dining room ceiling light fixtures

dining room ceiling light fixtures

hey what's up guys it's matt from matt's bigdream and today i'm gonna show you guys how to install this light fixture lighting ceiling fixture with new onehere nice new one. we are gonna be do it yourself diy today.let's get started so, here are the tools that i'm gonna use forthis project got a knife screwdriver couple pairs apliers, one that can cut a wire and a gopro the head straps so i can make avideo alright guys very first thing you want to dois to make sure you hit the breaker this my breaker here and this the onethat goes to that light

after testing it make sure that itis it make sure you cut the power. do thissafely, guys so the next thing i'm going to do is take of the old light fixture that comes out like that alright here are your wire caps see you got a copper to copper. gray or black to black, and a white take those off

hold on to those wire ties we can reuse those this is your ground take all that out don't break anything alright, now that we got the old light off, we are going to open the new light fixture alright, we got our instructions. it's pretty simple now we're gonna put together the new light fixture

next we are going to take off the old mounting bracket, with these two screws here the new chandelier came with it's own we are gonna put the new one in next we are gonna choose the length of chain we are going to need to hang this decide where we want it and use two pairs of pliers to open these easier secure the chain next thing we are going to weave this wire through the chain not every link, but every few links at least

that should do it okay now i'm gonna open up the other endattaching at the top so the next thing you need to do you're gonna bring the wires from the new fixture through the center of here and up through the top keep feeding it through until you get rid of all that slack alright next we're going to cut off all theslack we dont need all that

we just need it about here and now cut this one too this one is says to attach to this green grounding screwhere wrap that around a couple times and tighten it up we are also going to wrap it around this grounding wire that was already up here just for extra protection ok according to instructions the wirethat's marked with the writing i don't know if you can see that it goes to the black

and we are going to put a cap on it and the unmarked to the white put a cap on it and we are going to push this up in there really good get them out of the way what the heck? ok guys don't follow instructions theinstructions don't tell you to put this on the light fixture until last but it's too late and now i have to take some thingsapart

and put it back on alright, so this needs to go over everything alright we are going to put this collar on alright, next try to screw these in evenly do not over tighten these you can break the glass next we are going to put in some light bulbs alright now we are going to flip that breaker back on

and there you have it guys our brand new chandelier light fixture is put up ready to go looking beautiful pretty easy project the only suggestion i would make is don't read the instructions if you use common sense it would have went pretty well but i followed the instructions and a part ididn't have on they told me to install on the light fixture last and it needed to go on with the rest so there you have it i hope this helps you guys if it does give it a thumbs up and subscribe to matt's big dream to be updated on all our projects and how-to's

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