dining room ceiling lights ideas

dining room ceiling lights ideas

so i decided to start at thetop, the ladies from lumacorp came by. lumocorp createdthe gorgeous ceiling panels forour lobby and the wall protectionthroughout our halls, but they didn'tstop there they even created theseadorable cafe tables for us to use inour newly painted prep kitchen. i reallylove how it kind of guides you

to thestudio in the back, like you enter in thespace and you see this beautiful awesomeceiling feature and then it reallydirects you right to where you want togo. snd no two designs are thesame since every piece is hand laid. so ihave to ask you guys cause i look atthis and i

wonder is this like a machinethat prints these out that putseverything in there or how does this work? soactually each lumacorp sheet ishandcrafted literally by hand so each leafis laid down by an actual person. we'vehad this decor for a long a long timeit's in our

naturals line and people like itbecause it's it has a little bit of amore of a modern feel but it also has areally good fibrous natural look. so we use quite a few fabrics toencapsulate inside of our material andit just creates a really beautifulflawless white transference diffusionthat that works really well in a lot ofspaces.

and then once weencapsulate it then it's super durable so it could becleaned and scrubbed and it's prettyimpervious to just about anything. i know athome i got scuffs all over my walls and i,i wish i had it there because it can takea beating. when they first started askingabout this space and we startedplanning it i

knew they were looking forsomething that was white but new not toostark and not too cold somethingdiffused, modern and a nod to beingorganic to tie in with the other organicelements in this space. lumicor's rootsare actually in aviation so it onlymakes sense that choosing the textilesto go inside the products involvesplenty of thought and a whole

lot oftesting. how do you find thedifferent fabrics and the differenttextiles that like say the ones we covered sofar? sothat involves a lot of travel and a lotof trend hunting, so for example i wentto germany just a couple of years agoand went to the largest textile fair inthe world which was my dream.

ibrought back 300 different textiles and i gothrough such a rigorous testing process andout of those 300 we launch seven. outof 300, 7, wow! constantly onthe lookout for how do we evolve as acompany their manufacturing process hasbecome more and more sustainable.

ourstandard mine we have over 250 decors. these metal punches, slices ofbamboo rings, these beautiful fossilleaves right here, wow, yeah those area really popular one for us and we alsohave quite a few recycled glasseslike you see over here this one'sactually crossed, crushed up wine andbeer bottles.

so you may havecontributed to this at some point. that's incredible, i loveit, it creates so much opportunity for you guys forstyling and you know all different types ofpeople that you work. i think it's atotal home run it checks all of thoseboxes most of our products are semitranslucent.

our wall projectionproduct that's where we have to put theopaque backers on, so that it hides anysubstrate and it's cladding for a solidsurface, so there's a and like this cafetable that we're sitting on, it alsohas the opaque backer on it becausewe're, we need to hide the base andthe cleat. so what you can seehere is

like the whole reason why we'reputting up the wall protection kits youknow people wash their hands and theysplash water on the wall the trash canlids hitting the wall and being thatall the paint in the building is a flatpaint it marks up super easy. and youjust did this so, yeah i've been havingto touch

up paint every week so i can'twait to get it up on there so i'm gonnahave to paint anymore. exactly. allright so let's take a look at the rest of thepanels. see you later!

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