living room furniture designs pdf

living room furniture designs pdf

i built this bed to maximize the space wehave in our apartment we only have two rooms so we have to make the most of the rooms that we do have we wanted to be able to host guests and have a dining room so we needed to get rid of the bed i built this murphy bed to maximize the spacein here what i did differently, normally the legsare short on murphy beds so the bed comes down reallylow

and i dont like sleeping on the floor and we have a pretty high ceiling so i raised the bed up, and i built the storagedown here we have space in here for guitars and foldingchairs so we can pull the chairs out when we haveguests when we dont use it we just keep these closed the off course are supposed to be attached but i haven’t gotten to that point yet when i open the bed i just flip up these legs

it has a lock mechanism so when i flip thelegs up it unlocks at the top fold it down it's really very easy to pullit down i think i can do it with one finger once the bed is down i just unclick these they are seatbelt straps i bought at hobbystore i think you can buy them anywhere i just drilled them into the bottom of thebed so now i am ready to go to bed

i built light into the bed it’s nice to have the option of just sippinga glass of water or putting a book aside and having a littlereading lamp so i put lights in here i also put this upholstered headboard up and it makes it for a nice thing to sit upagainst behind it is storage. we dont have that muchspace so we need all the storage we can get in here we have trumpet and sewing machineequipment

up here is more storage i put magnets on the doors to prevent themfrom opening all the time and when the bed gets pushed down it kinda sucks the doors out we you need magnetson it in here we have a lot of storage we have three shelves we store all of our childhood memories inboxes in here we have all our beach towels that take upa lot of space we have luggage for two people

and out of season clothes we dont use veryoften when we don’t need it which is most of thetime we just keep it closed and if we do need itwe can quickly get to it we to close it up again you just fasten these two strips and you can push the bed up again when i pull these legs down it locks intoplace and it cant come out even if i pull on it it will stay where it’s supposed to be

that’s it.

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