loft apartment living room ideas

loft apartment living room ideas

hey everyone! welcome back to my channel! today we are going to do the final video in my apartment tour series. i'm going to give you guys an overview of the whole place but mostly focus on the living room since we have not toured that space yet. i will leave links to all the other individual videos down below in case you missed any of those and want more

details. this is my front entrance area. pants is just hanging out there. next to the front door on the right it has a coat closet, and i did a what's in my storage closets video so that will be down below. then next to that i have my desk/working area. i also did a tour of this so if you want to know where everything is from (there's a lot

of second-hand stuff and diy stuff) and what's in the drawers you can check that out. then opposite that there's this little mini wall where i have pants' food dishes, so this is where she does all of her feasting. and then to the left of the entrance is in the kitchen, and again i did a full tour of my kitchen already for you guys so if

you want to see everything that's in my kitchen in every drawer and cabinet and where everything is from as far as decor that video will be listed down below. on the opposite side of the kitchen i have this little bar top with some stools. i figured it would help to throw this photo in so you guys could kind of get oriented. we are going to jump back

over to the other wall next to the desk. there i have these bookshelves and actually built these from scratch and i love how they turned out. they are one of my favorite things that i own. on there i've just got some books from my grandma with a secondhand canister, a couple of photos, journals, and then this really cool skeleton key bottle opener.

and then i have this bowl that i painted at one of those places where you get to paint your own pottery, and the bible that my mom gave me, and a cookbook that my cousin gave me as a graduation gift. then i have my harry potter series that i found secondhand and i'm using some secondhand mason jars as bookends. those books are very well loved. and then this

lantern is secondhand, a couple more books, and my harmonica. this snare drum i found secondhand and i just think it's a cool kind of touch to have. we're going to move over into this seating area. so this blue arm chair i found secondhand and the throw blanket is super super old, i snagged it from my parents basement. and then this

ottoman is actually a little $5 table from goodwill that i diy'ed and i think it turned out really well. this lamp was secondhand also and i just kind of spruced it up to make it look a little bit cleaner and more modern, and i have that on a table from home goods. then my couch you guys have probably seen a ton because it was the background

of my old videos. i've got a pillow that i diy'ed and then the two pillows that i got to pick out to come with the couch and just a couple other throw pillows i collected. then in front of the couch i have this coffee table that i got from wayfair. i love this coffee table. i think it's really cute and i love that it has a second level, but i have to say

i was really unimpressed with wayfair's customer service and return policy so i would not order from them again. then i have this mancala game on there that i picked up at a rummage sale when i was like 10 years old or something but i still love playing it. and behind my couch i have a bamboo palm. it didn't do so well through the winter

but it is starting to regain its strength a bit. on that wall i have this big map tapestry. i think this just adds a lot of nice color and i love maps as a decorative piece. and it's just a really good scale for this huge tall wall. from the aerial view from upstairs you can see i also hide the litter box behind the couch. so that is what the

seating area side of the living room looks like. then on the other side next to the bar i just keep my guitar, and on the blue accent wall i have my little mini mirrors collage that i diy'ed i will link that video down below, too. then under the stairs is my media console entertainment unit thing with the cat toys in the bottom so pants can

get at them and my tv. then i've got a cable box and a blu-ray wi-fi tv box. i keep my throw blankets in this milk crate and a little string there for pants to play with which is always really adorable. heading upstairs, at the top of the stairs is my bathroom. i did a full bathroom tour so if you

guys want to see everything i keep in there that video will be down below. next to that is my bedroom and i also did a full tour of my bedroom and my closet so that will be linked down below, too. but here's what it looks like. because it is a loft there's half wall there so you can kind of look out over the downstairs.

then there's just a balcony same as the patio that's down below. so that is my whole entire apartment you guys! i really hope that you enjoyed this series. if you missed any of the individual parts they will all be listed down below. the videos are pretty quick, they're like two minutes or less, aside from the kitchen's a couple minutes longer.

i really hope that you enjoyed this series and got something from seeing my space. thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time! bye!

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