dining room colors 2018

dining room colors 2018

- [announcer] today's setup is sponsored by philips hue. - yo guys. jonathan here and thiscolor changing setup blew my mind and i thinkit's gonna blow yours, too. (electronic dance music) so this stuff's been inthe works for a couple of weeks now. i've almost lost my mindtrying to perfect it,

but i think i got it. now before i hop into thehow to, i'll give you a quick rundown of the setup, the star of the show is an 85-inch monster 4k hdr tv from sony. it's not oled so it's notthe latest and greatest, but for the price, it looksamazing and more importantly it fills the wall beautifully. the console is from wade logan. it's clean, it's simple, it's minimal,

but more importantly does a fantastic job of housing everything together. in this case because thesetup is centered around color and lighting, i love the factthat you can see directly through the front panels on the console. it add this awesome layer of ambience. inside the console is the mac mini, the greatest of all time, so if you missed that video, definitely check it out,

an asus external blu-raydrive, which isn't used to play blu-rays back, but rather rip them directly out of the mac mini and then run into a plex server. next to that is an xboxone x project scorpio edition and finally on top of that,which is kind of hard to see, is an apple tv 4k. now the heart and soul of the audio setup is the martin logan motion vision x.

it's a little pricey, but oh, my god, it sounds incredible. yes, there are two home podsleft and right in stereo. they don't sound betterthan the sound bar, but they're also about half the price, which is pretty impressive and i think for the most part, if youjust want to listen to music, it's kind of the go to option, but definitely for movies, the sound bar

is the way to go. now as far as the philipshue setup, behind the tv is one strip with four extensions. below that are two philips hue blooms, those are kind ofshooting up towards the tv filling everything in. inside the console are two philips hue gos and on the back of the media console is one more philipshue strip which kind of

rounds everything out. now as far as how i'mcontrolling everything, it's an apple magic keyboardwith magic trackpad2 and it's sandwichedtogether with his awesome little twelve south gadgetthat makes it perfect to use on the couch. now all this is happening because of the philips hue sync app,which just dropped recently and the more and more i've messed with it,

the more it blew my mind. you will need a computer to run this and it will work on both mac and pc. it's not gonna work onapple tv or any kind of streaming box or stick. now this won't workwith streaming services like netflix, hulu,itunes and that's because of copyright drm. when you try to play it,it thinks you're trying

to pirate the movie, sohopefully in the future, those companies willwork with philips to make that happen, but in themeantime, an amazing workaround and setup is with plex. so to rip blu-ray, thesetup is pretty simple. i grabbed an asus blu-rayplayer for about 100 bucks on amazon and i use that inconjunction with makemkv. if you caught my mac minivideo, the time to rip a blu-ray is only about 20, 25 minutes,

so it's not bad at all,way less time consuming than i ever would have imagined. now if you want to getinto 4k blu-ray ripping, it's possible, but it's a lot of work. you've got to get these custom codes, so more trouble than it'sworth for me right now, but i'll drop some resources down below if you want to do that yourself. so as you can see, my plex collection,

it's not amazing, butit's steadily growing and it's also createdthis new sick addiction. more importantly, though,it works amazingly with philips hue sync. to give you a quickrundown of the software, there are four modes. scenes, games, music and movies. there are four intensitymodes, subtle, moderate, high and intense.

honestly, as cool as it is to use this in conjunction withmovies, music is amazing. when you're using this inconjunction with music, you have five colorpalates to choose from, i think four is probably my favorite. it has a ton of blues and as you can tell, i like blue. if you've used thirdparty apps in the past to get this effect and used a microphone,

it always felt a littlelaggy, a little slow, but this responds in real time and it is crazy impressive. now once you have thehue sync app installed on your computer, nextyou want to head over to the hue app on your phone or tablet, hop over to the settings section and then select entertainment areas. this is where you're gonna set every light

that you want in that section. what's awesome is you can actually see how that looks in the environmentand move the lights so they best react to the scene. you can see the tv, thecouch, so in my case, everything is prettyheavily centered around the tv, but more importantly,you can fine tune everything so it works perfectly. from that, once you haveeverything configured,

it is time to enjoy the light show. now the one questioni've seen pop up a ton is is this distracting whileyou're watching a movie and honestly, it can be at first, especially when you're kind of looking for those lights to perform,but the more and more you get used to it andactually focus on the movie, it almost becomes a secondary enhancement that you would definitelymiss if it was gone.

in this case, it isdefinitely exaggerated on the extreme side of what you can do. more than likely you'renot gonna need this many lights or this many colors. if you want to, though, it looks amazing or you can tone it down. the beautiful partabout this is it can all be customized to your tastes. so, yeah, that's the setup.

it's way, way more fun thani ever thought it would be and as much as i thoughti was in this kind of streaming, not in aphysical media world, it kind of brought meback to my inner geek, which is really cool. if you missed my mac mini video, that's kind of thecenterpiece of this setup and how everything runs. that video is here and iwill catch you guys later.

(20th century fox grand jingle) ♪ da, da, da ♪

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