cream white living room ideas

cream white living room ideas

recently premier paints from canadiantire paid me to make a video and i thought it'd be the perfect time to do alittle something with this blank white canvas that is my living room so intoday's video a little living room makeover hi guys my name's shayda campbellwelcome to my living room so spring is definitely trying to sprung here incanada and lately i've been wanting to sort of freshen things up a bitso i'm thinking a living room makeover is the perfect thing now chris and ijust moved into this apartment on december 1st of 2017 we were living onthe road for two plus years so long story very short we were basicallymoving from out of province or out of

country and we would find a job and thenwe would just rent like a tiny furnished whatever for a couple months and then wemove on so this is the first home that we've had in over two years almost threeyears and so i'm really enjoying making it a home and getting settled here a fewmonths ago i did my studio makeover and i did a full tour and video about thatso i'll link that in the description and now i'm ready to tackle this big blankcanvas of a white room that is our living room and what i want to do hereis we have a pretty minimal style but this one definitely needs some pieces itneeds a rug a coffee table and some accent pieces like pillows and plantsbut more than that i think it needs a

little pop of color and i'm thinkingpink yes pink pink can be so cool and fun and hip and unique and sophisticatedand adult and that's what i want to show in this video that pink doesn't have tobe the color of a little girls ballerina candyfloss themed room itreally can be a sophisticated and adult like i said and just cool and premierepaints from canadian tire they have a bunch of reallynice colors of paint nice shades that i think can work for anybody any room anystyle so i'm going to show you my favorite colors of pink and i'm alsogoing to do a blog post about this so you can read all about this over so there

will be extra photos over there and i'llalso have a list of all my favorite pink colors that way if you don't catch it inthe video you can go over there and check out extra photos and read aboutthe pink's anyway i'm going to show you guys the full makeover of this room aswell as the makeover of this pink accent wall so it's all that and more intoday's video so at the heart of this makeover was really the pink accent walland one of the nice things about doing the accent wall is that it was reallyjust a weekend project it took like all of 24 hours i just started by clearingout the space getting rid of all the dust bunnies and then i used somepainters tape and i taped off the area

that i wanted to paint and this isreally the key when you're painting a wall or anything for that matter it'snot about the act of painting it's really all about the prep so you want tomake sure that any dust is wiped away and then you want to properly andcarefully tape off the area so that you have nice clean straight lines and idecided not to take my accent color right up to the ceiling i stopped abouta foot shy of the ceiling and left a nice white line and i was able to tapethis off just freehand using my blue painters tape it worked out wonderfullyi just eyeballed it you could also do that with a chalk line or something buti just relied on my own eye and the tape

made a beautifully clean line from thepink to the white and speaking of pink the color i chose is called light blushand i decided to go with a flat finish i love a flat finish for an accent wallbecause it just has a beautifully soft look and i didn't have to worry about aflat finish not being durable enough because these premiere paints are verydurable so i'm able to actually wash this accent wall if i do get somefingerprints or something on there and i don't have to worry about the finishdegrading i painted the wall just using a brush and a little roller and i puttwo coats on it over the space of an afternoon such a simple project justbeing careful not to slop a lot of paint

onto the tape then i let the accent walldry overnight you always want to give your paint lots of time to dry beforeyou pull the tape off i did that on a friday afternoon and then on saturdaymorning i just came in pulled off all the tapei had these nice beautiful clean lines between the pink and the white i wasreally happy with the way it turned out and then anywhere there was a littlesmudge of paint or whatever i just took a tiny brush and fixed it up and thenonce the wall was done it was time to move all of our furniture back in and ipicked up a few different pieces including these poof's that make for agreat footstool / coffee table new house

plants and linen pillows and a beautifulvietnamese basket to hang on the wall now i am gonna buy a larger area rug i'msort of on the hunt for the perfect rug i'll layer a nice 8 by 10 cream-coloredrug underneath the persian and then i'll be totally done but for now this is whatthe room looks like and i'm so happy with it it's a little bit boho stillvery simple and minimal and very very cozy and i just love my pink wall andlight blush from premier paints well guys the living room makeover is prettymuch complete and i'm super happy with the way it turned outi just turned out the way that i had envisionedand i love it when that happens my

favorite things in the room are one thepink wall duh i did this in a color called light blush and that's frompremier paints at canadian tire and in the end i decided to do it in a flatfinish now flat finishes i think people are sort of scared off of them becausethey're often not durable but the premier paints are exceptionally durableso i don't have to worry about if i need to wash the wall i'm not going todeteriorate the finish of the paint and the reason i love a flat finish is thatit has a very soft subtle look there's no glare it sort of absorbed the lightreally beautifully and almost has a stucco look so i'm loving the way thatit came out in the end also i didn't go

right up to the top of the ceiling and ifeel that just helps to incorporate the accent color into the rest of the roomit carries the white of the rest of the room right throughout now this accentwall only took me a day it was a pretty much one day project or over thecourse of 24 hours so because it was so simple i feel i can reproach this pinkis great for spring and summer but come next fall and christmas and winter if iwant to change it up it's not a big deal and secondly the other things that i'mreally loving are all the jute and linen accents in this room i've got my linenpillows this beautifully patterned alpaca blanket the jute poof's and myaccent piece on our accent wall and i

love that that's sort of what's in thissummer and jute is so huge this season but these are all things i could switchout easily enough if i wanted to change it up in a couple of years time but fornow and loving this sort of pared down boho style that's what i'm going for i hope i achieved it i'll be on the hunt for a perfect area rug over thenext month but tell me what you think i'd love to hear what you think of theliving room in the comments below and of course you can head over to the blog i'mlisting all of my favorite premier pink shades over on all right i'll see you friday with a new video thanks for watching todayguys don't forget to subscribe and head

over to the blog to see all of myfavorite shades of pink from premier

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