beachy dining room

beachy dining room

(bangs) evan: do you work hard? maybe too hard? katelyn: oh my god! oh my god! evan: good thing this video is sponsored by old spice. time to freshen up! why is there onlykatelyn's products around?

what about my products? (loud crashes) (cat meows) (suspenseful music) men have skin too, you know? the old spicefresher collection! finally, men have aselection of products with real ingredients andbenefits that we deserve. (tropical music)

(sighs) moisturize with shea butter. makes my skin feel likea freshly plucked peach. but a manly one. katelyn: is thatvanilla and amber? with a hint of berry? both: ah. (old spice jingle) (beeps)

hey guys, we'reevan and katelyn. today, we're going to beplaying with resin again, yes. we're gonna be doing abeach themed resin pour inspired by the beachy scents of the old spicefresher collection. so, in the end, we'regonna be doing it over like, a live edge slab and it'sgonna go across our bath tub so that we can hold fancythings while we're bathing. like fancy people?

like fancy people. but we have learned alesson from past projects where we just jump rightinto the final piece. we should probably- we sucked the first time. we don't suck, we getbetter the second time. okay. so, we're gonna be doingsome test pieces first. katelyn: all righty, so welooked at a bunch of tutorials

and they all dodifferent things. so, we each decidedto take the stuff that we thought wouldwork best and try that. so, the consistent thingsbetween the two of us are the colors we're gonna beusing for the blues and greens so we're mixingthose up right now. but, i'm gonna startwith a white base. it's just white acrylic. evan: and i'm just gonnado like, just straight wood

and the white isto hopefully like, hide any of thetexture underneath and let the colorshow through properly. yeah, so we'll see ifit makes a difference. the other difference isfor the white of our waves, i'm gonna be doing alcohol ink. evan's gonna bedoing flow acrylic? flow acrylic, well notflow acrylic, oh yeah. you taped over the label.

yeah, okay, okay, yeah. flow acrylic. yeah, so we'll just, we'll see. we'll just see. katelyn: i guesssince you're starting with the white one, i'llstart with the dark one. so, we each have to beconscious of not using too much. evan: yeah. katelyn: like, don'tuse more than half.

oh my gosh, you knowthe one thing i forget before every single resin video? what? we should probablylevel our creation. oh, shit. already see that it'slike, sliding this way. okay, so in thetutorials we watched, they did a lot ofmixing by hand. evan: like, just usingyour fingers and stuff.

katelyn: just like- evan: and i think it gives some good, interesting results. didn't she, isn'tthat what she did? she did like a pitter patter? i don't know, i'm doing kindof, like waves going forward. katelyn: we watched too many. oh no, yeah, no, theyneed to go sideways. 'cause that's theway waves work.

i think that already, i'm seeingthat white was a good idea. you can see the wood underneath. katelyn: the wood grainunder yours, yeah. (mumbles) okay, how do we fade this? ooh, let's just- (swishes) i'm gonna do a littlelike, tilty blendy. yeah, mine doesn't looklike waves the most. i might do a little more.

i'm doing like, getting kindof like, stripey stripes. katelyn: oh, oh, oh. this is my favorite part. giving it a little- evan: mine was nice. i made it worse again. (laughs) how are you doingyour little massage? i'm not doing itwell, evidently.

body massage. both: (laughs) evan: i'm just gonna verygently pitter patter now. so gentle. oh, is this gentler? man, how is yoursso much better? katelyn: actually, your like,deep blue is really deep. it makes me wanna do a littlebit more deep blue on mine. 'cause see how like,opaque yours is?

that's really nice. i like it. i think we're good. art is art. is art! it's gonna look even betteronce we put the white on. i think that's the key. yeah. most of the ones we looked at,

they looked kind of crappyat this point anyway. yeah, the waves and stuff. that's where like,the magic happens. that's where the magic happens. okay, so, we'll see you guysin like, some amount of hours. [katelyn] (tosupurrvisor) joobkin! you ready for the next step? you wanna help? supurrvisor: am busy.

