best paint color bedroom

best paint color bedroom

ok, the next step in our bedroom paintingproject is to prime the areas that we have prepped on the walls. i've got my primer righthere. and again, you want to make sure that you give it a good stir in case the paintseparated. now i already have a roller that's got primer on it from a previous project andi put it in a baggie and what that does is it keeps it wet. so you can use it again andagain if you need to. now this is a smaller version of the rollers we've been using thusfar. they call them hot dog rollers and they come in really handy when it comes to thingslike priming where you don't necessarily have a big area to cover. ok, i'm going to takemy drop cloth because again, we want to protect our floors. dip the roller and then i'm justgoing to hit these spots that we patched earlier.

if you see areas where there might be somesmudges and stuff, you might want to hit those too. ok, so most primers only take about an hourto dry so we'll let that dry and then we'll get on to paint.

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