grey living room paint ideas uk

grey living room paint ideas uk

- hi guys, welcome back to my channel. in today's video, iwill be sharing with you my full house tour. i have been meaning to filmthis for so many months and today is the day. i've never felt that the housewas quite ready to show you, but today i'm gonna show you every room, the garden, everything. if you want any moredetails on any of the rooms,

i have actually filmed room tours for pretty much all of them. so, i will link all ofthose videos down below and as many items as i can linkin the description, as well. so, if there's anything you think, oh, i really like that. where's that from? hopefully, it will be inthe description down below. i also wanna dedicate thisvideo to my viewer, lily moore.

she has asked me in thecomments on every single video for the past year when myhouse tour was going to be. so, it's finally here, lily! this one is for you. i really hope you all like it. if you are new to my channel, i would love for you tosubscribe and stick around. i post three videos a weekabout lifestyle, interiors, being a mom, just allkinds of different things,

and i would love to have you as a viewer. yeah, so let's get started. come in, this is our frontroom and we recently did it up. it used to be a room thatwe actually never used. it was really a difficult space because it's kind of the entrance. it's got our big stairs rightin the middle of the room. over here is my home office. so, this is where i edit or plan videos.

then, we have these shelves put up. i have done a full office tour. so, again, if you wanna seethat, go and check it out, but there are a couple of new things. this is new, i think. my 100,000 play buttoncame through the post. so, i was just so, so chuffed. obviously, it's got pride of place. these prints aren't new,but this one here is new.

it is from desenio. i wanted to make this spacea little bit more pink and i just really liked how subtle it is. i'm sure lots of you atheard of desenio before. it is a really good website that has all kinds ofdifferent prints and frames, and they're reallytrendy and the selection is really, really amazing. so, you'll see quite a fewthroughout this house tour

and they've actually said thatthey will offer my viewers 25 percent off of theirposters for two days. so, if you use the code emily,you'll get 25 percent off from the 13th of februaryto the 15th of february. so, go ahead and use that ifyou want to check them out. i think a few hand-picked collaborations aren't included in the offer, but lots of them are. so, i will put the links inthe description bar below

if you wanna go ahead and check them out if you've been thinking aboutgetting prints for a while. so, yeah, that's this area. a few things to note: i've got monitor where i can link up my laptop to and do work on. this globe is from maisons du monde. lots of people comment on that. i've got a few little cactuses and stuff,

and the desk itself we actually had built again by our carpenter. we looked into buying a desk,but it's kind of awkward space with our pipe in the corner. so, in the end, we decidedto just have it made. then, we also had thisglass top put on top of it. so, on these two walls, we have recently hadpaneling put onto them. we had our carpenter put on-

well, it's actually emdeonthat we just painted. so, we painted it all grayand i think the effect is really, really nice. everyone comments on this rug; it's from french connection. everyone seems to love it. we've also got a new sofa,which is a nice gray leather. throw cushions aremostly from oliver bonas. this is a new additionto the room, as well.

we had this fireplace made bysomeone that makes granite. we've got this little electricstove from b and q, i think. it's really cool because itlooks like there's a nice fire on and it actuallygives off heat, as well. so, we love it. over here, there is a littleside board that our carpenter actually built for us. we had the same granite thatwe used for the fireplace to go on top of thisand have the tv there.

matt designed all of this. it's quite clever because hemade this space the exact size of a dvd so we could lineup all the boy's dvds. i use this bit for storage forall the boy's hats and gloves and scarves and stuff likethat in little baskets there. all the wii u consolesand dvd players are there. then, over here, we've gota new radiator recently, which is so much nicer than the old one. we also had shutters put on the windows.

one of my favorite thingsin this entire house is this under-the-stairs storage that our carpenter built for us. it just slides out and thenit holds all of our shoes and then kid's bagsfor karate and swimming and stuff like that. it's all hidden in there andit's the most amazing thing because they used to all be on porch. so, i love it.

i should probably say, aswell, the floor throughout our downstairs is a laura ashley laminate. we've also got this big mirror here. it used to be cream, butwe recently painted it gray and it's really handy tohave there and check yourself before you walk out the door. so, that's that, andnow we're gonna show you the family room. i've done a full kitchen tour in the past,

but this is our kitchenas it currently is. i think if there was onething we would change in the house now, we would probably get a new kitchen or just more storage becausewe have this bad boy here, which is from laura ashley and it's great, but there's loads of dead space up here. so, we have thought aboutmaybe getting a full cupboard all the way down this side.

