dining room captain chairs

dining room captain chairs

hey one this max from cg max sevenand in tutorial we going to create ah dining table over here and in 3dsmax so i'm going to start with the box and just scale it downjust make sure it's centered of the pivot so just right clicking - 0 0 0 in the x y z axis so i'm going to scaleit up into y or the width just coming to my modifier and given thevalue of 3 by 3 by 3 so these 3 by 3 by 3 will give me the supporting loops so when im going to apply turbo smooth these edges will be holding down to the corner so what i'm going to do is select these two edges over here

and holding on control you can convert edge selection into vertix and then scaling out to the corners since i got this that i'mgoing to select these center of vertices and just scale it out it's close to thecorners so depend how you want the sharp so as you can see over here applying by turbo smooth go to the corners so as you can see overhere is applying bite element and get these corner edges over here so if youbring those edges more further and it becomes sharper so just switch tomy vertices and select these vertix and becomes more sharper just scale it out just to give just more like a rounder corner edges and again checking with the turbo smooth

and i think its just fine and change something lil bit dark the stancestarted back just get it out and then you can go to a little bitcause again oops over here over here again holding downctrl select those to convert that at selection into products and from themeds to scale it out over here

now sitting to the side move i can asyou can see in the total ship roses for safetyabout the feeling precisely so i'll keep applying the talismans andswitching to contain to edge mode this allows me to follow the edge over herejust all the way and again i can switch to the non apply the top is just for checking purposes it's going downwards local normal groupworks more like global

in the states please wait because deleting those faces as i'm going to dothe slippery over here so don't create those places we got this and make sure in life because if y'all want to apply thiswicked make thrilled with the vitamins in the center

and just applying this retreat the boat is they are questionable thereis a difference between there's another modifier called mirror that doesn'tallow you to merge those vortices however i just right-click and lappedall just to make all the information then i can just stick those edges andmaybe just doing a sham for the waves chamfered allows me to control one edgeinto tube and that's what i was looking for it may be just little bit tweakingwith this there you go once i got this then i can select thosefaces and just extrude them out yeah again it's on the group so that's finecan go to side view and just bring it

forward to y-axis and those goes all theway into the pigs so i'm switching to different moves byhitting all w by the way so let's bring it forwardx- just right click over here it comes into the central bed and i just needthose spaces and i can't find another symmetry keep it in eggs and just going throughthis mcphee and they just move it again collapse all yes i guess being a campus to the supportinglocal so i'm going to have to initially

after the powers see it better so against the coop already laterbecause and again so soup adding to the corner so that when i'mgoing to apply the turbosmooth i have supported loop into the corners i meanhere i'm just i'm with the connector so i'm gonna slide them through the cornersexcept and i can do the same over here but the best part is that it remembersthe last values so it's already happened in the last value that's over here just have a little bit cold

this elect holders just and by the wayif you select one edge and hit all are we can do a ring that's a shortcutbefore the ring increase the attraction will holidays and this looks great see inches this becomes more realisticrather than cv and i highly advise to those new students which calculating themodels they don't go with the supporting loops and that's why their mark lookspretty cg because i'm cg everything looks i mean if you see the corner edgesthey looks pretty sharp which in real world it doesn't it

however in here and just switch to myshape tool and is greater than to the line on here for the chair and the point that works like a champ old convert onepoint into two and so is going to rendering enabling two renders intoviewport and render as well just going to apply some length no to educate kensington bowes hinges and justsplitting them into two and there's a situation that i need topick this number in this scenario

when can do as many and i'm going to use a little bitdifferent strategies by him a little bit and this timerather than you know going to right-click andis like on fire these stacking loaders allow you to goback and change what immediate against those edge thank you right now i just hit the ball so i did becausei just need to you know abdominus onto

the backside let's run out five fivesegments over here again he's ages i'm just going for my top view what it seems and sorry about that it'sactually just didn't record it well so what i did is just selecting thoseproducts and just bring them backward so nothing fancy just selecting thosevertices and just bring in them little bit backward just giving some nicerounded shape and this how i just make them talk to betray shoes don't go higher and withthat minute otherwise your pc ket and of

beasts rent because you're adding to anypolyester for the foot put me in another box over here start with the low so that you havewe're like a can control the quality if you go higherlet's say 16 or 12 or 22 is way too high and it's really hard to controlbut again it depends on the situation in my opinion just startedso again just licking those words isn't just bring them to the corner get those edgesi'm just bringing to the corners again trying to get around achievement ongoogle time

