dining room chair covers target

dining room chair covers target

hi you guys today i'm going to be doinga clean with me and actually i will be starting my spring cleaning as well soif you guys are wanting some spring cleaning motivation i'm gonna getstarted with that thank goodness because i am so looking forward to springarriving and actually today's video is a collaboration with my friend amy heryoutube channel is called amy darlie i'll have link down below in thedescription box so you guys can check it out she does so many videos that aresimilar to mine lots of cleaning motivation daily vlogs cooking cleanwith me's you guys will definitely love her channel so make sure you check thatout after you watch this video she's a

mommy to two of the sweetest little kidsshe's got a girl and a boy and she's an awesome person so you guys aredefinitely gonna want to check out her channel after this for some morecleaning motivation now i'm gonna get started with my cleaning i hope you guysenjoy it i've got a lot of cleaning to do and i'm gonna get started with thatspring cleaning like i said so you guys are gonna be able to get your housesfresh and clean and ready to go for the springtime so let's get startedokay guys so in this video i will be cleaning a lot of stuff that i usuallyclean but i will be throwing in quite a few things that need to be cleaned thatdon't normally get cleaned so this is

where the spring cleaning comes in soi'm gonna clean up my kitchen here but when i'm done cleaning up the kitchen iwill be doing some areas that don't get cleaned very often so they're probablygoing to be looking pretty nasty if you guys have a chance to look on my windowyou will see that we still have a ton of snow so even though it looks like springis nowhere near arrived where i live because we got lots of snow this year idefinitely can feel it in like the fact that the days are getting a lot longerthank goodness because i cannot stand a long long night so that's how i feelthat spring is coming and i'm just getting in the mode to get this cleaningdone and get the house ready actually

before spring arrives that way we canjust have the house fresh and clean for my countertops today i am using themethod granite cleaner it smells really great and this is the first time i'vetried it in my kitchen so far so good i really like it i got this cleaner fromgrove collaborative i've got a ton of cleaning supplies that i just got fromthem so i'm thinking about filming a haul for you guys so you guys can checkout the stuff that i picked up but if you guys are interested in purchasingfrom the grove collaborative i do have the link down below in my descriptionbox where you guys can get a five-piece cleaning set for free with a $20purchase so go ahead and check out that

link down below normally for spring cleaning you willwant to clean out your microwave - cleaned out just a few days ago so i'mnot going to be doing that today but if you guys are cleaning your kitchensdefinitely make sure that your microwave is cleaned out during your springcleaning chores okay so now i'm gonna get to the stuff that i don't often getto clean like the chandelier in the kitchen it's gotten pretty dusty overthe past year so i'm just taking a warm wet cloth and dusting it offit wouldn't work if i used one of those feathery dusters because that dust isstuck on there so you definitely have to

wipe it well also you're going to want to make surethat you wipe your windows i took the screens off the windows so that i canwipe the glass and make sure that it is polished nice and clean another thing on my list for springcleaning is the doors and the handles of the doors and the baseboards so i'mtaking a hot cloth and my rosemary mrs. myers spray and i'm just washing themall making sure that there are no fingerprints or smudge marks and theyare all nice and clean this goes for the kitchen covers as well you don't want tomake sure all the cupboard doors are

clean i cleaned the cupboard doors notthat long ago when i did my kitchen declutter i'll link that above for youguys if you want to check that out but that just meant that i didn't have somuch wiping to do because i just did a little bit of spot cleaning this timesince i did that not too long ago already but it's funny even though i didthat not too long ago the kids still managed to get fingerprints and juicemarks and spills all over the cabinet so i definitely have to stay on top of thatnow here's another thing that i should probably clean a lot more often but i dooften forget about it just because we're usually so busy this is the range fanhood and it does tend to build up a lot

of grease so i am using dawn dish soapwith a hot cloth and it is doing a great job it's cutting through the greasequite easily i still might get one of those stainless steel sponges for theglass because there are a couple of spots that were quite sticky and hard toget off but for the most part it has done a great job and cleaned it right up if your fridge it needs a good cleaningthis is where you'll want to clean it out i also just cleaned out my fridgelast week so it's really not very messy so i'm just gonna spot clean iteverything was washed thoroughly last week thank goodness because that cutdown some of the time in the spring

cleaning because i've got a lot ofthings to clean today so i was very happy that at least that was out of theway i just wanted to give a shout out tohappiness boutique they sent me a couple of really cute jewelry pieces i reallyreally liked them this necklace is adorable i've worn it like every day forthe past week and so is this like three tiered necklace i really really likethat one as well so if you guys want to check them out they are on instagramit's happiness boutique you guys how have i not used the methodwood polish before it smells amazing and i've seen it many times in the storesand i've never purchased it before so