anyway, this is how it is at the moment. we love this space. we've got our cereals andthings up here in ikea storage. we had this little shelf built so that we could have a bitof a tea and coffee station. this is a bit of a commandcenter for me as a mom. party invitations, meal planningand stuff all goes on here. yeah, this is just our kitchen really. we have a pink, glass splash back

because i am reallyoutnumbered in this house. you will see, there is lots of pink stuff and lots of things to make thehouse more feminine for me. over here is our dining table. the table itself is from laura ashley, but we actually endedup painting the legs. the chairs are from they're just like a nice, gray leather. this area is where the boys watch tv

and play with all of their toys. i get loads of questionsabout their toy storage, which is all from greatlittle trading company. i really liked the baskets that they had. so, we try and hide the other toys, but they have so many toys. this carpet is from ikea. i love it because it's the kind of carpet that you can throw intothe washing machine,

so that is really good. couch for next. we have some family photos,nail clippers, and these flowers we also get a lot of questions about. they are fake and we've hadthem for, like, seven years. they are really, really good. we love this room and wespend most of our time in it, as a family. it's so nice to have an open plan,

and it's also very bright. so, it's great for filming inbecause we have so much glass in this room. we have two sliding glass doors there and then we have fourbi-folding doors, as well, which are just perfect inthe summer for the boys to run in and out of. the decking is actually thesame level as the house. so, even for jackson,he easily step outside

from the bi-fold doorsand get onto the deck. in the summer, our housefeels that much bigger because the garden becomes another room, which they use all the time. they are just in andout, in and out, all day. neither matt and i are big gardeners, so we actually had artificialgrass laid in our garden just because when it's messy outside, it looks messy inside becausethere's so much glass.

you can always see out here. so, whenever the grass needed mowing, we were just like, oh, it's so messy. so, we had it put downquite a few years ago now- four years ago. it has been fantastic for the kids. we really, really love it;can't recommend it enough. then, down the side of our house, we have an area where we barbecue

or entertain in the summer. we have a nice, big, round table and that's where matt barbecues, as well. we have painted all of thefences a nice, like, light green because we wanted tobrighten them up a bit because, again, you see outside the whole time you're in this room. we really wanted to make it look nice. so, although it isn't thebiggest garden in the world,

it is perfect for us. this is probably one of my favorite rooms in the whole house. this is our utility room. so, this is where i do all of the laundry. we put some units in, which are actually kitchenunits from howdens, which we like the color of. then, this area has beenbrilliant because when our babies

are very young, we use itas, like, a changing table. when it's not, i use it for, like, detergent, first aid box, clickers. all of the boys' craftybits are in these cupboards. then, we've got a washingmachine, tumbler dryer, and another freezer. we decided to wallpaperone wall in this bathroom with a cath kidston wallpaper, which, again, is nice and feminine.

then, over here, we'veobviously got a toilet, which is perfect having a downstairs lou when you're potty training. then, i love this butler sink. this sink is where i havebathed the boys as newborns, so it's been really, really handy. yeah, and more units, as well. this mirror was found in danouns and then we just put,like, some tiles here.

but, again, i have a fullroom tour of this room, so if you want to see, like,all of the storage in it, you definitely can. the floor in here is also laura ashley, but it is kind of likea white, wood laminate. right, i'll show you upstairs now and we recently actuallyimproved the stairs themselves. they used to be really darkwood and really overpowering. so, we painted the bottom of them white

and then we sanded down andvarnished the top bit here. we added a new carpet, which is a stripey, sort of like, brown and gray-beige carpet. it's actually reallygood for hiding stains and it makes the stairs look really long. so, yeah. right, so we'll startout in our master bedroom and there is a bedroom tour of this room, so i will link that down belowand just walk you through

the key features. this is our ginormous bed. it is a super king-size bed and we got it on the englishbed company and we love it. it's amazing and it hasfull gas lift storage when you lift it up, as well. pictures of our weddingnext to the bed here, and then, over here, thereare a couple of prints. this one says love you,

and this is a new onefrom desenio, as well. we just really liked thepink and gray colors. we thought it lookedreally good in this room. one of my favorite thingsabout this room is the storage. this is all of matt's storage. so, he has slidingdoors to his own closet. all of this storage here wehad built in by our carpenter and it is all mine. so, it is amazing to have all this space.

