living room paint ideas with oak trim

living room paint ideas with oak trim

the next step in our living room project isto paint the trim. we are going to use the semi-gloss for that, which is exactly whatit says, it gives a real nice shine to it. as oppose to the wall, which is a flat. now, we have a full can of pain there, andwe want to avoid drips as much as possible, so i recommend emptying out a fair amountof the paint, so you have about a third left in the can. and you can just set that asidefor when you need it. now, i am going to do this by hand without relying on any help,as far as drawing a line, but if you don't feel confident you can use painter's can get this at any hardware store, and what you want to do is cover the areas thatyou are concerned getting the trim paint on.

now, this is going to be black on black, butwe are just going to pretend that it's more contrasting color, if you want to put someon the floor, and that way, you'll avoid getting any black paint on your wood floor. again,to avoid drips, you want to give your brush a little shake like that to get off any excessstuff, you don't want a lot of paint on your brush when you do this. so we are just goingto start off on the edge. you want to let the brush do the work foryou, don't push it too hard. if it's a good brush, it will just do what it should do.if you do by chance get a drip, it's a good thing about latex paint, it will come rightoff, especially on a wood floor. keep in mind that this is only that firstcoat, we are going to be another one on. so,

like the walls, if you don't get everythingthe first time around, you'll get it the second. the trim is a little different because youare working very precisely and slowly, as oppose to the walls and the ceiling, and youreally want to make sure you spend the extra money and get yourself a good brush, makesall the difference in the world.

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