dining room cabinet ideas

dining room cabinet ideas

home offices are often overlooked. many people think that a home office can beplaced anywhere in their home without a thoughtful design. just set a desk and an extra chair, and you'regood to go. well, that's not true. working on a monthly report or pulling anall nighter is quite stressful. you deserve a more comfortable home officeto perform your tasks better. for example, check out these 10 home officemakeover ideas that can probably boost your mood and alleviate your stress when doingyour job at home.

as always, this list is brought to you bysimphome.com 10. add a wall art a piece of wall art can mean the world foryour home office. it can help you overcome the stress by beefingthe stark wall up. more importantly, it can provide an unimpededidea that make you finish your job faster. you can choose any wall art you like, froma large painting or photograph to some pressed plants for a mid-century modern or vintagestyle. you can also opt for this woven wall art ifbohemian style is your thing.

any wall art will do. the most important thing is it has to adda personality boost to your own personal home office. 9. bohemian office home style set your crazy ideas free with this bohemianhome office style. there is no strict rule about this style,which is what makes it wonderful. you can concoct any colour and pattern youwant because more is more. this is not just a place that provides a comfortableworkspace, but also a place where you can

be as crazy as you want. lay a colourful rug on the wooden floor tokeep your feet warm when pulling an all nightery. don’t forget to mix some patterns and materialslike a leather armchair for a comfortable seat and wooden stools that do double dutyas additional storage solutions and seats. lastly, you can also add some plants to jazzit up more. 8. refresh your eyes with outdoor views when you still have a veritable mountain ofpaperwork to do, you deserve a few minutes to take a break.

grab your tea or coffee and please your eyeswith the spectacular view. for this reason, the location of your homeoffice plays a crucial role. try to place the desk by the window or glassdoor. it will allow you to give yourself a viewwhen you think you need to escape from the pressure for a little while. besides, placing the desk by the window alsoallows you to get sufficient natural light and fresh air that good for your mood. 7. home office idea for limited space

apartment dwellers know how it feels to getby with limited space. they don’t have enough space for a comfortablebedroom, let alone a perfect home office where they can do their job comfortably. if that’s your case too, merge your emptycorner with your bedroom by investing in a loft bed. the loft bed allows you to have an extra roomunder the bed. and this space is perfect for a private homeoffice. after you construct your bunkbed. you just need to place a desk and chair init.

it would be better if the desk has some shelvesto store your files and books. lastly, caution: low ceiling: watch your head. 6. hang a chalkboard one of the must-have items of an office homeis a memo. but, instead of hanging a corkboard that remindsyou to do several things, you can try this multipurpose chalkboard idea. this chalkboard enables you to jot down anyimportant thing that you don’t want miss or forget.

just make sure the chalk is within your reach. another fantastic thing about this chalkboardis it features some small shelves that you can use to store important letters, bills,and notes. if you are into diy project, this one is foryou because it is diy friendly. 5. incorporate your storage space storage space is very important in a homeoffice. you don’t want your paperwork to scatteron your desk, do you? if carpentry isn’t your thing, at least,you can have a custom desk made.

this desk provides all you need to do yourjob comfortably. it features ample storage space that you canuse to store your books and stationery without gobbling up a lot of space. these four small buckets do not come withthis desk. they are just additional storage that hostyour pens and pencils. you just need to attach a rod on the wall,add four s hooks, make a hole in each bucket, then hang the buckets. 4. hang motivational quotes

some people may think that motivational quotesare not more than decorative but empty sentences. however, nothing could be further from thetruth. for the people with positive minds, motivationalquotes are part of mental transformation and attitude. therefore, hanging motivational quotes inyour home office is such a worth-trying idea. you can write down any motivational quotesyou have heard from your friends or parents, or you can also search them on the internet. you can print and attach them on the wallalong with some decorative elements. these quotes will act as a mood booster thatalways remind you about your ultimate goal.

3. enliven it with plants natural elements like plants have never failedto enhance the good vibes in any room including your home office. try investing in some indoor plants like snakeplants, spider plants, and devil’s ivy for they will not only add a lively lift to it,but also purify the air. 2. hang some photos there are many things that encourage peopleto perform better in their job.

it can be their family or dream. and memories are sometimes brilliant way tolevel up anyone mood. if this idea attracts your attention to try,some strings and clothespins are all you need. if you want to keep your memories private,hang some photos of any place you are going to visit or dream to visit. it is a simple idea that can be effectivemotivation booster for you. to make it more appealing, arrange some jutethreads at the bottom of each photo, and attach them using coloured tape to get a boho style. and lastly number 1, decorate your filingcabinet

an ordinary filing cabinet usually featuresmetal finish which is a dime a dozen. why do you have to stick to that mundane lookif you can have a more attractive filing cabinet for your personal office? to get this look, you just need to apply twocoats of primer onto your cabinet, then add two coats of country chic chalk paint. place the stencil on the surface of the cabinetand begin to press the end of foam roller down right onto the stencil. for the finishing touch, apply clear acrylicsealer. so, you know that working at home is not justabout getting your job done, but also seeking

the ultimate comfort that you can’t getfrom the office. i hope some of these ideas will be part ofyour dream realization and until that time stick with channel for more inspiring videos.

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