living room design sofa placement

living room design sofa placement

you can layer ire...ire? hey everyone, lesley myrick here. i'm an interior stylist and i transform boringbeige spaces into pretty kickass colorful homes with an offbeat edge that are livable,delightful, and a little unexpected. so you probably already know...area rugs,totally awesome. they're definitely something i recommend inmost spaces. now, if you have wall-to-wall carpet witha bit of a pattern in it, you might not need an extra area rug. but, in almost any other application, layeringin a rug brings in color, texture, pattern,

and really becomes art for the floor. area rugs ground a space and they can helpcreate separate zones within a much larger room as well. so, i want to share with you a few of my quicktips for decorating with area rugs. the first is that you want the rug large enoughto leave about 18 to 24 inches of flooring around the perimeter of the room. now, one faux pas i see are people using theseteeny-weeny postage stamp-size rugs right in front of a sofa that don't even go underthe legs of the sofa. a rug should really take up a lot more ofthe room than that. tip number 2 is that when you're shoppingfor an area rug, when in doubt, go big

over choosing a smaller one. this goes back to the first tip about somethingthat's large enough to leave about 18 to 24 inches of flooring around the perimeter ofyour room. you want the area rug to feel big and important. you don't want it to feel like a teeny littleafterthought you threw in front of your sofa and hoped for the best. tip number 3 is that ideally you want allthe legs of all your furniture on the rug, but at the very least, the front legs of allyour furniture should be on the rug so that everything feels like one cohesive grouping.

if your rug isn't big enough to be able toput at least the front legs of your sofa and chairs on it, then your rug isn't big enough. and that actually brings me to tip number4, which is, you can always layer a smaller rug over top of a larger one. now, that might sound a little crazy, buti love the layered rug look. and an easy way to do this is if you havea smaller, patterned rug - whether it's something funky like a cowhide or maybe just like a5x7 beautiful patterned rug - you can layer either one of those smaller rugs over a largersisal or seagrass rug. it still lets your rug be center stage butit gives the illusion in the room of a much

larger rug taking up much larger floor space. so, that's my rug 101. if you don't have great area rugs yet, definitely,definitely go out and invest in them. they are totally worth the money. they can take a space that feels kind of lacklusterand really pull it all together and help it feel complete, and beautiful, and just feellike an awesome space that you want to be spending time in. if you like these area rug tips, go aheadand share this video with a friend. and if you want more great tips to transformyour home, head on over to my blog at

and grab my free guide, bring personalityto a boring space.

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