wanna distribute somecat hair on the resin? supurrvisor: has food? evan: oh, she does wannadistribute cat hair on the resin. oh she does want to distribute. thank you, such a good helper. supurrvisor: food now. katelyn: it's timeto do the waves. evan: wow, everythingturned out so good.

it actually looks really good. katelyn: it actuallylooks super nice. evan: and it's great 'causeit's like almost unified between mine and yours. they kind of almostmatch up in a nice way. they do, strangely. i mean, this was fullyout of my control. it was just not level. evan: but it's sogreat and like,

i'm like, actuallylike, worried that like- adding the whitewill mess it up? with your white and my white,they won't match anymore. would be nice to- oh, i'm not worried about that. these are test pieces. i'm just worried thatwe're gonna ruin it. 'cause like, everything hasgone really smoothly so far and it normally doesn'tgo this smoothly.

so, we haven't really explainedwhat is done in this step 'cause looking at it, i would assume thatyou just drizzle white. and spread it around. that is not the case. you do a layer ofclear everywhere that you wanna doa stripe of white and then you do yourstripes of white on top of your layers of clear.

yeah and the clearactually carries the white and let's it like- spread out. do magical things. okay, so again, i'm gonnado white alcohol ink, and you're doing flow acrylic? flow acrylic. you should do the clearsand that will define how many waves we each have.

are you still wantingthese to match up? you know, they'll lookgreat hanging on the wall next to each other. yeah, okay, okay. it could be like, anawesome art piece. all right. i'll do the clear. do the clear. you have better artvision and (mumbles)

so, so what i've- things. i'm like, hovering. you're making me nervous. here, i'll film, i'll film. all right, don't mind me. i'm just gonna beright behind you. oh, nice, a single go. katelyn: maybe need thatone a little bit thicker.

are you ready? man, that looks greatfrom this angle. i'm just gonna keepthis camera going. yeah, sure. as long as it, you know,can you still work? yeah, yeah, yeahi totally got it. katelyn: okay, i'mdoing the white now. evan: oh boy. katelyn: i hope ihave enough pigment.

woo! i feel good about it. evan: do it as small as you can. i'm gonna like, startspreading this out with the heatgun first. oh, that looks cool already. looks cool. you can see thedifferences already. like, yours has a muchfuzzier edge than mine.

what if we do alittle bit of each? no, that's dumb. no, that's smart! well. then we can't properlysee what causes what. oh, yours isgetting the bubbles! katelyn: yeah! evan: look at that,yours is looking great. wowwww

wow. is this part weird? evan: that parts a little weird. katelyn: can i- evan: add some more whitebut add some more clear. then you can- katelyn: no, no, no, no,no i don't trust you. here. thank you.

(laughs) what? alright, so one lastthing that i learned was i think that for the clear, let's just do the whole thing. yeah, okay okay. okay, i feel pretty good. i feel prettygood, i think that- i could add a little bit more, but i don't wanna go too much.

like i did (laughs) i wasn't gonna say it. all right, let's try tomake a judgment right now on which is better. i vote alcohol ink. katelyn: i vote alcohol ink too. evan: there's justlike, like more spots. there's like, it'sjust not as nice. katelyn: i also feellike the flow acrylic

has a little bitof a powdery look, whereas the alcohol ink has alittle bit of a silkier look. i like it, i like it. i like it too. it looks foamier, which iswhat we were going for, so. it looks foamier. things answered so basically, justdo what katelyn didand ignore what i did 'cause my guesses were wrong.

does that mean iget to do the final? yes, that means youget to do the final. congrats, all of thepressure is upon you. okay, but first, beforewe get to the final, we need to actually buildour little bath caddy. (country music) evan: so, for the wood,we wanted to do something with a live edge slab, 'cause it seemed tofit the beachy vibes.

