dining room display cabinets

dining room display cabinets

today our little project is to clean up thesekitchen cabinets. they've been here for a long time. we had planned on replacing thembut just for the time being we're just going to trick them up with a bit of paint. firstthing we're going to do is make sure we clear the area. we have our safety gear, which we'regoing to use when we start cleaning, we've got our primer, our brush, and roller. youcan brush or roll depending on what you want to do and our top-coat which we need two typesof top-coat, sandpaper, drop-sheets, duster. so our first job, clean and safety gear on.we've got a little bit of ventilation, a window open, which is good and we're going to startover in the corner with our cleaner, working our way down from the top to the bottom andjust cleaning that surface.

before we do something like a door here we'regoing to just unscrew our handles. make life a bit easier. we can continue on with ourcleaning. when you get to the doors pay particular attention to the top because as you can seethere's quite a buildup there. and we run down our edges. if you can just have a lookat that edge there, that was a laminated edge. it was damaged so all we've done is we'vejust ripped the laminate off. give it a clean and paint it. it'll look exactly the sameand it's an easy way out. cupboards are all nice and dry. our next jobis to sand the cabinets back ready for priming. so we'll get sanding. start over here. asyou can see there i've just taken the surface off. give that edge a rub all the way down.give that a bit of a dust-off. just flick

over the top edge there. now we're all sanded.we're ready to go. we're just going to do one more thing. we're just going to run aline of tape down there so we don't get paint on the wall. you just don't want the tapeon the cupboard because the cupboard is the thing we're painting. you get a bit on thewall we can fix it up later. now we're ready to prime. square stirring stick, stirringfrom the bottom up until you get a nice consistency. right. nice consistency there. ready to gointo our trusty paint pot. we pour a little bit higher, it makes it easier. we're goingto start up in the top corner. the first thing we're going to do on the cupboardsis we're going to cut them in by going down all the sides, edges, doors. a bit trickywith a cupboard but we can do it. now we don't

want to close this door now because it's goingto stick. so this door stays ajar from now on until that paint is dry and we just takethat edge off there. so the door doesn't close on us and we've got two hands free, we'rejust going to get a lump of wood, lean it on the angle behind the door just sittingthere. we've got two hands free. we're going to cut that edge down. cut that edge and thenwe're going to clean the face off and we'll be ready so we can roll that section, thatsection, and continue on. right. we're all ready to go now with our roller and we justspread it evenly over the surface. plenty of paint on. that's pretty good for an undercoat.all primed, ready to go. the next job just a light sand. we don't want to take any paintoff, so just a light sand with a 240. give

that a bit of a dust-off. we get a nice dust-freesurface. paint is going to stick so much better. yep. we're all ready to go right through herenow with our first coat of top-coat. take our paint. we give it a good stir. a littlebit in the pot. quite a bit more in the tray because we're going to use quite a bit moreon the larger surfaces. we're going to start off on the face here. same as last time we'lldo the edges first, cut it in, then roll it. okay. we're all cut in, ready to go. our firstcoat, that is, first coat. what we're using now is a satin finish. they're old cupboards,they've seen better days, and it's a bit more forgiving, a satin. if you have a full glosson it it's going to show everything up. this is a lot cheaper than replacing a whole kitchen.we've gone through, we've cleaned down, we've

sanded, we've primed, a couple of top-coats,changed the knobs, and there you have it. once you get to this stage do it yourselfbecomes did it yourself. so come in and see us and we'll help you out.

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