first apartment living room ideas

first apartment living room ideas

hey, tripp kramer here from and we're gonna be talking about how to make your bedroom irresistible to women and i've got a guest that is going to be showing you step-by-step every little detail on how to do that. basically what i'm gonna be doing is following around with a camera my friend and dating coach david wygant. he's going to give

you a little tour of his bedroom and exactly how to set it up and what this video was was an extraction of a larger program that i'm putting out about how to have a kick-ass bachelor pad and this was so awesome that i just had to share with you on youtube. so here it is, david wygant he's going to be showing you around his bedroom. learn, take notes, check it

out. so now we go to the room and literally stop and look at her and go ok you ready? are you ready for it? because this is where all the genius happens because you know, and the magic because when i'm sleeping i come up with all these great ideas that inspire me to you know entertain my youtube audience and create great dating products for men and women

and coach wonderful people like i'm talking about my life. right, she fucking thinks when i say magic happens immediately she goes to sex. clichã© wise she's gonna think i'm gonna follow through with that but in reality i'm talking about like fucking a great night's sleep so i can be like this amazing person for other people, which shows that i am

passionate about helping people become great. i'm giving her another insight to who i am as a man, insight into my personality. wait, before we go in here there's the bathroom in case you need it. she's going to go in here. take a look. there is nothing incriminating in here at all. i have no sexually transmitted diseases otherwise i'd have cream for it.

i'm not a prescription drug person. as a matter of fact, i don't even believe in prescription drugs. once again she's going in here and she sees q-tips. there's nothing incriminating in this bathroom at all. the shower needs to be clean, ok. take a look at the shower down there. alright there's no footsteps, mold,

mildew, boogers, dried cum stains or anything else in there. there's no pubic hairs to be seen. i'm saying this for a fucking reason. if you whacked off in the shower before hand and you hit the wall, the shower fucking and i've been to guys' bathrooms. it's repulsive. and you fucking jerkoff and you hit right here but the shower

water didn't hit that, that stuff is yellow. she's gonna know exactly what it is. which means she's going to look at you and go fuck, this guy jerks off in the shower before i come over? what a clichã©. toilet there is zero pubic hairs on my toilet. there are zero pee pee stains on my toilet. okay she's going to look at that she's

going to wonder and she's going to think is he an animal or is he real this is my vengeance now i thought you can't stand mirror closets ok as a matter of fact i don't want this live in this place because the mirror closet but then love to watch themselves so there's a benefit to that your closet my friend is really super important you

don't think you're making breakfast in the morning she's gonna go right in here and she's going to grab a shirt to put on she wants to see how you live and style clothes you have because she wants to know whether or not you're a man of style or a man that she needs to take and get rid of all the clothes mommy bought you from walmart 15 years ago

candles are really important that candles over here that is sitting right here i've got another book called the in personal life another book about finding god i've got my herbal viagra right there no just kidding just seeing if you're fucking paying attention the bed is really important this is a damn blue comforter which i got on or

one of those or maybe amazon 69 bucks its soft and comfortable here this blanket ok is really fuzzy and warm she can wrap yourself up after sex and go get you food or whatever might be the pillows are laid back there at the art were also shows something read to me is very let's go have sex fucking color you know there's a lot of reading my

vegetables brown earth tones in my bedroom because i want to create warmth and fire at the same time i want the fireside of her to come out and i also want the war to come out so we got some red right there and then we got some warmth of the blanket there's an air diffuser which consistently puts great sense of smell i

used geranium and rose and lavender mixed together when i have a woman coming over so the room smells like a garden in the middle of summer time this is really great is this is something you can order it's a massage candle its hot oil you light it and then you pour it on her and you rub her with the hot oil women absolutely what and that is my

venture these are some more artwork that i got some artists in venice but this is the area that if you look down below trip that you're stepping on more sensation this is like the furry little blanket usually have got hardwood floors i really don't want to move into this place because i just want carpet at all so i really like the fact that when she

gets out of bed she's feeling this i like the sensations of hardwood floor and then an area rug and area rugs kind of soft and fuzzy is really good something that's got a lot of you know a lot of you know a lot of feel to it now music you're thinking right now where's the music coming from the music is wirelessly coming from the other room i

got wireless speakers and i use spotify so i basically put a mood music honor romantic mix on spotify instrumental songs are amazing move music meditation music during sex is really great you also want a glass of water that's in here because when you have sex for long sessions with great music playing you've got everything right

she wants to be taken from fucking three hours guys i'm sorry learn foreplay stop watching porn and learn foreplay do not masturbate important for 30 days and once you've done that sent me anymore center of anyone that i get no more glory yes i did it it's going to bring your sex drive back and it's also gonna show

you that women want to be touched caressed and it's all for planar everything that i just basically did with you is all foreplay to a woman from the pictures to the smells to the music to the taste to the artwork to the colors everything as foreplay now i own this place the walls would have been painted a neutral color

probably a gray or you know or some other earthy you know bluish you know dark blue color i would have had more colors in here with a little more darker here i really like in a bedroom. i love dark walls in a bedroom because a bedroom is for two things, sleeping and fucking. ok and that's it.

okay there you go. pretty intense stuff right there. if you want to check out more of david's stuff and his youtube channel, i'm gonna put a link below in this video. here's what i want you to do. below this video, i want you to write a comment. what is the one thing that you took away, the one thing that you're going to implement

from this video? go ahead and write that down. i'll be in the comments below talking to you. don't forget to check out david's youtube channel. see you on the next video.

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