i've got all my tops hereand then drawers for pajamas then, over here, i have any longer items. but yeah, it's amazingto have so much storage. this is my vanity unit here. it's actually just from ikeaand we painted it a nice gray to match the rest of the room, and the paint on the walllines up really nicely with it as well becausewe painted it two-toned but yeah, it just has,like, my makeup, my perfume,

any jewelry and bits like that on it, and also, like, max storage as well. we also had shutters put upon our windows in this room, and all of the blindsthroughout the rooms upstairs are electric, which is greatbecause i really didn't want cords with all of the children. so, yeah, we really like the shutters. attached to our room wehave this little en suite, which we redid as soonas we bought the house

cause it was horrible, wasn't it, doll? it was, like, yellow and disgusting. we had these shelves, likesunk-in shelves, put in. there's tiling everywhere. we have, like, a floatingsink and a shower with a really handy shelf in it for all of our millions of products. both me and matt are really into products, so storage was really important for us.

so, i've got even more makeup here and then stuff under the sinkand obviously all my skin care and everything here. so, yes, it's just really handy to have this second bathroom upstairs. this is our hallway and,as you go downstairs, we have this ginormouscanvas of the two of us on our wedding day. i love this photo so much.

we got married in a little chapel. i think you can see how happy i am. obviously, we had thisblown up and printed before we had children because,before we had children, it was all about the wedding, wasn't it? so, that is there. i love it. then, we've got a fewmore wedding photos here in the hallway.

next, i will show you fraser's bedroom because it's probably my favorite bedroom extension that we built ontop of our living space. so, because it was an extension,we built it with, like, a vaulted ceiling becausewe went straight up into the loft space, as well. so, he has a really high ceiling. when we built this room we were like, oh, should we actually keep it?

but, because of the en suite,we have given it to fraser. so, i get loads of complementsabout this light fixture. it's huge and it's just fromikea and it's really cool. we call it the star warslight because you can close it and open it, as well. so, we love that and we'vegot lovely velux windows in the roof, as well, so it's like a really bright room. we got him a double bedbecause my mom comes over

from canada sometimes to stay. so, she can either stay inhere and fraser can bunk in with us, or sometimesthey just stay together. but, we just thoughtit would be a good idea to get a double bedbecause he has the space and he loves having it. i think the bed was fromnext and then we had this duvet cover made. oh, hi, jackson. (laughing)

we had this duvet cover made. (baby babbling) yeah, we found someone on facebook who makes minecraftbedding so we had this made with prefer. this is freddy the floppy dog. we got him this for christmas and he sleeps with it every night. he used to get in bed with us every night,

but now that he has this toy, he doesn't. we've got his keyboard herebecause he is learning piano at the moment. so, we got him that for hisbirthday and he loves it. he plays it all the time. he's got a cactus light from next and a little radio for him, as well. this big bean bag is a newaddition to fraser's room. i just got it.

i found it on amazon. i basically wanted some clever storage for all of their softtoys and this bean bag, if i can flip it, you can see hides all oftheir soft toys inside. so, it's really, reallycomfortable to sit on and the boys have been sittingon it with their ipads, but then it also hasall of their toys in it. look, jax!

wow, should i open it up for you? they like to get in it, as well. (sound of zipper) yay! (laughing) in terms of storage, fraser has loads. we just decided to getour carpenter to build floor-to-ceiling storage inhere because you just need so much storage whenthere are five of you. so, we have all of his andsome of daddy's drawers

and hanging, as well. then, we have, like, extraduvets, christmas decorations, everything at the top. so, yeah, it's really, really handy to just be able to hide everything. i feel like his room always feels clean. this cupboard's got allof his toys and books. then, this here is their teepee from the great little trading company.

so, we can just put thatout if they wanna play in the teepee because thereis enough room in this room to do that. so, yes, i'll show you caleb's room now. this is caleb's room andi love his room so much. i feel like it's very himand it's really lived in and played in and i love it. since we did his room tour, we've actually got him a new bed.

