dining room chair seat covers

dining room chair seat covers

in this video were showing you how toupholster seating so what's this called a cushion yeahcalled a seat cushion and it already had fabric on there with the cushionmaterial so all we're doing is just reupholster in it so maria does a lot ofcool stuff she does stained glass i don't you do she's good at selling stuff sewing she's good at sewing and john wasnice enough to let me use his stapler because the one that i purchased icouldn't find the gauge the correct gauge staples to get so make sure whenyou buy one you buy the staple flip it you want to pull it tight or around thecorners this is it what i'll do is i

will i will trim the back when i gethome and put um cut this off and put anti fray on it i picked a design thatif you have like flowers or something you want to really be careful aboutexactly where to put it so maybe put pins in to to put the design exactlywhere you want it and leave about three to four inches on either side so that itlays right this fabric is nice that i don't have to worry about positioningthat much i cut it and then i sewed around to give me some parts that idon't have to go back to fix later this is the old the old one see how it'sdirty and this is just a quick way to freshen them upi did not do it on the last one but you

want to make sure you have enough giveon either side and i think i need to slide it down a little bit and then istaple closest to me and as i staple i'm pulling it taut so that it's it it's anice and tight fit and that it does not it doesn't crease underneath thanks howdo you make sure you get everything flat because you just turned it aroundmm-hmm so what are you doing you just pull it yeah i just lift it up and pullit make sure it's nice and even i know i wrap it around and don't staple yourfingers yeah and if you have one of those hand ones yourself with it if asksomeone to borrow one i did because it's so much nicer cuz you do it as everytool in the world you do it does have

every tool in the world he's my first alright so where it's rounded i take thecorner and i pull it up and i just try and smooth it out so it looks nice overon the side and then i just save on space and then i keep on going around samething over here it's almost like a hospital corner or a mitered corner youwant to do put back and then just do it again but you're pulling it also all the timei'm pulling it taunt cuz i just any creases so if you want to see here howit looks and how the top looks there's

no creases and there will always be alittle i can tighten this up but to always be rounded spots here becauseit's a corner so i'm just going should bring this up let's see how that's better and then the same on the other side thisis very easy to do you don't have to so this you can try it and and ask for afabric that doesn't fray or just by the no fray so once you're done it's it'ssort of like a glue that it you're going to do this down here first frame is whenthe material separates yes it doesn't you just have to keep going as you goalong

watch your fingers she almost stablesare all right so this has been john wouldu do it and maria arredondo hey thanks for helping make this video maria as udo it all right now

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