2014 bedroom color trends

2014 bedroom color trends

[music playing] colormix 2016,to me, is a pursuit, and i think we caneven describe it as a passionate pursuit, and it's the pursuit ofwellness and healthiness. it’s the pursuit of authenticity,it's the pursuit of happiness, and the pursuit of things that maybe are noteven known yet. this year we decided totake a different approach

in telling our storiesand we decided to use models, not only to representthe color palette through the makeup and the backgroundsthat we're using, but also to create that mood to let us knowexactly what it is that we're going to be lookingforward to hearing about in colormix this year. pura vida is about healthand wellness

and well-being and balance. our model for pura vida, we wanted somebody that justhad this really beautiful, serene, simple face. when you look at her,you feel relaxed. mã¡s amor por favoris the sensibility that we want to do good. we want to give backto our communities and it's about the pursuitof happiness as well.

our model for mã¡s amor por favor, we wanted somebodythat was youthful, that was fun,that was energetic. we wanted to style herin a way that made you smile. so nouveau narrativeis new storytelling. we are taking ourcues from history, but we're telling the storyin a new way, with a new voice. we decided to take our modeland style her in a very edgy way

because this isn't old,this is new. the colors of trajectoryare deep and rich. it's about lookingthrough the lens of augmented realities. the model for thetrajectory story is very futuristic, very space-age,lots of metallic, something that you look at that you're like, you're not quitesure what you're looking at. she might evenlook a little alien,

but she certainly portrays that directionthat we're heading because it is the unknown. the process, and creatingthe color forecast is something that's ongoing. we are constantly researching and saving thingsin our little folders. we look at allof the reports back. we look at art and theaterand pop culture, the economy,

we look at literature, music. all of those things actually play an important role inthat developmental process. so this year, i'm not surethat there was really a big idea, but i think therewas an evolution, as there always iswith color trends, and what i loved about this year is that we continueto go down the path of wellness and healthand well-being.

i think those are the thingsthat we continue to explore because they are resonatingso much with us now. we are still seekingthat balance in our lives, we're still seeking authenticityand our products, we're still seekingthat craftsmanship. and we're alsopursuing happiness and i think that's a reallyamazing and great thing.

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