2014 bedroom paint colors

2014 bedroom paint colors

[music playing] i think every little girlfantasizes about living in a castle and having this littleimaginary life and for me old houseshave always been my castle. i'm nicole curtis, designer,contractor, real estate agent, mom and saver of old homes. i really workwith clients to figure out "what's really gonna work for you?" "what are you using this home for?"

"what's the feelingthat you want to achieve when you sit in this room?" my best moment of creative design is when i am actuallystanding in the room it's sitting right before me and i get the feel of the room, i look around and i knowexactly what i'm gonna do. i'm a pretty boring first date because someone will say,"what's your favorite color?"

and my answer is white. my color palette is classic,simple and timeless. it always consists ofan off-white, another white a brown, a gray,a little bit of blue and sometimes an accentcolor that i just throw in for fun. even the most simpleold home has beautiful windows. sunny day, you walk in and that color that didn't seemlike a color to some 5 minutes ago or looked a bit like a white color

really now has becomethis very different color palette. the case house for mewas love at first sight. i love these old homes because they remind me that there was a timewhen things were more simple. this house is 140 years old and we are goingto make it beautiful again. when i first walked into this room the walls were falling down, there were water leaks,the floor was just a mess,

there was nothingpretty about this room. but just seeingthe details that were here, this was designedto be a very beautiful room. the case kitchen was another exampleof just complete neglect. the original wainscoting was here. what a perfect spotfor bright white! i love to paint. paint is just a very simple thing.

it keeps my budget down and itmakes such a quick transformation. i'm nicole curtisand my perfect home is all white.

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