dining room chandeliers lowes

dining room chandeliers lowes

okay so today i'm gonna walk you throughstep by step how to replace your ceiling light fixture with an led low-profilelight fixture i'm also gonna walk you through how to replace a dimmable switchso this is the existing light fixture i designed and built my own home by myselfback in 2000 and i put in the best fixtures i could at the time but it'sjust getting old to be honest and although we've put in led light bulbs weare solar-powered so i'm going to keep it led and i want to get rid of thisfixture and have something that is closer to the ceiling and you don't bumpyour head on it when you stand next to our dining table i'm also going to swapout this toggle light switch with a

dimmable light switch it's rated forleds leds have very low consumption so not every dimmer works with them so theone i'm putting in is going to be perfect for this install now of coursewe go down to the breaker i wrote all these in here back in 2000 when i wiredthe house we find that it's circuit number 20 and we're gonna turn thatthing off and then we get back up here this is the light we're putting in flushmount leds ceiling light 3000 degrees kelvinsoft white 2300 lumens fully dimmable 10% to 100% get a close-up look of ithere got this on amazon i'm gonna link it down in the video description foryour convenience if you're interested in

one along with the light switch and theenergy cost estimate this at 4 dollars and 82 cents per year for me that's freebecause i'm solar powered and here's the light switch we're gonna put in this isthe best one i could find very quiet it does not light up at night or anythingit just has a slider and the on/off switch turns it on or off whatever useleft this light or at during last use this is the unit we're installing theunder side with the wires comes with these little stabilizing foam piecesthat you have to pull out comes with instructions pretty basic i'm gonna walkyou through it step by step anyway so you won't even have to look at thoseinstructions remember that you have to

follow the national electrical code inyour local code and make sure that you are licensed and allowed to doelectrical work in the house and these are the twists that come with it thoseare the caps this is the plastic piece that diffuses the light this is lightlittle flimsy these are the packing pieces that you have to get rid of andin there are all the little led light emitting diodes there you have it andwe're gonna get this thing up in the ceiling so and here's some details aboutit the model number and so on and it's the scr type of dimmer and that's itpretty simple this thing's lightweight 18 inches in diameter and there's theold fixture make sure to take the glass

and light bulbs off before you go todisconnect it makes it lighter and if you drop it nothing's gonna break twophillips head screws here we're gonna pull those out i put this box in andmounted it between two rafters very heavy-duty and now we're just gonnauncap everything and i'm gonna use the new caps that came with the new lightfixture so we're just gonna get rid of this old one here there are the groundwires those are the bare ones and then we have the hot which is the black andthe ground which is the white wire if they appear damaged you're gonna want tostrip those off and get a fresh connection piece there and make surethere isn't gonna be any exposed wire

when you put it all back together andthese little studs came with it these threaded pieces so we're gonna use theones that came with the light this receiver box that i have for the fixturehandles both the large diameter and these small diameter screws we're gonnaget them started in there so we have less distance to screw once we put thefixture up there that's the cap i was just holding up there now we have it thewhite wire going to the white wire black to black and then that yellow one with alittle stripe on it goes to your ground and make sure that they're nice andtight and then we're gonna stuff them up into this box here so we can push thelight fixture up against it there it is

so we put it through the holes turn itto the left so that and we didn't need washers for it so it was great just itwas now let's get rid of this old switch this is a flip type toggle switch againit did not dim the lights before it was just on or off so now we're gonnainstall this really nice slider dimmer switchthis is for a single pole switch or a 3-way switch it has some wires for bothand we're going to get this old one out of here you're gonna see your wires ofcourse remember the outlet circuit is offand all we're doing is interrupting the hot lead so that's itand we straighten out the wires here so

that they'll go on to the new ones andthen we've done it the red wire to the black and black to black the green wiregoes into your box and connects your ground screw so that's easily done alsoyou notice that there's a red wire with a white stripe that's if you were usingthis for a three-way switch we're gonna want to put a cap on that the blue capcame with the unit we want to make sure that it doesn't have contact of coursewith any hot leads in there there it is that switch is installed and we're readyto go we want to test that fixture before we close it up so let's flip theswitch back on service is restored we have power to the switch turn the switchon and there you have it it works so

this is a time when you want to evaluatethe unit if there was something wrong or one of the diodes wasn't working you'dwant to take this town and send it back all the diodes work great the slider isnice and smooth and i'm very happy with that so now we can go ahead and finishputting the pieces together here this is a close up again just count the diodes iknow this is not a focus but this is where you take the time to reallyevaluate everything before you put it all together you want to kind of savesome time and yeah that's it so here we are the covers on diffusers oneverything's great very easy to install again eighteen inches 18 inches in diameterabout 3 and 3/4 inches from the ceiling

down to the face of this plate and thelight is very even you can't really make out the individual diodes until it's onthe lowest setting here it is from a distance and if you remember we cancompare that to what it used to look like with the old light there and i'mvery happy with it and i hope this installation walkthrough it helps youout and everything's in the video description thanks again for watching

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