big dining room table

big dining room table

hey guys i'm tyler and welcome back tothe channel... if you guys watched last week's video you know we made thisbeautiful live-edge maple farmhouse table and i kind of skipped over thefabrication of the legs. that is because i made these legs out of metal and theytook quite a bit of time to fabricate and i wanted to go into a little bitmore detail. if you guys wanted to make them out of wood,a little bit easier material to work with, you absolutely can. first order of operations was to break down all of the 2x4 1/8 wall tubing and i did this outin the garage using my portable band saw this video has been brought to you bysaw blade com whose trades of 125

portable bandsaw i've been using toprocess all of the metal for these table legs the trajan 125 is an ultra portablebandsaw that's perfect for small shops like mine or for job sites that you canget it up and out of the way when it is not in use125 features a 110 variable speed motor so you can dial in that blade speed toexactly what you need it also has bearing guides on both sides of theblades and an adjustable rail guide this thing cuts miners like an absolute champas you can obviously see in this video if you would like to find out more aboutthe 125 or to make a purchase visit zombocom own lincoln the descriptionbelow all the metal has been processed

at this point and it's in here and ipicked up some riffraff off the street this guydouglas from the retro weld youtube channel he cleaned up the metal for mewhile i was processing it out there and we are actually going to be tig weldingthis mild steel together and i have never taken welded before until thismorning and douglas he does all sorts of welding on his channel and he hasrecently gotten a lot more into the tig welding process that's what we're gonnabe doing on this table because it's much cleaner there's no spark so we can do itin the shop like i said it's 8 degrees outside nice and warm right now justcall yeah he's from you're from memphis

tennesseeright yeah they don't they don't do 8 degrees so let me talk to you a littlebit about the setup itself for the leg and my thought process behind why it'sthe way it is here is the sketchup model of the leg assembly itself the tabletopsgonna be right here and obviously the floor and right here we have a rectanglethat's going to be in the middle we're going to weld that first and then putall of the different assemblies off of that hopefully we can keep everythingnice and square to itself so we have a nice flat table to begin the welding we fired up mylincoln tig 200 square wave tig welder

and those of you that actually know howto take probably laughed when i said i was going to be tig welding all of thistogether we did start with the tig welder and that i moved on later on inthe build as you will see later once we got everything tacked together right nowwe are welding that in your rectangle together to make sure we get that niceand square to build our assembly off of i will get better at filming welding astime goes on i simply forgot to change my exposure to auto but i gotta say i'mpretty happy with these tig welds since this was the first day i've ever toucheda tig torch once we had the inner rectangles of both leg assembliescompleted i used a speed square and a

flat reference surface to make sure theparts that i was assembling on either side of that new rectangle were as closeto the same length as i could possibly get what i have found with metal is thatany deviation adds a big effect later on after setting up a bit of a square jigon the assembly table i used my speed square to lay out the 45degrees of either side of the leg assembly and then tacked it togetherwith the tig welder once the upper and lower portions of the leg assemblieswere complete i laid them out with my jig and flat reference surface knowingthat everything was square and then laid in the previously welded rectangles andthen tacked them in place

we did at least two tax on every jointon one side and then flip the assembly over and did the same thing on the other and like i mentioned before noteverything was take welded once we had it all tacked together i moved it outinto the garage where i could use the faster process of mig welding i had acouple reasons for doing this one was those slight deviations that i mentionedi had some bigger gaps that i needed to fill and it was much much easier to dothis with the mig welder also there was just a lot of welding on here and itwould have taken many many hours to do it with the tig welder would have beengood practice but i also wanted to get

this done so that we could get the tablein our house and the mig welder worked out perfect i laid down the beads tookit back into the shop on the flat surface and use a sanding disc to sandthings down a little bit and then actually went back over those mig weldswith the tig welder to make a nice wave pattern and then it was on to the wire wheel tobuff up those welds nice and shiny and clean off any rust that had developed onthe steel as it was waiting for me to assemble these for the finish i startedwith a coat of self-etching primer and then finished it up with a several coatsof semi-gloss black enamel once the

paint had cured i brought it back intothe shop and laid out where i needed the holes to attach the tabletop to the legassembly people have asked me already in the tabletop video what i did to allowfor expansion of the tabletop and what i did was drilled the holes much oversizedand put the bolts in the middle of those holes so that the table can expand andcontract with no issues i'm not sure if this step is absolutely necessarybecause the felt pads that we put on there might be adequate but i didn'twant the open ends of the tubing sliding across the floor so i made some maplepads that i recessed drilled and then tapped into the leg assembly and boltedthese in place to act as a cap for the

felt pads to be fastened to then cut in fasten those felt pads inplace and these are just a big square pad that i was able to get at the homecenter laid the legs out on the tabletop upsidedown obviously in positions that would allow me to sit with my kneescomfortably extended while sitting on the chair and then i laid out lockwashers and flat washers with the bolts that we need to go through the legassembly and then through the mounting pad of the angle well there we are guys that is a wrap ihope you enjoyed this video these legs

are going absolutely nowhere forgenerations i will probably be able to pass these on to my kids kids and evenfurther we might have to replace a table top as it gets damaged but these legsare going nowhere solid as a rock you can cut your steak and your water doesnt move when it sit right next yeah fantastic if you guys enjoyed this videoplease hammer that thumbs up button helps us out a ton on diy tyler and youguys have a good one

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