chalk paint dining room table

chalk paint dining room table

i'm jenni with roots & wings furniture andtoday i'm going to show you how easy it is to paint fabric with dixiebell paintyou ready let's do it i picked up this chair at a church sale over the summerand i just love it it's so cute i love the wood i love finish of it you knowbut it's not the cutest chair this isn't the fabric that i would pick however thethe upholstery is in really good shape it's got double welding along the edgeit's it's all stuck down and it actually looks pretty clean too so i've been justletting it sit in my living room just like this until i figured out what to dowith it and i'm gonna paint the fabric i want to change the color just give it amore modern look so all i'm gonna do is

paint the fabric make it like almost asoft leather is how it's going to turn out it's going to completely change thelook of the chair and i'm not gonna have to do any upholstery work which i justdo not like so i want to show you how easy it is to paint fabric change thelook of it up and give yourself a chair you love you ready so i'm gonna usedixiebell in the navy paint it's a beautiful dark navy blue andthat's just what i want it's kind of the color i have in my living room and thenthe trick that we are gonna do is actually to spray the fabric with waterto get it a little bit damp to get it a little wet and it will help the paintreally soak into the fibers of the

fabric and almost turn into a dye morethan a paint so it's gonna really soak in and kind of settle in and and changethe color of the fabric itself so that's how this workswe are gonna need two coats of paint so we're gonna do the first coat here it'snot gonna cover perfectly but you know it'll give us an idea of what we'redoing and then one other thing to note this does have the pattern on it and thepattern won't be covered they'll still see the pattern through the paint so itwill still have that texture you're not going to cut if you hate the pattern ofyour fabric you're gonna have to reupholster itbut it will change the color of it so

let's get started here alright i'm gonnause this mister i got this off of amazon it's a it just missed water on to thefabric we don't need it soaking wet but we definitely want it damp all over sowhat i like to do is kind of just spray it and then almost will rub it into thefabric i'll just grab a paper towel and kinda you don't want it if it's soakingwet it's just gonna take forever to dry so we don't want it to terribly wet okaythat should do and then i've got my flat medium brush which i'm gonna use hereand we're just gonna start painting i did tape off around the edge i'm gonnakeep the the frame of the chair would i really do like the wood tone that it isbut i did tape it off because i knew i

would just make a mess otherwise ifyou're gonna paint the frame i would recommend painting the fabric first andthen doing the frame kind of do circular motions a little bit just to get thepaint in all the little crevices but it really covers nice something else that kind of happenssince we're getting the fabric all wet books with the water and the paint andalmost loosens the fabric up a little bit don't worry once it all dries it'lltighten back up if you've got a good upholstery job it'll be just fine youthink it looks kind of funny when it's all wet

okay already it looks so much better youcan really see the color that it's going to be and i just love this so we'regonna do the same thing here on the seat and just let this dry and then i'll showyou what's next okay since we're adding water to thefabric it does take quite a bit longer to dry than just paint so i did the backof this chair last night let it dry overnight really well and it looksreally nice nice coverage but it's really rough so we're gonna fix thatwe're going to use some sandpaper i'm going to use 220 grit sandpaper andwe're just going to sand it down till it's nice and smooth

all right and it's so much smoother evenwith just a tiny bit of sanding it just takes the like the grit off of it but itdoes also take off a tiny bit of color so we are going to give this a secondcoat the same way we're going to spray it with the mixture and then paint ityou could also add some water to your paint if you'd rather do it that wayeither way will work we'll just give it one more coat of paint to finish it upmake sure that coverage is nice and that'll help soften it out just about like that so it's a lotthinner the second coat is quite a bit thinner we're just covering any spotsthat we missed or any any spots where

the sandpaper took off some color soagain i'm just gonna let this dry it may take overnight till it's really dry tothe touch and then we're gonna add some wax for the final layer it'll soften itup just a little bit more and give us some protection on the fabric as well soi will be back for waxing here in just a little bit okay the back of this chair has twocoats of paint yeah it is a nice solid coverage and since we sanded betweencoats it is nice and soft which is fantastic it's just what we want also iwanted to tell you i got two coats on the whole chair with just one littleeight ounce jar of the paint there is

still maybe a quarter of the jar left sojust for reference and how far this goes you can get a lot done with even a smalljar of paint so i wanted to tell you that now since this is all dry and wedid let it dry overnight i am going to now seal it up with easy-peasy wax andthis stuff is really cool because it's just a spray wax so it's really easy touse it's going to give us a little bit of protection a little bit of sealantand then hopefully soften this up just a little bit more too and make it feelalmost more like leather or suede we don't want it to be crunchy at all solet's do that again this has been dry overnight so we've got a nice dry piecehere i want to shake up the wax really

well and then just start spraying muchand you can see i don't know if you can see but i can see where the wax is goingon there getting it nice and wet i'm gonna be i don't know a little bitliberal here cuz it's just missing it weigh about like that so it does looknice and damp with the wax and then i have just a dry cotton cloth that i'mgonna use just to kind of spread the wax around and make sure it gets down intothe fibers like okay so i'm just gonna leave it sitand dry it takes about 30 minutes to dry if i want another coat i could do it inabout an hour then once your final coat is done i'mgonna let it dry overnight one more time

just before i sit on it and use it andput it back inside but the wax would dry in about six hoursso and since we did kind of spray there's a little overspray on the framehere which is kind of nice we'll just use it to polish up the frame and we'vejust about got a finished cheer so i'll be back in just a minute to show youpictures how this turned out i love it i can't wait to get it back in my livingroom thanks for watching this video and i'll see you nextdon't forget to check out my website roots and wings furniture comm for morepainting tips and tricks and diy also subscribe to this channel so that youwon't miss a thing click the button

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