circular dining room

circular dining room

hello and welcome to my new circle lineart school video how to a room in 2-ponit perspective, for this drawing weneed to start with a horizontal line that goes through a rectangle, the roomwe draw will fill the rectangle, the second step is to draw two dots onthis horizontal line which are outside the rectangle and they can be anywhereon the horizontal line, one on the left hand side and one on the right hand side, these two dots of the vanishing points, the third step in this drawing is todraw two diagonal lines from the vanishing point on the left to go to thevertical line of the rectangle

on the right, these will be the top and bottom of thewall of the room on the right and they need to go to the vanishing point sothat the perspective of two point perspective will work, the fourth step in this drawing is todraw a vertical line somewhere in the center of your page that goes betweenthe two diagonal lines that we've just drawn, this will be the corner of theroom the fifth step of this drawing is todraw two more diagonal lines this time from the vanishing point on the rightand they need to touch the top and

bottom of the vertical line that we justdrawn and they also need to stop on the left-hand vertical line of the rectangle,these two lines will be useful because they will be the left hand side of theroom, the left-hand wall of the room that we are drawing, now hopefully if you lookcarefully at the drawing that you're making, you'll see that there are two walls, one onthe left and one of the right, within the rectangle, but they followed the rule ofgoing to the vanishing points so now we can create some furniture orwork surfaces this can be kitchen, so we just can dosome three-dimensional blocks and with

each of these three dimensional blocks,which are going to be work services and things like that in the kitchen, the vertical lines need to stay verticaland the parallel lines which are going away from us will even go to the left vanishing point or to the rightvanishing point, this is because all of the objects inthis room are going to be at right angles to each other, it just makes it easier to do it thatway, all the up right lines are going to be parallel to the vertical upright linesof the rectangle and then all of the

diagonal lines, all of them, will go evento the left vanishing point or to the right vanishing point, now with this drawing likeany other it's always best to do the basic shapesfirst, once you've got the basic shapes put in,then you can start to think about details later on, the placing of theseobjects is quite important but i can move a line to the left orright to create the cube exactly where i want it so that is overlapping maybe acube or door frame behind it and that's overlapping quality, just by wearingplace the objects, will also help make the image look more three dimensional

because you have some objects which areclearly behind other objects and that will be in the objects in the foregroundwill come forward more and the objects in the background will recede and goback more in your drawing, once you've got to a certain stage, we willfocus on the center of the rectangle you can just use an erasor and rub out the guidelines which go to the vanishing points and now we've got a drawing with clearer lines, we can add some more details to it so, on the area on the left i'll make a tallsort of cabinet area and again the

vertical lines vertical and justchoosing how high i want that to go maybe to the top of the ceiling i thinki'll make it go a little bit lower we're speeding the video along here alittle bit, i will put in maybe a window here and that can be tucked behind thecabinet thing that i've just drawn and i with something else here in thecorner as well, but maybe i'll go back to the window and just had a little bitmore details to the window, so we get some sort of thickness to the windowframe and that will start to give us some more scale so we can judge how big and small thingsare and again to the door, to put a frame

around the door, will enable the drawing to be easilyread in proportions, just straightening some of these lines a little bit make,them darker and we can start putting on maybe some doors, so just dividing someof the shapes up so that there are cabinets and doors, maybe around the edge of the work top,work surfaces i could just draw a line underneath theline that we've already got, so that's just sort of copying a mark that we have already drawn, which is always quite satisfying to do, i think, and that will give some unityto these shapes in this kitchen

and then from this stage if we just pullback and see how it relates to the vanishing points you can see that it's still followingthe rules of when the diagonal lines going to left or the right vanishingpoint and all the vertical lines staying upright so the right here i'll draw a cooker and maybean extractor fan or something like that above the cooker and again working atthe base of that, which is higher than the horizon, line so we're looking

up to it and it's following the rules of twopoint perspective, which is everything's got to go to one of these two points, oftentimes people are confused aboutwhere the two points in the perspective drawing can go, as long as down thehorizon and far apart it really will make a difference to whatthe drawing looks like but it will always work as long as they're on thehorizon far apart, so here i put a little cabinet in thecorner of the room and there hasn't got much perspective because it's very nearthe horizon line and therefore the

diagonal parallel lines are almostparallel to the horizon line but they're not quite, the sort of tape a little bitto left, and they also taper a little bit to theright, whereas the things in the foregroundwill taper a bit more, i think on this thing in theforeground, if i draw two lines going up from thecenter of it, and then work out where they would stopif they're on the ceiling, they could be two lights which are hanging down, so i'm really doing guidelines to help me find out where they go and thenonce i have chosen where i want to put them,

i will draw two ellipses, which is justcircles seen from the side and make them into two lights and thendarken the line above so they're hanging from the ceiling, so to do that i found out where theywould relate to the surface below first, so here i will probably put a few details, maybe a bowl of fruit i couldput in the foreground or an apple or something simple like that maybe anotherone here and maybe a little mug or cup, something like that, so you can put anything you want, when you get to this stage of a drawingyou can just add smaller and

smaller things, so for this drawing up put lots ofcabinets and some tiles in the background and things like that and then through the door i've put another room and i've put a landscape through the window and added a few more details, and then i went over all the lines using a blackfelt-tip pen, the next stages i'll add some color and for this i'm just usingsome simple color pencils and i'll start with a soft green in the background andthen jump forwards and speed up the

video this bit and add some yellow andsome red and then add a few shadows, thinking about where the light sourcesis, so that the light is coming from one or maybe two directions, and then it createsshadows we need it to be, and then just pushing it forward alittle bit and work on the tones, keeping it so it's still a line drawing, but it hascolor and tonal values to it as well. thank you very much for watching thisvideo, i hope you find it useful for your own drawings there are many more of my how to drawvideos on my youtube channel circle line art school,

so please subscribe to circle line artschool for many more of my videos on how to draw, including how to drawperspective, how to draw faces how to draw all sorts of things, there are overa hundred and seventy videos to watch! i post a new video every saturday thankyou very much for watching and see you next time, bye bye!

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