that gives you much control basically can't selecting those verdicts and justkind of scale them in so that i have a paper shit over here so it matches with the dining table then the same to me and that's life about sweetie that youknow step by step two keys which vortices never change and now just selecting those three faces

by the way i can do by angle so itselectively ball on the alleyway in this any object under select three boys facesand just extrude them out but when ii'm going to do the mirror it's going to combine as one making these pieces i wanted some littlebit paper over here so he's going to collect by holding on shit so take that apologyand change the angle of the by adding a new hold on shift so just change theangle of the faces so with this edge i can do chambord and bring my sham partlittle bit down doing some segments on

it maybe three i guess they got this then i'm going to startadding the for loops this so i'm just going to fing it back tea selecting those bodies is quiteholding down alt that is known as edge flow so when you adding the loops makesure every box looks perfectly fine i mean the gapping it in-between doesn'thave to be so much tight if it's tight that how do looks weird when it's goingto do to smooth out so you want to make

sure that we are making it a good niceclean edge flow swish to my hair policyon display and you might be wondering why should wego in that video well it's see you won you just don't make sure you don't beif someone tells captain is my parents and also one i mentioned that cannotship tomorrow and every talent has last students do this mistake there checktheir models only in one way and the other way it looks make sure to checkthem on in every angle should be looking

perfectly fine so it's to another circleover here looks okay to me it's like peaceusually sometimes so we have owners - and just do of connect over herethings of huge segments in this way again as you can see i'mgoing the flow and just bring out these bodies of themmaybe i'm going to find it the soft selection which is more like a queryimportant so as you can see over here and changing my inaudible big here soall our kids me allowed me that how much spent will we go from the time to lu

please might follow a little bit no fineif you cannot get up too much then obviously the whole object is going tobe move but in more like a from high intensity to low intensity so where youselected that is the high intensity and the gradient will show you where exactlythe low intent is ecoegg not and make sure my snapping angle is turn off andthis is little bit hard sometimes it's i don't know it's a glitch or somethinglike that that happens to me a lot too fattyso i just zoom in and i'm just carefully maybe just give some rotation over hereand just move them into the x-axis to have a nice

get the efficient like to checkeverything it's fine or the checking method i used language yeah another connection 200 extrude except and just move it into the minuses and i was the only to take this and thisis gonna take to get some attention now i'm going to turn on my family snapping

i'm just going to maybe select thoseboys and just kill them do i have select those places and just and eatthem oh in here i need to my father smoothly apply this mitt rendered why isit and is into the center make sure to get out effective atcommunity as well you know i can make sure left i came upon a stream rightand using that mirror make sure i just turn off my flip

make sure both metree are connecting sothat it will connect all the vertices and what i can do is right click maybe tuesday so i just madea copy over here just in case if i lose this and just always go back that'salways good idea do you have a backup over there i'm just going to selectthese faces and just delete them or this you just understand make thewaters i did thatwith on shift and scooted out antenna or jump ship and smooth it out and thatgives me those edges industry

maybe just kill them just givin ya supply the total food no if i see thisthe center instance and there's a mess going on the defaultnow it's happening the loop is not working because of the anymoreyou see the symmetry over here the center edge is line you see that send in life as making alearner use the cut tool and byzantine eel one day let's go to a tough fieldand understand where to select it would

slice and then quick slice doesn't careabout the two of you just make the line what i did is just click that it goes all the way againcontrolled that basically the game's good slice just click anddraw the line and then click ctrl backspace to get rid of it and if youhave a supporting loop over here and if you see now all mesh pairs molag on whatexcept this edge and if i delete it looks like this which i don't want it sothis is a problematic so in order to dissolve this see

because 10 gone is more like a five-timebasis and you want to make sure that your mesh has four side faces trianglesare okay which has three excited but an gone part on acceptable so what i did isjust selecting the heads and just doing a sham poured over here it allows methat geometry comes into what how i can apply the talismanthe pony is indication nice make sure i'm making any cookso that i feel a copy over here

with one shift and dried outand i'm nervous take this goes nothing shit copy strengthen boatcoppy okay and just do another round over here and they have it good flow with the edge workingand if you have any questions let me know in the comment section andsubscribe to the line and if you do nate no yeah

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