craigslist dining room chairs

craigslist dining room chairs

hello everybody lalalove giggles here andtoday i'm just gonna do a really quick garage saling thrift store craigslist haul for youguys i got these sunglasses for i believe it was 50 cents at a garage sale they lookcool don't they they look really cool anyway let's get going i'll show what we got so myfavorite thing we got is this really cool it's like a bronze kind of a copper tone mirrorhi everybody i was looking for one actually but all i could ever find was silver so iwas just gonna buy a silver one from ikea but then i found this one this copper oneand then i got this and this was just i think it was like a buck 50 but it's really coolit really matches our decorating scheme and i love it it's got like zebras on it wildlifewe got this coffee table from craigslist for

10 bucks and what we plan on doing is i don'tknow if you've been on pinterest lately but there's like this huge pennies thing whereyou put pennies all over stuff and you put like a shalack on it or whatever so we'regonna do that to the top because you can see it's got some like damage to it but i thinkit's really nice it looks really hi putter hello putter then we found this really beautifuljacket at a garage sale it was a buck 50 and it's it's very beautiful we're going to giveit to my mother in law it's kind of her style although i texted her pictures of it and shesaid it looks like it's for prince maybe not so much then we both got like a bunch of clothingfrom the thrift store i got this like sweater with lace in the back like a see-through backi'm not gonna try any of this on right not

just cause i don't feel like it but i'll showit to you and you'll probably see me wear it in one of my videos i got this like polkadot top and it kind of like ruffles at the bottom and this cute little ruffle right thereat the top so yeah i think that's really cute and then my bubby my evan got these toolswhich are they're actually brand new in the box and they were 7.50 which is really goodand then jelly bean our littlest dog who is a pomchi also known as gary he got from agarage sale they were like 3 dollars a piece so still pretty darn cheap cheaper than youcould get at a store but this is like a little bomber jacket he looks so cute in this herehe is in his cool bomber jacket hahahaha i know he doesn't look like it but he doesn'tactuallly seem to mind this one it is hot

today so i'm gonna take it off right now andthen he also got a nice little halloween costume little devil bean with these sparkly wingsand a little tail jelly are you mad at mama? why don't you tell me about it jelly bean?tell me how mad you are jelly bean oh what a cute bean in his costume! hahaha look athis face he hates he absolutely hates wearing clothes you guys he hates costumes but youonly have to wear it on halloween or whenever we feel like laughing at you hahaha now thisis what he does when you take it off of him can't get it off there we go give me thatthen probably one of my favorite things that we got are these like pastel probably easterholiday lights but i thought they'd look really great in our bathroom and i'm just gonna turnthem on cause i want to see if they work they

work! yay they work! look at how pretty theyare i got the lights up it took me forever i just kept running into issues but finallyi got it up and i decided to go around the mirror cause there is a lot more length thani thought there would be that's what she said haha but yeah so i went all the way up overthe ledge well guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed i hope you got some reallygood ideas on how you can reduce reuse recycle and i hope this made you want to go out garagesaling i love garage saling so much i found so much great stuff and i was so happy aboutit i can't wait to do what we're going to do with this coffee table and i'll probablydo a video about it so just wait and you'll get to see how we repurpose it or upcycleit i should say anyway we'll see ya later


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