this is my first time using it but ireally really liked it it smells great and it did a great job of polishing upthe wood i've stayed for two haand she please all right so now that the kitchen isdone i can head on over into the living room and get started on my springcleaning in there first i've just got some laundry to get put away the laundryis never-ending around here so you're always gonna find some laundry hangingaround on my couch or my kitchen table or my stairs basically everywhere youwill see clean laundry because we have four kids and that's just the way weroll around here now that all of the

clutter is put away in the living roomi'm gonna go ahead and vacuum the couches so once i'm done vacuuming thesurface of the couches i'm going to lift those cushions and vacuum up all of thecrumbs and the crud and the gross mess that gathers under those cushions andjust get that all cleaned up like you you know you are the reasonreason why i feel like i can fly and i love it when you kiss me love itwhen we touch every time they don't know you make me smile you're the solution here i'm just gonna freshen up mycouches with my homemade four breeze now if you guys are wondering how i make iti just add some of my favorite fabric

softener with some water in a spraycontainer and i spray the couches now sometimes i do take the couch cushionsoff and i just wash them in the washing machine but today i'm just going tofreshen them up with my homemade febreze the tv is another spot where we usuallyforget to clean so i'll just use my little feathery duster there and idusted it off same thing with our fireplace it gets a little bit dusty soi used my duster and now i'm just cleaning the glass with my glass cleanerup over here on the windowsill that also usually gets neglected all year long soit is a gathering place for dust so that needs to be wiped down really well andi'm also going to be doing the windows

and just making sure that all of thefingerprints and any marks or anything like that are polished and cleaned offthis window ledge tends to get pretty sticky and dirty sometimes the kidsplace their cups over there so there may be some cup marks and dust set gathersso i'm also doing the baseboards as i go along in each room now this is where it gets scary withmoving the coaches there's all sorts of toys and dust bunnies and crumbs hangingout under there so this area needs to be thoroughly cleaned so i swept up all ofthe bigger pieces through that in the trash now in fact you make up any dustthat is left behind and then i'll go

ahead and wash the floors same at thebaseboards back here those need to be washed very well as well because theyhave dust all over them because that area really doesn't get touched veryoften i try to fight you over this showuseless you circle around me like always ending with a kiss if jeff was home these coaches would bea lot easier to move but he is gone to work right now so i'm on my own movingthese guys around they wouldn't be so hard to move except that the rug is inthe way so it's making it a little bit challenging to get those couches in theright spots but i got it done so if that

is definitely a bonus another thing that you'd like toprobably check off of your spring cleaning list is it getting your arearug shampooed this one here we will be taking to a cleaner to get shampooedbecause i tried it with my bizzle green machine before and it worked but it wasa lot of work and it took a long time to dry there's nothing i can do this front area is going to get a littlebit of a special attention because it is a very busy area in our house this isthe entrance that we use so there's a

lot of dust on the baseboards the frontdoor has fingerprints and little scuff marks on itso i'm just gonna make sure everything is wiped down by the way the rosemarymrs. myers cleaning spray smells amazing i love how it smells botanical it's justa nice and fresh scent for spring so if you guys don't have that one and youlike mrs. myers products definitely go ahead and try the rosemary one becauseit's one of my favorites now in your bedroom you will want to usefresh and clean sheets when you're doing your spring cleaning this is usuallywhere i like to open my bedroom window but it is still pretty cold outside hereso i am gonna open it but just for a

couple of minutes just to get thatcrispness into my bedroom so it smells nice and fresh in here also if you havelampshades you are going to want to vacuum all the dust off of those becausei often forget to do that like honestly this may be the first time i've evervacuumed off the dust and you don't really notice it because of the color ofthe lampshades but there was definitely dust sitting on the surface of the lampssame with the tops of the mirrors i vacuumed off the dust bunnies there andnow i'm just wiping down my full-size mirror here on the freeway

kazik clichethis is mob take my hand we'll make it somehow now that i've cleaned my window in mywindow ledge i'm just heading over to the tv dusting it off and same with mydresser i'm just going to clean that and again i'm seriously obsessed with thisrosemary mrs. myers cleaning spray it smells so yummy now again i'm just gonna make sure thati have the doors and the handles and the baseboards and light switches all wipedown and clean so now there are no fingerprints or little dirty marks fromlittle tiny fingers on my doors

this is where i am attempting to open myfrozen window just to get a little bit of fresh air into the house only a fewmore weeks guys until i can leave that window open all day most of you know ilive up north right by the us canada border so it is still really cold andsnowing up here but it's only a matter of time before we have some nice weatheri'm super jealous of my southern friends because i noticed you guys have somewarm weather spring is basically already there for you guys but everybody who'sstill cold and snowy hang in there springs around the corneranyhow i hope you guys enjoyed my video i hope you guys got some motivation foryour spring cleaning don't forget to

subscribe down below so you guys don'tmiss any of my future videos and see you guys next time bye

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