adult bedroom colors
![adult bedroom colors adult bedroom colors](
hey everyone, it's sarah with courageous color and today i have a flower painting for you and so this flower has a dual purpose one is to teach you how to paint a flower and number two is to teach you how to deal with embarrassment and humiliation there's something about being embarrassed or being like publicly humiliated that sticks with you it's almost like your memory gets stuck on it. and so you're not able to like just forget it and leave it in the past and even if you do, sometimes there are just little triggers that will remind you of it over time and what i think what i think of when i'm dealing with embarrassment and humiliation is it feels like a close-up on my life a close-up on my mistake
so i'm going to paint a close-up of an image to help me feel better now i have this purple and white here and i'm slowing it down a little so you can see that i'm mixing the purple and white together. but i'm going to leave it streaky. i want it streaky for those flower petals that i'm about to make. so let's talk about the colors. i chose purple white orange and yellow and those are flower colors, but i chose them for another purpose
so white represents isolation purple is inferiority. yellow is anxiety and orange is frustration. and those are the things that you feel after you have been humiliated or embarrassed. now i've laid in a few petals and i've left them streaky because this is a close-up view of a flower that i just sort of created in my head. i am looking at a photograph of a flower but, i'm not following it to a t because i just want it to be a representation of like a close-up. so now i'm just trying to make each petal sort of uniform and match which side the light is hitting which side is the shadow...
and so i'm putting the dark purple as you can see on kind of the same side of each petal because i don't just want to make up a flower. i just want it to look sort of streaky so it can be close up and so the photograph that i'm looking at in the background the petals are a little bit darker than the ones that are right up close. and so now i'm going to lay in some lighter purple petals that are just a little bit closer and then also make those look uniform with this white color that i'm putting on just so everything sort of matches everything is symmetrical and
it looks good, and it actually looks like a flower. i'm going to cover a little spot a couple spots in the background here that that i can see because i don't want to have like just little spots everywhere. and the good thing is is while the paint is still wet you can kind of manipulate that and move it around and you're not gonna have to you know, paint over or anything like that so now i'm going to take the end of my brush and make the middle of the flower and that's not really sticking very well so i'm going to need to get my palette knife and just scrape out sort of the area where i want the middle of the flower to go and then after i scrape that away
the thicker paint will be able to stick to the card again, hopefully so there yeah, that's already sticking already looking better and i'm putting some dark purple here. you're probably like what the middle of a flower is like you know orange and yellow, but the reason i'm putting some purple down first is to really accent the other colors so now you can see i'm going to put some orange over the purple and it has sort of these little grooves and things that i made when i was swirling it in there so, the darker purple is going to
show and accent the contrast of the lighter colors in the orange and the yellow and the orange is really doing the same for the yellow and it represents the you know, pieces the actual pieces of the flower that are in the middle so you can do that too! just take the bottom of your brush and sort of hit it on there to make those little bumps and dots. now i'm gonna put some yellow over top. i don't want to cover the orange completely but i definitely want to have a circle there of orange and yellow to show all the little pollen and nectar and all that good stuff. so i'm just gonna keep
adding and dabbing little bits of paint here until i like the way the middle looks because right now it's kind of haphazard and thrown together and i'm keeping in mind that this is a close-up view of a flower and again, the reason that i'm doing close-up is to be able to deal with feeling like there was a close-up on me. so being embarrassed being humiliated feels like a close-up on your mess-up your mistake your flaw whatever that was. and so by creating something that's beautiful and also close-up it helps me to deal with moving past that... you know? helps me to deal with the embarrassment and
it helps me to see that even when things are close up... you can now see something that you couldn't see before and even though that might be embarrassing or humiliating to me, it can also be wonderful and it helps me to realize that maybe that issue or problem or imperfection, if you will, needed to be magnified... so i could see it better because maybe i was ignoring it before and maybe this flower that i'm creating... needs to be magnified because from far away could just look like a little flower could just look
insignificant. but, when i look at it close-up and i create it close-up i see something i didn't see before. i see something beautiful and wonderful! and it is really beautiful and wonderful when we're being authentic and real and so i want you to keep that in mind and maybe write down what it was that was embarrassing or humiliating and then after you've created your close-up or magnified image, write down what good came out of it. thanks for watching like and subscribe and turn on notifications to see videos as soon as they are uploaded visit courageous color com