modern furniture warehouse

modern furniture warehouse

what sets cort apart is our commitment long term to make sure that we're bringing in the right products that we're setting up our processes and our facility to service our customers. for the design, we looked at how can we make it easier for our employees? and looking at that, we have a big building -

two-hundred and fifty by five hundred feet so, we're looking at ways to minimize the amount of steps that are from one place to the other. how many things can we put on wheels? how can we automate the process, so that dirty equipment is coming back in one area being checked off, cleaned, wrapped, put away, and then loaded in a "u" shaped motion? the process of the event really does start with our event specialist. they are there to guide them through the entire process,

whether they are a professional that knows what they want, knows what their client wants, or to kind of help them and guide them into some other options. get them thinking out of the box. our showroom is actually designed to allow customers to come in and put their entire event together within one area. we provide table top equipment. both linens and all of dish serving utensils for events going out all over the state

we can process, wash, wrap, and put away up to about 80,000 pieces of equipment in our dish department every day. the benefit of our process is that we can provide really quality linens. we can do it efficiently with the conveyor system. it's taken a lot of time out of our department, having to lug linens here and there. with the automated system, it's really been very helpful. our customers benefit especially in the tenting area. every tent we do, we push it right through our washers we put it up on a conveyor, we dry it, we inspect it

we put it right to the repair department and push it right out the doors. every time, quality is a hundred percent. having the ability to customize things puts us up and above the other rental companies. there's a certain amount of styles that we keep in rental inventory that are readily available sizes, but if somebody comes in wanting a size that's not an average or a normal, out-of-the-box size, we can plan it out, make drawings, cut files, cut panels weld them together. pretty much anything you can think

of we can make out of metal and fabric. we ensure customer satisfaction and quality and quantity on several levels. we pull per order, per sheet, stage it, and then the loaders double-check the counts when loading the trucks and then drivers also check at time of delivery they got "x", "y", and "z", so we like to think we have three checks before it reaches the final end user. as dispatchers, i love that whole aspect of bringing all the pieces together.

taking a hundred and sixty stops, moving them over into all the thirty trucks, putting the staff together, making all the events happen and have it go flawlessly. that's the beauty of it. we can track all of our trucks by a gps system that's attached to the vehicle. the benefit of the customer is when they call in and they ask for an eta, we can see exactly where they're at in their day. and how long it's going to take for them to get to the next stop. what we want the guests to feel at the event is to know that the customer has put this all together. we're there to make the customer look good.

it's great to be able to work in an industry where you can be at the very beginning of someone's event and all the way through to the end and watch it travel all the way through the system. we want all of our customers to have the perfect customer experience. we want them to walk away satisfied or to be able to give us their order and then not have to worry about any part of their event, because they know that cort has it handled. cort has us covered. they will execute, the product will be fantastic, the service will be great, and the event will go off without a hitch, because of cort.

the vision of cort is to provide excellent service to where it is seamless. i think everybody in this warehouse - they care about the company. and they care about the product that we send out. customer service as top quality is our goal. whatever we can do to make your experience the best is what we would like to do. we strive to give you the quality, quantity, and service that you deserve.

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