big lots dining room tables

big lots dining room tables

so today has been the longest freakingday of my life i woke up this morning at 6 a.m. to find out that i lost my nosering so around 12 o'clock i got up i went tothe biggest mall in nevada called the gallery at sunset never been there in mylife so i went there it's pretty damn big i can't believe it is really reallybig so yeah i went in there with my little guy and we're walking around andi found piercing pagoda i've never been therepeople keep talking about it like hey go to pearson pagoda or whatever i went topiercing pagoda i bought a nose ring so as you can tell my nose is like superred because my nose ring ended up

closing in the middle of the nightbecause i didn't have a nose ring end so yeah it hurts pretty better enough but ihave i do have 14 karat gold put in there usually i do stainless steel orwhat is it titanium i think it i think it's called titanium or stainless steelsomething like that and i just put the 14 karat gold in there because i'vewanted a nose ring that i could wear a long-term something that didn't go intomy bloodstream so gold is actually pure doesn't go into your bloodstream likestainless steel or sterling silver so if you don't know sterling silver actuallygoes inside of your blood which is crazy but whatever so yeah we finally got akitchen table after four weeks i found

one i went to walmart i went to target iwent to what is it oh our wiley's or our wiley's somethinglike that is it henderson it's it's like right on the road for me and i went to afew other furniture stores used furniture stores i looked at offer up icouldn't find a damn thing so i ended up going to big lots right next to my housei've never been to a big lots i went in there andhad a really nice table that my husband and i liked so we ended up getting itbecause it was on sale for $2.99 very happy that we got it it's a beautifultable and i'm gonna show you a little clip right now up the table so obviouslyit's not done being built we see this

box over here we have to start buildingit but so it's like a dark it kind of looks more orangi in this photo i meanin the video but it's really not i think it's just the lighting in here it'sactually a regular brown color like my fours it kinda is like it kind ofmatches my floors but for some reason it's giving off more of a energy colorbut it's not it's really not and then okay so now you can see the color i likethe chairs so that's kind of like what the table is it kind of matches thefloor a little bit and it matches our kitchen i mean our kitchen i mean allthe colors that we have in the house don't mind this it matches so yeah ireally like it

obviously this chair is not together yetit's like yeah my husband hasn't put anything together he's out right nowdoing his own thing but yeah so we got a chair and we got we got four chairsactually that it's nice to put together and then this was pretty easy just toput together it's really nice i'm gonna be honest so far i really like living inhenderson i think henderson is a very quiet really nice good area to live inif you're gonna move here the thing that's bothering me lately is i reallymiss home i really really miss home actually i don't miss chicago but i missi miss my son money and i miss my mom and dad yeah i i actually moved out herethinking oh i'm not gonna miss my mom

and dad or my familyi'm just gonna be all new person and i'm gonna be happy right well i get out hereand truth is i really do miss my my mom and dad it's hard for me not to see themevery day because when i lived there in chicago i would always see them everysingle day of my life so with my son and we would be over there all the time ican go to my parents house i could hang out with them all they do my laundryjust you know sit there and hang out with that well now i really can't dothat i'm in a whole different state and so today was one of those days that i'msitting here like man was it worth it was it worth moving here like yeah ihave my biological dad here and my

brother which i really really enjoy ilove hanging out with my brother and then his girlfriend jessica she'sawesome i love jessica but there's justsomething missing and my heart i actually really miss my mom and dad andyou know moving here it's just rough on me right now it's really really roughsimply because you know my biological dad didn't raise me growing up so i'mnot really close with him so i really don't have a dad living here or mom ifthat i have a really big support team living here in las vegas which i reallyreally enjoy i really love and i really really love but going to my brother'shouse hanging out with them and laughing

and having a good old time but then bythe time i get home you know i'm sad again and i just feel like every singleday i'm trying to be happy and i'm trying to get used to it becauseeverybody's like oh you just moved to las vegas you just moved here butthere's just like a whole missing in my heart that i really miss back home and imiss being able to just go to my mom and dads and hang out with them all day andwhen i go through my bipolar days i like to be able to just get up anddrive over there it's only 15 minutes away from where we were living so i wasthere pretty much every single day but i am i'm i'm actually really missing homeand it kind of sucks so if you're

