modern room decor

modern room decor

so here’s my messy office, where i havea hodge podge of furniture and everything is just dark and black. my crazy idea is to create an l shaped desk from the left side of the room which will rest on an ikea cabinet to the right sidewhich will rest on a new cabinet i’ll need to build. have my computer here so that i can look outside and people watch and put my printers on top of the new cabinet. the best way for me to do this without breaking the bank is to piece ikea table tops together just watch me as i walk.

but okay far, do not mind the mess. this is what i have. this is a shelf that is going on my wall. this is the cabinet that's going to be holding the printers. and then this room is filled with a ton of stuff that's gonna go into the room. oh and there's my lighting so, i have a lot of work to do and i just wanted to show you guys what mess i have going on right now. now that everything is in place and the room is decorated, are you guy ready to see the makeover?

come on in! and that's it! thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you guys later, bye!

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