brown white living room ideas

brown white living room ideas

hi, i'm ann myrick and today i'm going toshow you, with a friend, how to choose living room colors. this room is one of those don'tdo. i had just, this is a room that was just painted before i moved into this area andthe color is a real fleshy color, and i always, i'm a decorator, and i work with clients allthe time with picking out paints, and i always try to stay them away, steer them away fromkind of a peachy color or a fleshy color just because it tends to look dingy and dirty andthen it looks like flesh on the walls. and so, this color is a, don't do this color,and it will be covered in a putty color, an off-white color, a neutral color, but i'mgoing to stay away from the flesh color. in picking out the colors; things you need tothink about are in your living room do you

have windows, is there a lot of light or alittle bit of light. if there's a little bit of light, then you want to be careful aboutgetting too dark of a room. as far as are you furnishing, are your furnishings in thatroom formal? are they casual. do you already have the furnishings for that room. if youdo, then you need to work with those furnishings as far as what to pick out. things that youwould not want to do is; this room has carpet in it, so i'm going to want a really goodcontrast between my carpeting, which is a neutral and my wall. i could pick out a color.i could pick out a neutral color, but you just want to be sure that there's a good contrastbetween the floor color and the wall color where it doesn't look like you tried to matcheverything. same thing with hardwood floors.

if you have a lot of dark wood, then you wantto be careful about what your walls are going to be. you want to bring in a color, but youwant to be careful that it's not a color that's similar to your floor color. energetic colorswould be reds, yellows. calm colors would be great greens and blues, and so, you justwant to decide what type of mood. what type of feel you want to communicate. this is annmyrick, and that is how to pick out colors or color scheme for your living room.

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