dining room for sale

dining room for sale

sometimes a house just needs a littlebit of staging before it hits the mls so today on this episode of melanie lovestampa bay we're gonna go through that process and i'm gonna give you some tipsfor a light sea gene on a budget hey everybody melanie atkinson realtorwith smith and associates here in beautiful tampa bay florida today we areon location at one of my new listings in palm harbor so it doesn't matter whethera listing is three million dollars or a hundred and seventy-five thousanddollars whatever it takes to get a house ready to hit the mls is what i'm goingto do and today i had a great opportunity to show you guys some lightstaging tips now some houses are perfect

from the get-go the people that own themhave wonderful style we take pictures and it all goes very smoothly sometimesif a house is vacant we bring in a professional stager and that's somethingthat i do a lot for houses this particular house is one of those uniquecircumstances where there's already some furniture here that we can work with andsome accessories that we can work with so what i'm gonna do is repurpose someof that stuff add some of my own staging items and just get the house ready forpictures tomorrow so really the main goal with this particular light stagingis to neutralize some of the colors that we have here in this house we have somebreak curtains so i went actually to

ross yesterday and got some white sheersthat are gonna be super easy to put up they were not expensive at all there'sno reason to spend a lot of money whenever you're doing light staging theother thing that i use all the time are white towels for bathrooms they do agreat job of giving a bathroom a spa-like appearance these are towelsthat i actually just keep in my garage and use them for staging the orcutt isit also another great thing for bathrooms they look great in thereflection of a mirror so again this is just another piece of staging materialsthat i have that i use for people's housesanyone who has listed a house with me

knows that i love lemons in the kitcheni call them my lucky lemons lemons allow for a really nice pop of coloryou're neutralizing a kitchen so i love the yellow that a lemon brings out theother thing i got yesterday from home goods is this rug it's just a neutralcolor i'm gonna put this in the kitchen i think we'll see what it looks likeonce we get in there for the most part the key to light staging is really justto create some accent pieces in your rooms to make the the space look homeyand that's what we're gonna do today i can't wait to show you guys the duringand then show you the after so this will bring in the silvers andthe grays in the kitchen so i'd like

these better i was going to use themwith a master bedroom but since it's not making quite the impact that i wanted with just the one panel because they'resheers i'm gonna do two on each window because this room is super importantsees where you're getting the house ready it's really about to neutralize sothe next thing you want to do which might take a while is put a painting onthe wall that's very helpful because i forgot mylevel today so one and now i gotta get the other one in in the right spot levelwhich is always the tricky part first ones easy i'm gonna check to see if it'slevel cuz very anal yay

wow what a transformation i'm so happywith the way this turned out this was not really a hard staging projectdefinitely falls in the category of light staging but i think it makes ahuge difference all we did was take out some of those bright colors that wouldbe distracting and we added some neutral colors and we added some accessoriesthat really make this room look homey and inviting this is something thatanybody can do and you should do it even if it costs a little bit of money to getsome neutral items into your house you absolutely need to do it before you listyour house i hope you learned a lot from this episode i had a lot of fun doing itif you have any of your own home staging

advice or you've had somebody come inand do your own house and you want to share that advice with the viewersplease put it in the comments below i'd love to see what you guys have to say ifyou like this video please click the like button below and considersubscribing to this channel i'd really appreciate it you can also follow me oninstagram facebook or twitter or check out my website melanie loves tampa baycom thank you so much for joining me i look forward to seeing you next timewith love melanie

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