we found the perfectpiece of wood. it just happens to be fivetimes longer than we need. (upbeat jazz music) (saw whirs) katelyn: measuring wherethe legs need to go. very precise. katelyn: it's kindof like a test run. what do you think of it? i mean you might, i thinkyou'd be underwater.

i do just wanna like, getout a video game controller and just... ...have some me time. katelyn: all righty,it's out of the clamps. we also have these, whichare all finished now. katelyn: yeah. what do you think? katelyn: mine looks terrible! i think that there's someaspects of it that are good,

but my white stayed inplace a little bit better. katelyn: and mine justslid all over the place. i think that we could like, maybe even mix alittle bit of this and a little bit of this, so we can combinesome of the cells that happened with the alcohol. with the kind of, like,staying power that this has. like, basically,we did two tests.

we throw both out, try anew test on the final piece. katelyn: sounds gr- great. i do think one thingthat we can agree on is that the white paint onmine really, really helped, so we are gonna do whitepaint on this guy as a base. we also realized thatthe sides look terrible, so we're going to paint thesides like, a dark color to try to match the water. i mean, i painted my sides white

and they still looked terrible. just 'cause it's,the resin is so thin, i think those need to be a blue. so, we're justgonna give the sides a little bit of a helping hand. so again, trying a newthing on the final piece that we haven't tried before. it's gonna feel reallyweird painting wood. katelyn: i know.

ooh. no, actually, it's super fun. i like this. katelyn: it's very satisfying. evan: it's very satisfying. (dramatic music) it's like you're paintinga forbidden surface. you like that, kind oflike a little white wash? do you wanna graba paintbrush too?

okay, so we're officiallydeviating from the plan again instead of justdoing white on top. we are gonna quicklyfade through the blues and then go to the white. evan: aww, this looks so cool. katelyn: it's like, evenif you didn't have resin, you can do this and itwould look really cool. evan: it would look really cool. (slaps)

all right, so. so, we let this dryand then we pour. (upbeat piano music) okay, it's time. i'm so excited. i know. i didn't know howmuch i wanted this until like, it'stime to make it. katelyn: game plan isi'm gonna do the pour

while you do the blows. i'll be the agent of chaos,making things chaotic, with the, the hair-,with the heatgun. i think that's a good idea. i think so. why are you on this side? i don't know. is it tilting back thiswas too much or is it good? katelyn: i don'tknow, did you level it

when you set it up? no. i think we should probablylevel our creation. let's keep on going. katelyn: level it at theend like we always do. evan: it's like all thedark has already poured off. katelyn: great. do one under here. whoa!

moving things back and forth. okay, okay, okay, okay. i think we're ready. great, we've already started. can i (buzzes) katelyn: woohoo! literally the best part. can you help me? i don't wanna use this hand

'cause i wanna have oneclean and one dirty. oh god, no. two of my fingersare together, wait! you're making, justmaking me sweatier. is this how you put gloves on? what's happening? okay, just leave it, it's fine. evan: oh my gosh. it actually does look cool.

it does look great. evan: just to keepthis side down, i'm just gonna tapeit down like that. katelyn: oh yeah. improvise, adapt, overcome. katelyn: i have alittle bit more dark. should i get a spoon andlike, scoop the dark? it just keeps sliding off. i only have a little bit left.

should i just do it? i'll start mixing up more dark. okay, i'll do this. so glad that wepainted the edges. evan: me too. katelyn: i feel likei need to do more. evan: should we try doinga little bit of white? katelyn: just giveme one second. i just wanna makesure this is okay.

you can do it, you can do it. oh god, that makes me nervous. are your hands resiny? yes. starting to get alittle bit warm. yeah, does this look okay? this one's too pointy. what's this little guy? okay, okay.

are you okay? let's put some middle. it's steaming. ooh, it's veryhot on my fingers. evan: oh, it'sjelly, it's jellying. it's like sticking up. katelyn: okay. oh, no, no, no. okay, i don't think ican touch it anymore.

