blue wall colors bedrooms

blue wall colors bedrooms

paint spraying walls and ceilings wagner make a number of differentelectric paint sprayers you can use to paint your walls i'm going to use the flexio universal handheld vision it comes with two reservoirs which allowsyou to do all painting indoors and outdoors any paints any colour any brandthe large reservoir is for doing the walls and ceilings your emulsion paintand you can even use smooth masonry paint for outside the small reservoir isfor your woodwork and your metal work you can use gloss undercoat primereggshell satin wood preservatives lacquers and even metal paints i'm alsogoing to be using the extension handle

this simply clips to the units itselfand any of your attachments and it gives me an extra 600mm reach so ican get to the ceilings keeping my feet firmly on the floor.i'm going to be painting the ceiling and walls to different colours but i don't have toworry about cutting in at the moment i'm simply going to spray the ceiling whitelet it dry then mask up the ceiling and spray the walls blue.when doing any spraying don't forget your mask and your safety specs now the white paints on the ceiling andthe wall behind me is dry i am ready to paint this wall blue but of course iwant a perfect straight line between the

blue wall and the white likewise withthe ceiling so this is really easy to achieve when you use your masking kiti'm going to start off in the bottom corner sticking it to the wall on thewhite side which is dry all the way up to the top and across the ceiling then ican simply spray my area blue not worrying about any overspray going onto the whitebit then of course once it's dry i could remove that out the way that is going toget you a perfect straight line between the two colours and save you hours andhours of work cutting in with a paint brush now i'm sure all of you who've had theexperience on painting walls with a rolleryou know how physically hard it is and

also time-consuming when you have to dotwo or three coats waiting for drying times in between coats that is the pastspray paint technology is the way forward it's a lot quicker and easierbut there is a couple of factors that you must considerwhen you are spraying the wall keep the nib away from the surface you also want tokeep it moving at all times at a consistent pace when i'm spraying up anddown i like to pass over 50% at a time so you kind of get in two coats of paintwhen you're going up and down once you've done one wall turn the nozzle andthen go from side to side that way you're getting two solid coats up and down and left to right which is going to give

you a true professional finish in afraction of the time

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