wouldn't be conducive for dining. the same holds to for the banquette seating along the opposite wall, which can seat 14-16. the long banquette and drink rail are both great complements to the bar. you may decide to choose one or both, but just realize their limitations. when space planning, we need to use the

following architectural standardsreferenced in this downloadable sketch. 2-top table planning: 66"-78" in depth, 24"-30" in width. 4-top table planning: 66"-78" in depth, 48"-54" in width. access aisles: 18" of space isneeded from the backs of chairs on adjacent tables and service aisles of 36" for waitstaff and ada. customer activity zone of 30" from the baredge on all sides of the bar, and 10" from the edges of all dining tables. when preparing for comfortable dining seating, allocate 14 square foot per patron. to achieve this goal,

architectural standards are the key to planning bar and restaurant seating. see you next time!

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