thinking about moving here to las vegasor another state completely away from your family just know like you want toget out so bad but in reality you're going to miss your family is like i leftchicago haiti my mom and dad because we always argued and we weren't on the samepage as uh as normal people i guess we just argued all the time we were neveron the same page so i was like you know ask my parents i can't wait to leave andnow that i'm here and they're not here i'm like man i really fucked up i reallymessed up this time simply because i don't know it's like you don't realizewhat you have until it's gone and that is a really really big thing that peoplereally need to realize is yeah you might

hate your mom and dad right now becauseyou're with them every single day or if you're living with your parents thoughyeah you might hate them but in reality when you're gone from them and you'reliving in other state you're going to miss them and their bullshit because imissed my mom and dad and their bullshit other than their i don't miss anybodyelse except my other friend briana and a few other people yeah las vegas has alot of freaking things that you can do here i mean there's the gallery atsunset mall one of the biggest malls in nevada you have all the dispensaries soif you want to smoke weed all of the dispensaries are here and it's legalyou just cannot smoke on the strip or in

restaurants or anywhere that's likenot your own property so yeah marijuana is legal here but you actuallyhave to smoke inside your own home and i don't believe you can smoke in your carslike driving and smoking but i believe if you're sitting in your car and you'resmoking and the car's not turned on and you're just sitting in your car i thinkthat's okay but they actually really push that you have to you know be insideyour own home when you're smoking yes it's legal i will say this so if you'relooking for jobs here they do drug tests but not not really marijuana they don'treally test for marijuana they mostly touched for just harder drugs whichhopefully none of you guys are doing

anyways i wanted to get that out andyeah i guess this blog was just talking a little bit sitting down breathingtalking with you guys having a little conversation yeah so forgot so i'm gonnastart doing my thumbnails a little bit differently because i feel like thethumbnails that i've been doing lately are really boring and people are like idon't want to click on that shit that was boring as hell so i bought somelightroom mobile preset and i'm gonna start using those for my thumbnail sothey're gonna be a little bit brighter a little bit more colors i'm gonna startdoing colored font stuff like that just so i can grab your guy's attentionbecause i feel like a black and white

thing is really running out and it isboring and nobody ever wants to click on my thumbnails because it is so boring soyeah that's gonna be a big one is i'm gonna start doing the differentthumbnails so don't freak out i'm not getting off youtube i just want to growmy channel more successfully and i want you know people to actually want tosubscribe to my channel and i'd be bored out of their mind i wasn't gonna uploadtoday but i thought you know what i need to stay on a schedule this is myfull-time hobby i want to full-time with youtube and i reallyenjoy youtube i feel like i could sit down talk to you guys because i'm notreally being judged by anybody i'm not

really mentally talking physically notmentally physically talking to somebody but i'm talking to you my viewer mysubscriber hopefully right it is kind of awkward sometimes sitting here and justtalking to a camera but in reality when i see people subscribing to my channeland commenting all the time it makes me very very happy guys like you don't evenrealize i get a lot of hate comments and those hate comments suck they suckbecause i got a lot hate comments saying oh you know you're fat or you're ugly oryou're this or that there's my feelings but i'm just trying to be a betterperson and just say hey you know what that's how you feel about me don'tsubscribe to my channel don't listen to

me right um other than that i don'tthink i have anything else to say i know that i'm gonna do a video tomorrow idon't know what i'm gonna do a video about but i just wanted to get this oneup because i wanted to update you guys that we got a new freaking table andyou'll probably see it tomorrow and my new blog i'll show you the whole tablebecause my husband still has to put it together tonight cuz it's laying on the floor yeah butanyways guys i'm gonna jump off here and i hope that you like this boring vlogand i'm sorry just to down and bore you but i'm gonna get off here guys don'tforget to comment like and subscribe and

as always i will see you in the nextvideo

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