it is what it is, okay. it is what it is. do you wanna get thetorch and tsh tsh? (clicks) i think it'll getcamouflaged with the white. i think the white'sgonna be our savior and we just have towait and not judge it until the white is on. evan: yes.

okay, see you guys later today. okay, we came outhere to do white and then, we mixed our resin, and then we realized weneeded to repaint the sides because the waveslike, flowed far past our original painting, sowe're doing that real quick. we'll be right with you, and then we're gonnapour the white. it's already mixed, soit's curing or kicking or-

it's kicking, it'skicking, it's kicking. katelyn: you know what i mean. definitely kicking. can you heatgun this side? all right, this clear isstarting to go a little bit. (whimsical music) and if it's a little wet,it's little wet still. it'll just, youknow, flow and blend. i think that's pour.

i think we need to pour. okay, so we're gonnado the clear first, and this time, we'rejust gonna do the clear over the whole thing instead of just doinga few strips of clear. katelyn: yes. is your mic on? yeah, it is. aww, it's so nice.

oh, i could watch this all day. should we just oochit with our hands? let's just, let's just, oochit with one hand at a time. katelyn: woo, woohoo! it's like, gooey and warm. ooooooooooooooh aww, this looks great. so, you just did the flowacrylic directly into the resin? katelyn: little tiny poops.

evan: yeah, butmix it thoroughly. oh, god, too thorough,too thorough. so, we reserved a little bitof extra resin over there to do a tiny bit of alcohol ink. i'm gonna start just barely off. evan: okay. (classical music) oh. katelyn: oh, that's nice.

oh my god. i'll do a thin. got a little thick in themiddle 'cause i bumped it. you know. do like a little partialright here that'll taper. that looks nice,that looks nice. evan: oh, yeah. katelyn: a little bit ofthe alcohol ink white? that looks so good.

it looks so good. this is really savingour first pour. evan: the strongalcohol ink is nice and i'm not mixing too much. katelyn: yeah, no, yeah,i wouldn't over-mix. oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah. okay, now, just don't change. i just don't wantit to like, move.

if this ends uplooking terrible, just remember how it was inthe top down when we stopped. should we stop there orshould we do one more? (magical music) should've double gloved. we should've double gloved. almost, no, no, no, no, no. i was wanting to doanother harsh, white line. i know, i kind of wantanother harsh, white line too.

i feel like it's weirdbecause it's just that one. let's do it. aah! so, you're gonnagive me half of that? okay, okay, okay. i'll do what i can, yeah. look at that alcohol ink one. what is even happening in there? evan: okay, thatwas enough for me.

i think all the rest is good. all we need to do is getthat one last white line and we're gonna be good. i'm going. can you grab me a spoon? evan: uh. katelyn: i think it looks good. (drowned out by evan) evan: although, this righthere is all slipping off.

(heatgun blows) i think that's it. i think that's pretty darn cool. evan: i'm actually superhappy with this and i just- i'm actually really happy. i just hope itdoesn't all slide off. i know, i know. just please don't slide off. hopefully it startskicking really strong.

you know, i'm gonnaturn off the ac. turn off the ac! i'm really happywith how it looks. this was kind of stressful. like, in so many ways. evan: all right, we're ready. okay, it's the next day and i'm very excitedto show you guys this but i feel like we shouldshow you like, in place.

oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. right? let's go to the bathroom. let's go to thebathroom together! together! beep, beep. i can use some victoriousmusic playing right now. (victorious music) oh my gosh.

we are done. katelyn: that looksso freaking good. so chill, i just wannago hang out on the beach. evan: ah. katelyn: ah. katelyn: wanna come see? you approve? [supurrvisor] do not trust. katelyn: wow, it's great.

i'm ready. i don't know for what. evan: thanks again to old spice for sponsoring this video. check out all their links below. time for some me time. bye! i'm just staying right here. do you wanna do it again?

no, no, that's it. i'm just gonna stay here. you can go edit now.

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