this is a full sizesingle now and we love it. it's a teepee bed. we found it on a websitecalled cuckooland. i will link it down belowbecause whenever i show it on instagram, i get so manyquestions about where it's from. but it's really comfortableand i liked that he sort of can't fall out still. it kind of protects him from falling out and it's really cool.

they got so excited when they saw it. in caleb's room, he hasthe same light as fraser, but in silver and it'slike a mini version, but he really likes that,as well, doesn't he? over here, we have some prints and photos of him and his brother. i found this print and i was like, i have to buy that for caleb. it says stay wild my childbecause out of the three so far,

he is our wild child. now that we have this bed, we probably have tomove these up slightly, but we haven't yet. then, he also has norman the moose. this is an old toy boxwhich was actually mine when i was a child. we have all of that todress in it in his onesies. we painted it gray andthen i got the lettering

from posh graffiti and justput it on, and it's brilliant. we use it all the time. we've also got this little house light and he also has electric blinds. then, over here, i lovethis print so much. it is also from desenio. so, again, i'll put that codein the description if you want 25 percent off. it says always be yourself,unless you can be batman.

then, always be batman. i think it's really cute. we got this little ochrerug from mama's and papa's. i actually bought it forjackson's room initially, but then i really likedthat color in caleb's room. we've also got this littleochre or mustard yellow puff thing from amazon. in caleb's room, he'salso got great storage. we used to have big doors that came out,

but we've made them sliding doors now. so, we keep all of his clothes. he's got a set of drawers in there, swimwear, accessories and stuff. and then, on this side, we have, like, his little library of books because all of the boys love to read. so, we fitted in, like, some shelves there, and then there's also legoand toys at the bottom.

over here, we have allof caleb's fancy dress. he's always loved dressing up, even since he was, like,really, really, young. so, i found this littlemirror from dunelm's and also these little hooks from ikea, and we've just hung upall of his fancy dress, like, his favorites there. i found this print thatsays i'm a super hero and my name is caleb.

so, yeah, he's got, like,a little area to dress up. next up is our family bathroom, and when we did all of our building work, unfortunately onecompromise we had to make was to make this familybathroom slightly smaller, but i think we've donea lot with this space. we managed to fit a small window in and we've made it quiteglamorous and glitzy. we chose quite expensive tiles

because it was the smallestspace in really glitzy light and it's perfect for the boys. i think, in the future,we might get a glass door on the bath so that they can have showers, but for now, it's perfect the way it is. lastly is jackson's little bedroom. this is the smallest room in the house, but it's still a good size. you could definitely fita single bed into it.

so, come in over here. we've got all three boys in the crib because they wanted tobe hanging out with us while we film this. so, the crib is from ikea. it's the same one we'vehad for all three boys. then, we've got a chair here for feeding and for reading, as well, and a big mirror fromikea, which we painted.

used to be in our old bathroom ages ago. then, over here, i justwanted to show this little j i actually made when iwas pregnant with jackson. we made it together, didn't we? yeah, we all made it. then, this little signi saw at a summer fair and i had to buy it. it says thank heavens for little boys. since his room tour,these are new additions.

we have a ball pit in his room, which takes up loads of floor space, but he loves it and plays with it when he gets out of the bath or when i'm trying to get ready. so, we've got that andi'll link it down below. then also a little toybasket from my first years. (child shouting) this is his nappy changing area.

again, this is an ikea chestof drawers that we painted and we changed the handles on. so, we've just had like amat here, but to be honest, now that he's older, i changehim on the floor loads. i've also got a shelf justwith a few bits we were given when he was born. over here, i had thisprint made by someone. it's, like, my favorite quotefrom the robert munsch book i'll love you forever.

this is his storage,which i recently redid. it used to just be one long cupboard, but i had two shelves putin by our carpenter again. then, we painted itand added some baskets. it's honestly made itsuch a more usable space. i've also got all yourbooks at the bottom, jacksy. i've just got, like,some jumpers and things that you would hang up and then, like, i've got his summer clothes.

also, because of the three boys, i have clothes that he willbe growing into quite soon because he has so many hand-me-downs. alright, so that is all of the rooms and that is it for our house tour. thank you so much for stopping by and i will see you in my next one. bye, guys!

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