picture wall ideas for living room

easiest way to hang pictures hi it's alaskagranny do have space thatyou want to hang a picture or painting but you are not sureexactly how to decide where to put it and keep it leveli'm show you a quick trick to how to hang a picture so it will be where youwant to be you need three simple items to hang your pictures youneed some gel are some kind of colored tooth paste you needpicture hangers make sure to notice the weight
requirement on them to make sure they'restrong enough to hold up the picture you're going to hang and a common hammer i have a collectionof three pictures that i'm going to be hanging today and i first laid them out on the floor to see the arrangement that i wanted and now ihave an idea where i want them on the wall now i'm going to show you the easiest wayever to know where to put your nails so that you can get them in where you want them i decided approximately where i wanted the firstpicture to go
i put a little mark with a pencil so i can see that it is level and that is where i want it that doesn't help me know where the nails need to be put in the hooks aren't level with the top take your toothpaste stick these hooks up take the gel colored toothpaste put a dab of it right on the tip of the hook or hanger take your picture
see the hangers are poking up figure out where yourmarks are get your picture level you simply press it against the wall and the toothpaste leaves a mark you can see exactly where toput your nail this is my favorite kind of picture hanger holds up in earthquakes wind gusts slamming doors and childrenrunning through the house so you get this bracket and then youput a nail that comes with it right through it andthen you hammer that into the wall
and then the hook is secure because ithas this extra it keeps it from falling off and then it has the hook at the bottomwhich keeps it hung on there securely they might sway around but they don'tfall off find your first mark put your bracket against with a nailsticking out and then hammer it in and repeat with thenext one now hang your picture take the little hooks and slide them
over your hanging apparatus i have two more pictures so i am going to do the same thing put a dab of toothpaste right on the back right on the tip of the hook and i'm going to hold it up andpress it against the wall already put a little mark where i want thecenter of the picture so i am going to hold it right around there and press it and i can see the toothpaste where the nail will go so i'll take mybracket put it right there now take a nail
slide it into the bracket and hammer it in wipe off the toothpaste slip this over the hook and my picture is right where i wanted it i am going to repeat that withthe third picture as well dab of toothpaste press it against the wall hold the bracket right up to the dot hammer it in
hook my picture right on to the bracket i have all three of my paintings exactlywhere i want them and they are ready to go in just a fewmoments use a dab of toothpaste to help you secure your picture to the wall make sureyou also choose a hanger that holds the weight of your picture and fasten it securely so your pictures don't come crashing down then look i can enjoy myfavorite new pictures helping me to enjoy my home
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