delegates dining room

delegates dining room

president moon jae-in, who's on a four-dayvisit to the u.s. is now... at the white house for dinner with the trumps. it marks the first meeting between the twoleaders that are juggling with economic as well as diplomatic agendas... facing continuedprovocations from north korea. let's cross straight over to our hwang hojunwho's in washington for us. hojun, has the south korean president metwith president trump? jihye, as we speak, president moon jae-inand first lady kim jung-sook have just been welcomed by the first couple of the u.s.,... president donald trump and first lady melaniatrump at the white house south portico, also

known as the president's back door. a reception will be held on the first floor,often referred as the state floor,...and a group of presidential chief aides along withsouth korea's foreign minister will also attend the reception. shortly afterward, the moons and trumps willhave dinner together at the state dining room. this is just the second time president trumpand his wife, melania have hosted state leaders for dinner at the official presidential residence. just to refresh your memory, president trumpwas the first foreign leader to call president moon to congratulate him on his victory inthe presidential election in may,... and it

was president trump who invited moon to washington. so, this special dinner carries great significance,especially when the official bilateral summit between the two leaders will take place onfriday morning here... that's late friday night... possibly into early saturday morning,korea time. and that summit is where eyes are all focusedon... with a joint statement set to be released after the meeting. but what could be a possible hint on whatthe two leaders might give out later today... president moon sat down with american lawmakers,...ensuring that thaad will be deployed as planned. could you tell us more about that?

you're right. earlier today, president moon had back-to-backmeetings with the leaders of the u.s. house of representatives and senate. president moon's first meeting was with thedelegates of the house of representatives, including house speaker paul ryan, and thefloor leaders of the republican and democratic parties. house speaker ryan welcomed president moonand said the seoul-washington relationship remains strong and he looks forward to continuingdialogue to reinforce the alliance. the leaders of the house asked many questions,especially regarding issues related north

korea and the thaad deployment. president moon said the u.s. should discardany doubt on his administration trying to withdraw from the agreement to deploy thaad,adding that the environmental impact assessment is purely for the sake of due process. president moon also met with the leaders ofthe u.s. senate, including majority leader senator mitch mcconnell and heads of the senatecommittee on foreign relations and the armed service committee, senator bob corker andjohn mccain, respectively. president moon told the senators that he hopeshis visit will be an opportunity for the alliance to become greater and that can ensure everlastingpeace on the korean peninsula.


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